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On The Trail Of The Forgers

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  • Are you feeling ok, Victoria?

    You don't sound quite yourself in those last two posts.

    It's Victor - sorry, Stevie Baby - who has always come across as the defensive one up until now.

    The pair of you usually remind me of one of those little houses, where the lady comes out with a sunny smile and a parasol as the man with the scowl and the umbrella disappears inside, but you never see both figures out at the same time, facing stormy weather together.

    I wonder if the mechanism is wearing out.


    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


    • 'The real truth?' Shirley says so...

      "The Real Truth" ???
      Is there any other type of truth?
      Maybe only a person who could write that would think so.
      Maybe you haven't seen the cover of Shirley Harrison's book?
      Down on the bottom right hand corner it says:
      'The real truth at last!'
      I was making a joke of it.
      Shame you don't know your books gal.

      Steve Powell
      Attached Files


      • Biassed? Two cheeky for me...

        Have any of you troopers noted that I am still a 'cadet'
        and still only have 48 posts to my credit
        no matter how many posts I write?
        Who could this petty programmer be?
        Ally, you are a moderator here, fix it will you
        as I know you couldn't be biased....


        • Haha i have never noticed that Steve !!
          Good point..


          • free speech here .. no bias


            don't blame Ally, she is not biased .. how could she be?
            She is a moderator, yes ? .. so I would imagine that would need
            the qualifications of someone .. like say a 'judge', to be impartial,
            rational and calm. All the qualities that we see in her .. you,
            'Stevie baby" .. need to look for the good in people.

            My post count is incorrect also, by about half and I would never think
            that she was deliberately doing that to me .. even though we are,
            'not buddies'.
            Maybe the tally jumps up at certain intervals? Why worry .. it makes
            you look young.
            How am I doing Don?

            Caz, thank you for your concern .. I thought I was ok, but you now have
            me wondering, and put some doubt in my mind.
            Maybe it is time that I sought some help ...
            I can remember those little houses, my grandmother had one .. it fascinated me.
            "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
            of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


            • Who is Steve Powell?

              Yours truly,

              Tom Wescott


              • ..and who are the "Troopers"? Storm Troopers? Stargate Troopers? Do we all wear oversized boots?

                Oh, another question to Mr. Powell: Is Mr. Park alive or dead?


                • Scott,
                  My interpretation of 'Troopers' is along the lines of ..

                  We are the troops, as in a troop (origins soldiers?) ... a group of people,
                  ripperologists, or just interested parties, a bit like foot soldiers on the trail of the enemy ..
                  To coincide with the name of the thread "On The Trail Of The Forgers"

                  I believe Steve has said here before, that he came with the intention
                  of telling his story to those interested in the diary, and for them to assist him
                  in fitting the pieces of the puzzle together.

                  Choice of boots or shoes .. entirely optional.
                  Boots for me it is winter here.
                  "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                  of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                  • Originally posted by Steve Powell View Post
                    Maybe you haven't seen the cover of Shirley Harrison's book?
                    Down on the bottom right hand corner it says:
                    'The real truth at last!'
                    I was making a joke of it.
                    Shame you don't know your books gal.

                    Steve Powell
                    Ah, the joke was indeed lost on me until you explained it, you little copycat. I wonder how many others 'got it' without help. Seems your imagina- sorry, lady friend thought you were being deadly serious:

                    Originally posted by Victoria View Post
                    And I am not saying that through any bias that I may have, it is the 'real truth'.
                    But neither cover is mine, of course, and they are not my words either. Covers are not usually my thing unless they really stand out as shocking.

                    I'd have thought the same about the cover of Shirley's Blake edition, had I noticed those words on it before, but then I don't endorse the theory inside in any case. At least Shirley's not here shamelessly plugging it like there's no tomorrow.

                    Is there a tomorrow for your book Stevie Baby?

                    Incidentally, Ally will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think she currently moderates the boards. It is an odd coincidence though, that both you and Stephanie - sorry, Victoria (why do I keep doing that?) have found yourselves 'demoted' in this way and with a correspondingly low post count. Conspiracy theorists might imagine that you both had to register again at some point, possibly due to some technical problem your end that you encountered around the same time.

                    I'm not into conspiracy theories though, so it just looks like a case of tough luck to me.


                    Last edited by caz; 05-30-2009, 01:54 AM.
                    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                    • The Game is up ..

                      Okay Stevie Baby,

                      This has gone on for far too long .. Tom is questioning who you are, even Caz
                      has seen through the facade.

                      I want you to tell the Troopers that you don't exist, you are just my alter ego ...

                      For my part,
                      It has been hard being two people here and it takes up too much of my precious book writing time.
                      I must reflect on why I have done this ..
                      It is a common practise to write a book under a pseudonym .. is it not?

                      It has to be this way Stevie Baby, cause I ain't giving up my identity ...
                      even for you. Though I do love your name, well of course I do because I chose it .. but you really only exist in my mind.
                      I think your talking of the post count was the final giveaway.
                      I have tried to support you here .. so much that it has become far too obvious,
                      but you are not winning many friends nor influencing many people .. except me of course, so I will just go on alone.
                      As consolation to you though .. I will use your name for my book, I do like it's sound.

                      best regards,
                      your other self
                      "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                      of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                      • Hi Victoria,

                        Very many congrats. This latest post of yours shows me what a genuine talent you have for imitating another poster's writing style - in this case Stevie Baby's, and to absolute perfection. I'd have been totally fooled if you hadn't used your own name on this one.

                        I just hope you will stick to impersonating the one male poster in future and not try to extend your talents to 'do' anyone else. That's quite a weapon you were concealing, if I may say so.

                        Well done, you are sailing through to the semi-finals.


                        Amanda Holdon-Too

                        PS Whoops - got a bit carried away there and thought I was judging "Britain's Got Talent". Of course, it's "Who's Got Talent Down Under?"
                        Last edited by caz; 06-01-2009, 02:14 PM.
                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • For lost Caroline.

                          Have you nothing good to say?
                          Is yours a lonely soul
                          with nothing more to give
                          than words of spite,
                          a giggling gleeful rage?
                          Who hurt your weary heart
                          and blunted your sharpened mind?
                          Ah, but if you could only hear
                          your silent screams of help,
                          maybe your scorn would melt away
                          and you could dance once again like before.
                          Your pain will only consume you
                          until you eventually disappear.

                          Steve Powell


                          • Hi Stevie Baby,

                            I'd have thought you'd be thrilled to hear that Victoria hero-worships you so much that she can write just like you. Oh well. There's no pleasing some people.

                            Have you only lies to tell
                            about Feldy and Keith Skinner?
                            Is yours a lonely soul
                            with no proof to give
                            just words of spite,
                            a bitter twisted rage?
                            Who used your stunted mind
                            to harden your rotten heart?
                            Ah, but if you could only know
                            how much your 'truth' needs help,
                            maybe your blinkers would slide away
                            and you could see who's the fool.
                            Your filth can only consume you
                            until you wish you could turn back time.


                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • Caz,

                              That was especially poignant. Would you mind writing Hutchinson's eulogy? I don't think he has been treated fairly.




                              • Why thank you Caz,

                                for voting me into the semi-finals, I do so appreciate your vote.

                                I am a little concerned if just say for some reason I had misrepresented myself
                                and 'fooled' you again .. meaning here that if I were really Stevie Baby and that there
                                is no such entity as Victoria.
                                Not that this might be the case of course, I am only speaking hyperthetically.
                                Would I be disqualified or could it possibly add to my talent count?
                                Whoever I really am, I am either not sure, or undecided at present ..
                                But I do promise not to 'do' anyone else, because once you start ... that
                                created character assumes a life of it's own and just doesn't give up.
                                "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                                of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"

