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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
    Mmmmmm, much as the majority of Trump voters will get little or nothing from his administration's much vaunted tax cuts.

    What on earth has this to do with the wall? I made a relevant and reasonable response to your post on the wall. Is it too much to expect a relevant response from you?


    • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
      There's even more reason to be cautious about making premature judgments on how successful a presidency will be delivered by someone as naive and inexperienced as Donald Trump. Just because he's shot his mouth off in a crude and populist manner in his first year is no basis for calling him "the greatest president of my lifetime". It's not even a basis for suggesting that he will even become a great president; quite the contrary, if anything.
      I was not disagreeing with you, the Obama Nobel peace prize is a prime example of that. Obama was a "community organiser" then a senator for a couple of years? I'm not sure how that politically stacks up against being in business for 50 years.

      I'm not sure Trump has the stuff to be regarded as a "Great President" but these judgements are usually made long after someone is out of office. Will he be better than the mediocre Obama? Nothing I've seen from him so far indicates he wont.

      He still has plenty of time to muck things up.


      • I always found it amusing that the fact that Obama had at one time been a "community organizer" made those on the right go crazy as though there was something actually wrong with that and that that had been the only job he ever had. Amusing since the essence of right wing philosophy is that everyone needs to take personal responsibility and not rely on government to pull themselves up. Obama simply tried to help those in his community better themselves. And it was something he did for just a short time right after college.

        So while ripping Obama for only being a "community organizer" they conveniently glossed over the fact that he had also been a professor at the University of Chicago law school (not too shabby in and of itself) as well as a state senator and United States senator. He has no experience the right cried! Yet, they put forth as a candidate Donald Trump who never held ANY political office before being elected president. None. Zip. Nada. Yes, but he has real world experience they claimed as though the United States is a business.

        Welcome to the world of politics.



        • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
          I always found it amusing that the fact that Obama had at one time been a "community organizer" made those on the right go crazy as though there was something actually wrong with that and that that had been the only job he ever had. Amusing since the essence of right wing philosophy is that everyone needs to take personal responsibility and not rely on government to pull themselves up. Obama simply tried to help those in his community better themselves. And it was something he did for just a short time right after college.

          So while ripping Obama for only being a "community organizer" they conveniently glossed over the fact that he had also been a professor at the University of Chicago law school (not too shabby in and of itself) as well as a state senator and United States senator. He has no experience the right cried! Yet, they put forth as a candidate Donald Trump who never held ANY political office before being elected president. None. Zip. Nada. Yes, but he has real world experience they claimed as though the United States is a business.

          Welcome to the world of politics.

          Indeed, CD, and from what I have read, Trump may have multi-million dollar businesses, but he appears to have defaulted on paying his bills many times over and has filed for bankruptcy several times.

          I am astonished that some people consider him the greatest president in their lifetime - but then I am only a humble UK citizen.

          I wonder what the late Mrs Thatcher would have made of him? Mincemeat, perhaps?


          • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
            I always found it amusing that the fact that Obama had at one time been a "community organizer" made those on the right go crazy as though there was something actually wrong with that and that that had been the only job he ever had. Amusing since the essence of right wing philosophy is that everyone needs to take personal responsibility and not rely on government to pull themselves up. Obama simply tried to help those in his community better themselves. And it was something he did for just a short time right after college.

            So while ripping Obama for only being a "community organizer" they conveniently glossed over the fact that he had also been a professor at the University of Chicago law school (not too shabby in and of itself) as well as a state senator and United States senator. He has no experience the right cried! Yet, they put forth as a candidate Donald Trump who never held ANY political office before being elected president. None. Zip. Nada. Yes, but he has real world experience they claimed as though the United States is a business.

            Welcome to the world of politics.

            Yes, welcome to the world of politics. A world where 5 years ago a government shutdown was a disgraceful act. Today a government shutdown is a principled stand against an out of control White House. Today it's evidence the President is not performing his job adequately, but 5 years ago a government shutdown was not the Presidents fault. Welcome to a world where BOTH sides are filled with partisan hypocritical shysters.


            • An interesting story -- I live in Washington, D.C. During the last government shutdown a group of elderly World War II veterans were scheduled to visit the WWII Memorial on the National Mall. Because of the shutdown it was closed and fenced off. A Republican congressman from Texas started to loudly berate a young female Park Ranger for denying them admittance. She politely responded that because of the shutdown the monument was closed and that she (while sympathetic to the veterans) was simply doing what she had been told to do by her superiors. The congressman continued to berate her at which point a number of people stepped forward and said to the congressman "hey ***hole, you and your fellow Republicans voted to shut down the government so leave this young lady alone." It started to get pretty ugly at which point the congressman's staff said it is probably best if we leave.

              So if you don't like politics and politicians just think how I feel. I have to live with these bozos.



              • I greatly enjoyed watching politicians from both sides get up and run their mouths and blame the other side. Their sense of outrage was laughable. The fools didn't realize that when both side have so much ammunition getting up on your high horse is probably not the best strategy. I am surprised that God does not strike them all down for blatant hypocrisy.



                • The thing that confuses me is why christians aren't turned off by the vulgarity


                  • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                    Hadn't you better wait to see what he delivers, and any consequences therefrom, before drawing such a conclusion?
                    The full consequences of changes are seldom obvious in our lifetimes, much less in the few years that a POTUS holds power. One may make a very good (unassailable, IMHO) case that the consequences of Pope Urban II's call for a Crusade in 1095 are still not settled to this day. We have to project likely outcomes, and to a certain extent, guess.

                    Events may well disappoint me. But, for the time being, the fact that Trump is actually trying to solve problems instead of setting his party up for the next election puts him head and shoulders above any recent POTUS. IMHO, the last President who unequivocally put Country before Party was Jimmy Carter, but in his case the man was such an utter numpty that he did more harm than good (albeit with the best of intentions, it ought to be added).
                    - Ginger


                    • Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                      IMHO, the last President who unequivocally put Country before Party was Jimmy Carter, but in his case the man was such an utter numpty that he did more harm than good (albeit with the best of intentions, it ought to be added).
                      Well, shouldn't we wait to see whether Trump doesn't turn out to be another numpty, before we proclaim him a great President?

                      Many politicians may be "trying to solve problems", but that isn't the same as actually solving them. We need to see what they deliver, and judge them on their record not their rhetoric.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                        An interesting story -- I live in Washington, D.C. During the last government shutdown a group of elderly World War II veterans were scheduled to visit the WWII Memorial on the National Mall. Because of the shutdown it was closed and fenced off. A Republican congressman from Texas started to loudly berate a young female Park Ranger for denying them admittance. She politely responded that because of the shutdown the monument was closed and that she (while sympathetic to the veterans) was simply doing what she had been told to do by her superiors. The congressman continued to berate her at which point a number of people stepped forward and said to the congressman "hey ***hole, you and your fellow Republicans voted to shut down the government so leave this young lady alone." It started to get pretty ugly at which point the congressman's staff said it is probably best if we leave.

                        So if you don't like politics and politicians just think how I feel. I have to live with these bozos.

                        So, it's a "shutdown", but a park ranger is being paid to make sure that no-one steps past the sawhorses to look at a monument? That's just the administration being petty..
                        - Ginger


                        • A few decades ago in Rhodesia there was a man whose name was a newsreader's nightmare :


                          • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                            A few decades ago in Rhodesia there was a man whose name was a newsreader's nightmare :

                            I knew his British nephew, Hugh Janus
                            Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                            "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                            • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                              I knew his British nephew, Hugh Janus
                              Bit of an arse as far as I can recall Sam

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • I have managed to trace his line back to the Anals of Ancient Rome, and in particular to a pair of Siamese twins :

