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World Reacts to Trump's "****hole Countries" Remark

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  • Karl when you are ready to talk politics or even policy get back to me, but that nonsense you just wrote seems like once again to focus on process rather than delivery...that is a real problem with leftist think.

    "Rightest" think? yes they very often ignore process for results....but it is not the right who are batshit crazy at the moment.

    This is the same converstion I have with every non-deplorable.

    The opener....

    He's racist he's sexist he's homophobic.

    He said Mexicans are rapists.

    He called a Mexican Judge Mexican.

    Once that guff is out the way I then have to trudge through the guff of ***** grabbing and when all else fails there is always....

    20 GOTO 10




    • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
      I was not being metaphorical with "sending" I was quoting Trump directly from his golden elevator speech.

      "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best (he looks up and points to people watching) they are not sending you or you."

      "Theives" was not metaphorical, they are using resources meant for US tax payers, legal immigrants and asylum seekers.
      Except when illegals find work in the US, they pay taxes, too. In sum, they probably give more than they take.


      • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
        Karl when you are ready to talk politics or even policy get back to me, but that nonsense you just wrote seems like once again to focus on process rather than delivery...that is a real problem with leftist think.
        We weren't discussing politics - we were discussing how Trump demonises Mexican illegals. But you keep trying to excuse him with your semantic games.

        "Rightest" think? yes they very often ignore process for results....but it is not the right who are batshit crazy at the moment.
        Judging by the incumbent, and the ardent defences of him here in face of all logic, I would argue to the contrary.

        This is the same converstion I have with every non-deplorable.

        The opener....

        He's racist he's sexist he's homophobic.
        I never said any of those things, though I can certainly say now that he is sexist and racist. He is not, however, homophobic, as demonstrated by his very liberal statements in gays' defence in his first run for president.

        He said Mexicans are rapists.
        Well, he did.

        He called a Mexican Judge Mexican.
        No, he called a Mexican judge biased because he was Mexican.

        Once that guff is out the way I then have to trudge through the guff of ***** grabbing and when all else fails there is always....
        If it weren't for people like you trying to make excuses that don't even half stick, maybe you'd have a point. Or maybe, in that case, even you would realise what a public relations disaster he is.

        10 PRINT "RUSSIA"
        20 GOTO 10


        Funny. Almost as funny as how obsessed Trump is about that. To the point that this was the first thing on his mind on the 9/11 anniversary this year.


        • I hope given the interview with the Sailsburry suspects the idea that Russia could have any serious impact on a US election is fantasy land stuff.

          We clearly are not dealing with a soviet era KGB or GRU.

          Black unemployment at historic lows.....the thing is the people who are pleased about this the most (other than the person who now has a job) are the people the non-deplorables label white supremisists.

          8 years Obama had to enact a growth policy....he offered nothing but food stamps.

          The joke in the 90's was that Bill Clinton was the first "black president"...even though he put record number in jail and on the dole queue.

          There can be little doubt which of the last 4 presidents are really rooting for African Americans and that's why they are leaving the Democratic Party plantation in droves.

          With a little help from Candace Owens, who I wish was not so hot so I could say I only like her for the way she thinks.


          • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
            Black unemployment at historic lows...
            Assuming that to be true, can this really be down to Trump? How long does it take a government to turn around an economy as large as that of the USA?
            Kind regards, Sam Flynn

            "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


            • Rather a good fugue here:

              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                Rather a good fugue here:

                That was amazing.


                • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                  Rather a good fugue here:


                  Definitely one for 'Last Night of the Proms' next year!


                  • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                    Assuming that to be true, can this really be down to Trump? How long does it take a government to turn around an economy as large as that of the USA?
                    you're already working on the incorrect premise that this was a "turn around". A Turn around would mean that the economic indicators were pointing one way, and after some kind of event (i.e. policy change coming into effect), the economic indicators were pointing in a different direction.

                    This did not happen here.


                    • Originally posted by Svensson View Post
                      you're already working on the incorrect premise that this was a "turn around".
                      I wasn't making any claim as to its veracity, which is why I prefaced my comment with "assuming this to be true".
                      Last edited by Sam Flynn; 09-17-2018, 06:44 AM.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                        I hope given the interview with the Sailsburry suspects the idea that Russia could have any serious impact on a US election is fantasy land stuff.

                        We clearly are not dealing with a soviet era KGB or GRU.

                        Black unemployment at historic lows.....the thing is the people who are pleased about this the most (other than the person who now has a job) are the people the non-deplorables label white supremisists.

                        8 years Obama had to enact a growth policy....he offered nothing but food stamps.

                        The joke in the 90's was that Bill Clinton was the first "black president"...even though he put record number in jail and on the dole queue.

                        There can be little doubt which of the last 4 presidents are really rooting for African Americans and that's why they are leaving the Democratic Party plantation in droves.

                        With a little help from Candace Owens, who I wish was not so hot so I could say I only like her for the way she thinks.
                        There is so much to unpack here that is basically on various degrees of "incorrectness", so I'll just make a couple of points on each this flurry of statements while at the same time not expecting anything useful to come from it or to revisit it (Seeing that the "Is Donald Trump a racist" discussion is going the way of a "Are smurfs blue" debate):

                        "I hope given the interview with the Sailsbury suspects the idea that Russia could have any serious impact on a US election is fantasy land stuff."

                        => I think it does. The Russians thought they could come over to the UK and pop someone they don't like with complete disregard for consequences. The brazenness is what is so astonishing here (just like the brazenness in the US Election campaign where they simply replicated on a bigger scale what they had done earlier in other countries).

                        Also, the Interview was not intended for the Western intelligence services, it was for the useful western idiot who watches RT. there are enough people out there who will buy this because after all, in a western democracy, much is a PR issue. This is the same way that FoxNews operates. Whether it is a Russian Spy or a Trump family member, they all run to their chosen TV station for a cuddle and one soft-ball interview after another.

                        "We clearly are not dealing with a soviet era KGB or GRU."

                        => Clearly not because they methods have changed. It is now information warfare and for that, they chosen battlefield is the internet. It's so much more effective as we are seeing now.

                        "8 years Obama had to enact a growth policy....he offered nothing but food stamps."

                        => The facts would suggest the longest sustained recovery since 2011 immediately after the worst financial crisis in history in 2008 (although this may depend on exactly HOW you measure the crisis). He also more than halved the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.5%, so trump's "historic" economy is riding on the coat-tails of Obama's sustained recovery.

                        "The joke in the 90's was that Bill Clinton was the first "black president"...even though he put record number in jail and on the dole queue."

                        => the US prison population REALLY started to increase from the mid-80's onwards and if you look at various graphs at, you will notice that Clinton was merely continuing a trend that was started under Reagan. It also seems that if you are looking at sheer numbers, Clinton had the "misfortune" to be a two-termer than a Bush Snr. who was a one-termer. So it seems to me that the source for this is in the Reagan years. You could of course say "why didn't Clinton do anything about this? and the answer is I don;t know and I certainly don't have the time to start investigating the effects of US Criminal law in the 80's and 90's. If you are interested, I'm sure there are plenty of forums dedicated to this.

                        Regarding the Dole queue, US unemployment went from 8% to 4% under Clinton. I don;t see how, despite this, he would have been able to put record numbers of African American on the Dole queue as a percentage of the population.

                        "There can be little doubt which of the last 4 presidents are really rooting for African Americans and that's why they are leaving the Democratic Party plantation in droves."

                        => there appears to be no evidence that African Americans are leaving the Democratic Party "in droves". would suggest that their support for the Dems holds around 80 and did so for a long time.

                        Candace Owens? ok, that explains a lot. My favourite quote of hers is actually: "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls."

                        "Became a conservative overnight?" Yeah, right. I suspect that someone from Fox said "Hey, we would like to pay a million bucks to a black person to bash other black people. It fits rather well with our whole vibe. Interested..?"


                        • latest Quinniac Poll, question 2:

                          Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?

                          (Amongst Blacks)

                          Strongly approve 6%
                          Somewhat approve 3%
                          somewhat disapprove 15%
                          strongly disapprove 69%

                          Quinnipiac University Poll’s list of recent and past poll results for political races, state and national elections, and issues of public concern.

                          Yes, this is a poll asking for a subjective measure but if Trump is supposedly rooting for African Americans, then they don't seem to think that this is the case.
                          Last edited by Svensson; 09-18-2018, 07:31 AM.


                          • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                            Illegal aliens are criminals the moment they set foot in a country without going through the proper channels that all the rest of us do. Their first act in the country is a criminal one.
                            Agreed. But if the powers that be fail to identify and deal with such people in accordance with the laws of whichever land they managed to enter illegally in the first place, some of them may take further illegal advantage of the weaknesses in the system. There will always be a percentage of wronguns in any group of people.

                            Someone jumps the queue in front of me I speak out, I don't sit cowering worried about whether I should "check my privilege".
                            Good for you, DD. But if the system worked, the illegal queue jumpers would either be stopped and turned around at the point of entry, or be kicked out before you had to speak out.


                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • Glad we did not discuss the big story of last week, for many reasons it was one of the most distasteful thing in I've seen in politics.


                              The US and Canada have reached a new trade deal, along with Mexico, to replace the current North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

                              The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is said to involve more US access to Canada's dairy market and a cap on its car exports to the US.

                              The new USMCA covers more than a trillion dollars in trade between the US, Canada and Mexico.


                              • True. Where would civilisation be if we started investigating allegations of attempted child-rape, ey?

                                Still, there are always other Trump-world events from last week to discuss, such as

                                - laughed out of town at the UN GA
                                - Another car-crash presser where he falsely claimed:
                                * That he was accused of assaulting only 4 or 5 women (fact-check: it is around 15)
                                * That these women were paid to claim the assault (fact-check: Hannity (lol) had a segment where one of the women had a gofundme-page AFTER she had come forward)
                                * That other countries had come to him and claimed that no one had ever asked them to pay their "fair share" for the running of the UN before, so they didn't know they should (impossible to fact-check but hilariously funny)
                                * That he saved millions of lives by asking Russia and Turkey to stand down from "bombing" Idlib province.
                                * a lot more kooky stuff that I can't even list here.
                                - That he is "in love" with another man, a stalinist murderous dictator to be frank.
                                - That China is meddling in the US elections by putting ads into US paper that clearly state "Paid for by China" or similar.
                                - talks about a "lingering stench" in US law-enforcement because...., well we all know why.
                                - fast forward to this week, suggesting that a woman reporter never thinks
                                - erm, I could go on, but I have to go back to work....

