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Cricket, lovely cricket

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  • Fantastic and what a win-what a victory for England ! Lets celebrate that Monty! Ignore the sour grapes ---a win was completely and utterly out of their reach!


    • Ah,

      Sunk to the level of grammar police now huh? Last bastion of the defeated and witless.

      What's that? You suck willy for bus money and then walk home anyway? I really wish you'd keep your private life to yourself....
      Oop, getting personal now? I love pushing your buttons. Dance for me, go on, dance.

      Thats what I like about you Adam, so sophisticated. You sit there in your BBQ sauce stained string vest, gut hanging out, in front of the TV, giving it a load of hard yabber with a tinny in yer hand...wait, thats not a tinn.....eeewwwwww, put it away son.

      You work? Come on, what you do? Chicken Boner? Bet you are. You Bone Chooks dont you?

      3 inning defeats mate, 3 inning defeats....Ill (oop, grammar Police) I'll say it again. 3 inning defeats.

      Hughes, Beer n Smith are your future. Oh Christ, Id be depressed if I were you. And bitter. Yes, you are indeed bitter. I dont blame you. We have a better cricket team, better rugby team and we are far better looking.

      Never mind, you still have Dame Eda. She is funny, at times, when she pulls that funny face....its a man you know. Bet you didnt, got you through puberty didnt she?

      Monty who has made his donation to The McGrath Fountation even though his team HAMMERED yours.

      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


      • What do you get if you cross the Australian cricket team with an Oxo cube?

        A laughing stock.


        • Originally posted by Stephen Thomas View Post
          What do you get if you cross the Australian cricket team with an Oxo cube?

          A laughing stock.

          Poor old Adam. Can I PM you my email address for GSTQ?

          Best wishes,


          • Natalie:

            What about Perth then?
            Loving these short memory spans….


            I fail to understand how correcting your grammar makes ME “witless” – I think you’re just embarrassed to be constantly corrected by somebody half your age – an Aussie at that. It’s understandable.

            What do I do? Actually, I’m a storeman by day, amongst a variety of other roles inclusive in that. Then aside from that I’m always working on writing and journalism, be it the next Ripperology article, or local projects – there are a couple of them coming up which I am very much looking forward to. And then on top of that, one or two afternoons a week, I do voluntary work for a local animal shelter for the homeless and neglected. See, I’m a nice boy. So why can’t you be as nice?

            And what is it that you do exactly?

            Give Smith and Hughes a break, they are only my age, they’ve got years to become the superstars that they will be – remember, Shane Warne took 1 for 150 odd on debut as well. “The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!”


            You can PM me your e-mail, if you’re too ashamed of yourself to post it up here…



            • Yes Adam,

              You're a nice boy alright. Zzzzzzzz

              Me? I've signed the Official hush hush act, can't tell you. Suffice to say I'm not nice. Someone has to do the nasty stuff.

              Half my age, half my wit (ergo 'witless') and half my intelligence.

              Your future isn't bright at all. I warned you. I told you McGrath, Warne and Gilly would go and then you'd be waining. I warned you that I saw no talent coming through at all. This is you for the next 5 years at best. Ponting will go next and pow, the downfall is complete.

              We have now accomplished what we set out to do after our last series defeat to you. Win back to back series. That includes winning in your back yard. We didn't just win, we taught you a lesson. Your team has average talent and cannot handle the pressure. Your fans are shocking. You only support when they are winning and run away, as you did, when getting stuffed. They add to the pressure with false expectations and then, when it collapses around their ears they turn upon their already shellshocked team.

              Our team out performed yours on the field, our supporters out performed yours in the stands. Our bats out gunned yours hugely. Our bowlers crushed your batsmen, best sustained bowling I've ever seen. And Priors Keeping was sublime. Go look at the extras, that is a combination of excellent bowling and keeping.

              And dear boy, this team has some mileage to go. All relatively young. Broad to return, Bresnan to slot into Collys place.

              We've won the urn, and we're taking it home.

              And the way I see it, its gonna stay there for a fair few years.

              Nasty mean Monty


              Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



              • Monty:

                So basically you sit on your ample arse and do nothing all day then. Yes?

                More intelligent than me? Please. I’ve taken dumps that are more intelligent than you.

                It’s very kind of you to have your input on what’s wrong with my team, and how crap we will be for a while to come, but what I get to see that you don’t is the talent that’s coming through the state ranks at the moment. For instance, there’s an 18 year old kid that plays for New South Wales, a left handed middle order batsman, named Nic Maddinson – will be an absolute star in years to come. Just to name one. I assure you, the future is very bright indeed. And you will see that when we wipe the floor with you in 2013.

                If you’re so confident, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is, eh?

                Oh yeah, Prior is a fantastic keeper – that’s why he’s getting dropped for the ODI series, is it? Actually, I feel a bit sorry for him. He’s only, what, 26 or 27, and he’s already completely bald – a total chrome dome. Actually, most of your team is either bald or going bald. Must be the Pommy air. Perhaps they should have a word to Warney or Jacques Kallis. ;-)



                • More intelligent than me? Please. I’ve taken dumps that are more intelligent than you.

                  And you wonder why you're single Adam. Your patter is soooo silky. The sheep must flock to you....baaaaa.

                  Back in 2005, when we beat you then, you reassured me that you had the young talent coming through. Well that talent is here today and just got slaughtered. Your reassurances hold no credibility mate.

                  I sit on my ample arse, you talk out of yours.

                  You seriously want me to take more money off you? I told you, you've had enough. I'm not cruel to dumb animals, especially wounded ones.

                  We've got the urn and we're taking it home. Accept our superiority and leave it at that.



                  Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                  • I don't recall discussing out future players with you after the 2005 series, though it was a long time ago (who's living in the past now, eh?) - sure you're not thinking of 2009?

                    Roll on the ODI series so we can flatten you in that at least. A bit of a demoraliser just before the World Cup....



                    • Originally posted by Adam Went View Post
                      I don't recall discussing out future players with you after the 2005 series, though it was a long time ago (who's living in the past now, eh?) - sure you're not thinking of 2009?

                      Roll on the ODI series so we can flatten you in that at least. A bit of a demoraliser just before the World Cup....

                      Yah, you also said it after you got beat in 2009....however I didnt wish to labour the point.



                      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                      • Monty:

                        Well i'm running by the theory that if I keep saying it for long enough, eventually it'll come true and i'll look like a genius. ;-)

                        On a serious note for just a moment, I intend to pay up my $50 of the bet tomorrow. In light of recent events, i'd like to ask for your approval to instead donate it, along with another contribution from myself, to the Queensland floods appeal. No doubt you've heard about it on the news, it's total carnage up there at the moment, and they need every cent they can get, as quickly as they can get it.



                        • Adam,

                          Of course Mate, you don't need my permission.

                          I've already donated to the JMF so they have received something.

                          I've heard of the Queensland disaster on the news, awful, and any help I'm sure will be gratefully accepted. So go for it.



                          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                          • Monty:

                            Thanks for that. I made the donation today and matched my bet with you, so $100 was donated to the floods victims....very little in light of what's going on there but every little bit helps. As I write this there's images on TV of central Brisbane underwater. Horrible.

                            Anyway, first Twenty20 match tonight, presuming it isn't raining in Adelaide as well....



                            • And the march continues.



                              Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                              • Didn’t put enough runs on the board. Needed another 20. I did thoroughly enjoy Shane Watson’s treatment of the hack that is “the best spinner in world cricket,” however.

                                Now, if only our cricketers would show the same resilience and never say die attitude that our friends up in Queensland have been displaying throughout this tragedy…..


