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Global Warming

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  • #31
    Too “cool“ to work lately despite some deadlines, but I've decided to do just my article and leave the book for next month. (The book needs just polishing, it's already written.) Sometimes it feels real cool to not respect deadlines (at least the ones that can be postponed).
    Good luck at that restaurant in the other thread, Jordan.
    Best regards,


    • #32
      I'm running as the candidate of the Social Libertarian New Capitalist Party.
      This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

      Stan Reid


      • #33
        Are we dicussing global warming or climate change and/or both?

        Putting my tuppence worth in, both are complete bollocks.

        Previously when industrial nations have been called to account for general pollution and devastation of rain forests etc they just stayed silent.

        Today we are beating politicians and smog purveyours off with a stick who want to profess to being carbon neutral and wannabee tree huggers. Yuk!


        Easy. It's just another stick with which to beat the average Joe and lay the blame at his door, for each and every one of the mistakes that Governments the world over has made.

        Climate change is a big con that must be resisted. The science dosen't include mini iceages like we had here in England in the 13th to 17th centuries when the Thames froze over. We had man made smog in London from the 11th up until the mid 20th century.

        If the climate DIDN'T CHANGE then evolution as a theory would be a dead duck. Think about it.

        My thinking is; cut out the middle man and grow your own, together with your neighbours, local and at large. See what happens then to the lazy bastards who deign to govern with a God like authority.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Derrick View Post
          Are we dicussing global warming or climate change and/or both?

          Putting my tuppence worth in, both are complete bollocks.

          Climate change is a big con that must be resisted.

          Well now we know your opinion, but what do you actually know?

          Most deniers don't bother to read, those that do seem to misunderstand what they are reading.
          If you are in neither of these groups then here is the latest full Climate Report.

          There are eight downloadable .pdf's on this link, educate yourself.

          Then more recent findings..

          An analysis of national temperatures and precipitation each month, placing the data into a historical perspective

          An analysis of global temperatures and precipitation, placing the data into a historical perspective
          Regards, Jon S.


          • #35
            Here is an interesting letter written three years ago by Piers Corbyn:

            LETTER TO NEWSPAPERS BY Piers Corbyn, WeatherAction, Delta House 175-177 Borough High St, London SE1 1HR - 11 September, 2008


            The King's North power station judgement wherby criminal damage to energy infrastructure is legitimized in the name of campaigning against 'Climate Change' must be subject to Retrial or Appeal which can expose the falsity of the new Green Religion on which the judgement relies.

            The decision is a victory for brainwashing for the baseless ideology that every notable WEATHER event is presented as driven by man-made CO2 Global Warming and consequent 'CLIMATE Change'. Whatever seemed apparent 10 years ago the facts are: World temperatures have been falling for ten years while CO2 is rapidly rising; the Arctic was more melted than present from 10,000 to 1,000 years ago when there was much less CO2 and there is no evidence that CO2 has, does, or ever will drive temperatures or climate (indeed the relation is more the other way around).

            Oil companies - check their websites - and governments love Global Warming hysteria because it enables them to profit from risng energy prices, carbon fixing, trading and 'Green' taxes. The problem now is that daily brainwashing by media and 'experts' on the green gravy train is so much past a tipping point that action from green zealots threatens law and order and energy infrastructure.

            In July an international group of 13 independent scientists wrote to the UN Climate Committee (IPCC) asking for evidence that CO2 drives world temperature and climate. They have been ignored just as Tim Yeo MP - chair of the Commons Environment Audit Committee - is also unable to answer the question. Open government is now sacrificed to the New Green Religion.

            To help readers prepare for the next deluge of climate hype note that Britain and Ireland will suffer a series of major damaging deluges and floods during the period 15th to 28th Sept and these were forecast by WeatherAction using solar activity 7 months ago. Green zealots will doubtless claim these events confirm their beliefs but will pause to ask: How many more very wet summers (these are not in their script!) must we suffer before the truth emerges?

            PIERS CORBYN

            Weather Action


            • #36
              Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
              Here is an interesting letter written three years ago by Piers Corbyn:

              Oil companies - check their websites - and governments love Global Warming hysteria because it enables them to profit from risng energy prices, carbon fixing, trading and 'Green' taxes. The problem now is that daily brainwashing by media and 'experts' on the green gravy train is so much past a tipping point that action from green zealots threatens law and order and energy infrastructure.

              PIERS CORBYN

              Weather Action[/I]
              Absolutely, we are all being taken to the cleaners by 'greenwashing' & 'Climate hype', but this does not mean the climate is not changing.

              Just because Doctors, Lawyers & Undertakers all profit from the dying, does not mean nobody is dying!

              Regards Jon S.
              Regards, Jon S.

