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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • #76
    Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
    And is that not why Trump won? Because poor people and non-white people did vote for him?

    He appealed to the poor and people of colour in the exact same way as Obama did.

    I think that is part of the democratic party's problem, thinking that they can do their virtue signalling and the poor huddled masses will vote for them?

    And the whole Hillary campaign of "We've not had a woman president, I'm a woman, vote for me!" I'm not surprised that the very demographic she was from thought that was patronising told her to bolt and voted for Trump.
    I wonder how the perception that 'Trump appealed to the poor and people of colour' is viewed after his treatment of the people of Peurto Rico following the devastating floods a few months back? Was that an example of 'making America great again?'

    What is interesting to me is that Obama had to step down after two terms. If a third term had been possible, would Trump have run against Obama - and who would the nation have chosen, given that choice?


    • #77
      Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
      And the whole Hillary campaign of "We've not had a woman president, I'm a woman, vote for me!" I'm not surprised that the very demographic she was from thought that was patronising told her to bolt and voted for Trump.
      A warmongering old crone who no doubt covered for her husband while he was trying to hump everything in sight.

      How anyone can hold up Hillary as a positive role model for women is beyond me. They just wanted her voted in because she was a woman, not on the strength of her character or her politics... which is sexist!


      • #78
        I wonder how the perception that 'Trump appealed to the poor and people of colour' is viewed after his treatment of the people of Peurto Rico following the devastating floods a few months back?
        I would imagine it would depend on whether they watched Fox or CNN.

        What is interesting to me is that Obama had to step down after two terms. If a third term had been possible, would Trump have run against Obama - and who would the nation have chosen, given that choice?
        Interesting thought.

        I think he'd be less likely to run if he was up against Obama, but I still recon he'd run...or maybe he'd have been more happy shouting from the sidelines

        Obama v Trump.

        Obama wins on presentation every time...he like Blair is a master of the art.

        On substance Trump would win, Obama was a mediocre president at best he had no big policy to fall back on Obamacare was not popular, his Libya policy a disaster.

        The Trump platitudes would have still been effective.

        Who would win? No Idea, but it certainly would have been closer than between him and Hillary.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Harry D View Post
          A warmongering old crone who no doubt covered for her husband while he was trying to hump everything in sight.

          How anyone can hold up Hillary as a positive role model for women is beyond me. They just wanted her voted in because she was a woman, not on the strength of her character or her politics... which is sexist!
          Well that is quite a statement... let's see, I could care less that she was a woman, or what Bill did with his d**k (what that has to do with anything is a typical change of subject when there is no valid point)...
          How could anyone? you mean me? not only did I support and vote for Hillary I campaigned for her as well (I usually do not discuss my political belief or voting in public... but I was quite offended by this post).. I did not vote or support her because she was a woman...and it is insulting for you to state that.. I supported Clinton because I am a NY state resident who was lucky enough to have her as a Senator fighting for my state... where she did an Amazing job...helped a lot of people in this state, and not just in the City like most do.. but all over the state... my home town of Buffalo has been almost totally revived thanks in large part to what Senator Clinton did for us.. then she was also Secretary of State.... hmm seems she was quite qualified... granted she never had a reality show.. and as we now know that is far more important that actual EXPERIENCE ... but to claim she had support just because she was a woman... and that voting for her was somehow sexist....that is ignorant and insulting.
          And she lost.. I know... I accept that.. it's part of the process... I never complained about it...I regret it, but that is different.... what I love is the Trump supporters who keep claiming "you lost, get over it" yet somehow every time they try to justify his actions they say " what about Hillary... what about Bill" well folks... the Clintons lost... GET OVER IT
          The fact of the matter is Donald Trump is now our President.. I disagree with much of his policy and rhetoric.. but still support the office of the presidency.. and I hope for the best, for the country and for our President, and if he doesn't do the job to the satisfaction of the country, then in 3 years we as a nation can go out and vote.. that is what is wonderful about this great nation!!!!

          Steadmund Brand
          Last edited by Steadmund Brand; 01-19-2018, 06:30 AM.
          "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


          • #80
            Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
            but to claim she had support just because she was a woman... and that voting for her was somehow sexist....that is ignorant and insulting.
            Do you think that many people who identify as feminists were voting for her because of her handling of Benghazi?

            Look at how this thread is taking about how certain demographics vote, to suggest gender is not one of them is naive.

            And yes Trump got votes due to his gender, from both men and women.


            • #81
              Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
              But this is what I'm trying to point out to you, he was talking to Haitian's and African American's already in the USA.

              The mistake you are making again is to group people as all the same based on ethnicity.

              The idea that you are Haitian or Black and that means you will automatically want people to jump the immigration que is infantile thinking.

              How is stopping people from from cheating the system not looking out for their interests?

              Assuming that people of colour do not want a fair and sensible process of immigration is as patronising as telling someone to vote a certain way because they share a gender with a candidate.
              Bottom line is that this man is against anyone who isn't WHITE. Whether they are in the United States or not!
              Christopher T. George
              Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
              just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
              For information about RipperCon, go to
              RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


              • #82
                Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
                Bottom line is that this man is against anyone who isn't WHITE. Whether they are in the United States or not!
                Yeah you already tried that stuff and lost.

                The real bottom line is the Democrats better come up with some policies to address the problems of working class people and a candidate a whole lot better than Hillary in time for 2020 or it wont be very competitive.

                Trump has kickstarted Wall street and as someone once said "It's the economy stupid".


                • #83
                  Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                  Trump has kickstarted Wall street and as someone once said "It's the economy stupid".
                  Hm, another myth that some are trying to peddle. Trump's input in the stockmarket rally isn't all that great, if anything. By comparison, Obama took over a spiralling economy. The Dow Jones had halved in the year before him taking office ( and the unemployment rate was on its way to 10%. After Obama got his stimulus through, things started to recover. The Dow Jones went from 7k to 19k under his leadership and unemployment came down to under 5%. This is of course not all down to him but he seems to have employed the right people as well.

                  So far, I see no indication that Trump has done anything for the economy except make himself and his Billionaire cabinet a lot richer and lie about it ("Believe me, this tax cut is very bad for me"). He is simply continuing a trend that has its foundation in the first Obama Administration. That is, until he repeals this particular Obama achievement as well. 2016 was already the lowest job-growth year in the US since 2010. This is not really that surprising because the US is nearing Full Employment. So for all his "Jobs Jobs Jobs" rhetoric, he really has nowhere to go. Unless he let's in tons of immigrants
                  Last edited by Svensson; 01-19-2018, 08:08 AM.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                    Yeah you already tried that stuff and lost.

                    The real bottom line is the Democrats better come up with some policies to address the problems of working class people and a candidate a whole lot better than Hillary in time for 2020 or it wont be very competitive.

                    Trump has kickstarted Wall street and as someone once said "It's the economy stupid".
                    Ah but yes, Donald J. Trump will be found out. As Mitt Romney said during the campaign, the man is a charlatan. He is not what he pretends to be.
                    Christopher T. George
                    Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
                    just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
                    For information about RipperCon, go to
                    RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


                    • #85
                      Svensson, if the Democrat line to working people who have seen an increase in wages, or unemployed people now working since Trump got elected "Yes well it's Obama you should thank for that!"...I'm going to invest a bit of cash with my bookie on Trumps re-election now.

                      Policies...candidate...stop the name calling because if you are standing on the "Nice guy" ticket you'll never compete with Trump, he's too good at insulting people.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                        Svensson, if the Democrat line to working people who have seen an increase in wages, or unemployed people now working since Trump got elected "Yes well it's Obama you should thank for that!"...I'm going to invest a bit of cash with my bookie on Trumps re-election now.

                        Policies...candidate...stop the name calling because if you are standing on the "Nice guy" ticket you'll never compete with Trump, he's too good at insulting people.
                        Not if he keeps playing to the same base, Dave.
                        Christopher T. George
                        Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
                        just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
                        For information about RipperCon, go to
                        RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
                          Not if he keeps playing to the same base, Dave.
                          And not if the Democrats keep playing the same fiddle as last time thinking through hubris that they could not lose.

                          The world would be a very different place if we just missed out the voting and relied on the polls...As a democrat (I think we are called "populists" now) I'm quite glad that we are sticking to counting votes for the foreseeable future.

                          Now I've revealed I'm a lover of democracy why don't you try the "Hillary won the popular vote" line?

                          Just a heads up, if you do I'll claim you are a populist.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                            Policies...candidate...stop the name calling because if you are standing on the "Nice guy" ticket you'll never compete with Trump, he's too good at insulting people.
                            Yet, standards need to be maintained. Somehow. Because I actually do see the US on a path to Civil War and will need to do something about this sooner or later. The current trajectory is not good.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Svensson View Post
                              Yet, standards need to be maintained. Somehow. Because I actually do see the US on a path to Civil War and will need to do something about this sooner or later. The current trajectory is not good.
                              Yeah we have that line in the UK too "Project Fear", one side using it very nearly lost them the Scottish referendum, the remain mob used it in the EU referendum and now we are leaving the EU.

                              I think most Democrats know hope wins over fear, but it's that arrogance and hubris that does not allow them to consider they are the fear-mongers.


                              • #90
                                I think "Project Fear" are more on track to become reality than "Project Utopia" ever was. Of course the EU wants a trade relationship with the UK but they will treat us like any large economy treats a small economy in trade talks. They dictate the terms that suit them.
                                Last edited by Svensson; 01-19-2018, 09:13 AM.

