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Manager Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in Suicide Death of Bullied Teen

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  • Manager Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter in Suicide Death of Bullied Teen


  • #2
    Got to agree with the person in the comments who said that this woman has been scapegoated. Sounds like this poor kid was bullied by everyone but it's a lot easier to punish one individual than make everyone accountable for their actions (those who bullied him and those who did nothing to stop it).


    • #3
      It is also a lot easier to watch bullying be done in front of you and say nothing, than to intervene (especially with the boss), but all of us need to get brave enough to take that difficult step and speak up!
      Pat D.
      Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


      • #4
        But what is bullying?
        G U T

        There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GUT View Post
          But what is bullying?

          Bullying can occur in families, at school, and at the workplace. Different agencies and states in the USA have provided rules and guidelines for persons who are victims or witnesses of this behavior. I have had training offered by my state, because we are a state-funded institution of higher education.

          I have learned that in the United Kingdom, there are laws against "mobbing", which is when a group of people target another individual in their workplace.
          Pat D.
          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


          • #6
            I sometimes think that we are getting a bit delicate with some if this. Maybe not in this particular case, but it seems that if a boss kicks an employees but (figuratively) for not doing their job, it can be classified as bullying in some of these descriptions.
            G U T

            There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


            • #7
              Originally posted by GUT View Post
              I sometimes think that we are getting a bit delicate with some if this. Maybe not in this particular case, but it seems that if a boss kicks an employees but (figuratively) for not doing their job, it can be classified as bullying in some of these descriptions.
              I think we've gone way past the point of common sense with regard to "bullying". Also, I have to think that when someone is being targetted by multiple, unrelated people - classmates don't like him, boss doesn't like him, neighbors don't like him - he's doing something to invite abuse.
              - Ginger


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ginger View Post
                I think we've gone way past the point of common sense with regard to "bullying". Also, I have to think that when someone is being targetted by multiple, unrelated people - classmates don't like him, boss doesn't like him, neighbors don't like him - he's doing something to invite abuse.
                I don't know. Some people are just easy pickings for bullying and abuse. This guy looks like he's one such example.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                  I don't know. Some people are just easy pickings for bullying and abuse. This guy looks like he's one such example.
                  I agree. He was described as being overweight and having a speech impediment. That may be invite abuse, but is it really his fault?
                  Pat D.
                  Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
                    I agree. He was described as being overweight and having a speech impediment. That may be invite abuse, but is it really his fault?
                    Probably not his fault, no, and people ought to try to be nicer, but...

                    Human nature is what it is. We're social animals, and to be fully a part of the herd, you have to conform to certain expected behaviours. If you won't, or can't, do that, then people want you to go away. If you won't, or can't, go away (for example, "mainstreaming" of emotionally damaged children in public schools), then people are going to resort to increasingly negative behaviour towards you, in an effort to make you stop trying to interact with them. I can cite recent examples of such behaviour from this very board.
                    - Ginger


                    • #11
                      True, Ginger. I think the charge against the manager is a bit unfair, as at 21 she is probably not experienced enough or well-trained enough to know you don't throw sandwiches at an employee who made an error. Her chain restaurant is at fault, too. As are many other people and institutions in the young man's life.
                      Pat D.
                      Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                      • #12
                        This is a topic that has me conflicted, being a "liberal" (or what use to be one... today's snowflake liberals make me ashamed of the label...but I digress) and I do feel bad for people who are picked on... but hell, we all were as kids...ever kid is... some worse than others, sure, I myself as a youngster was a fat kid with a stutter....I took a lot of abuse... but I never killed myself.....I took up boxing...not to beat up bullies, but A- because I loved the Sport, B- it got me in shape (which I am not in anymore as an older man) and C- taught me discipline and self respect and most importantly SOCIAL CONTACT.....too many kids these days are killing themselves or being medicated and treated due to "bulling".. some on line.. the kids who kill themselves over being bullied on Facebook!!! seriously... not totally their fault...they are not taught how to socially interact any longer, and this whole "everyone is a winner, and every child is perfect" mentality has really hurt kids far more then it helped them....growing up playing sports, like baseball taught me how not only to play with others.. but most importantly HOW TO LOSE....yes folks...we were taught how to lose, and how to deal with losing....something this generation(s) don't know how to cope with...sad really....what needs to change is the coddling and the sense of entitlement these kids have....
                        I am not saying this sad boy wow killed himself had a sense of entitlement....but he didn't know how to deal with adversity properly... and that saddens me beyond's not his fault, he is a victim of his times...but the pendulum always swings back the other way....I hope for the sake of these kids it does soon... I am really tired of seeing these terrible stories

                        Steadmund Brand
                        "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                        • #13
                          To modify your sign-off, Stead : the herd instinct is a terrible thing, a lie sold to the people as a sign of good fellowship.


                          • #14
                            Sad story all the way round.

                            Now that bullying has been given raised awareness these past years I see that kids are more sensitive to it and generally look down on it and are now more active to stick up for other kids being bullied.

                            a lot different when I was a kid. man it was brutal-Lord of the flies stuff.

                            all the social media stuff exacerbates bullying, but in general, as a society I think we are getting better. Hopefully this story gets a lot of attention and helps alleviate.
                            "Is all that we see or seem
                            but a dream within a dream?"

                            -Edgar Allan Poe

                            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                            -Frederick G. Abberline


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
                              This is a topic that has me conflicted, being a "liberal" (or what use to be one... today's snowflake liberals make me ashamed of the label...but I digress) and I do feel bad for people who are picked on... but hell, we all were as kids...ever kid is... some worse than others, sure, I myself as a youngster was a fat kid with a stutter....I took a lot of abuse... but I never killed myself.....I took up boxing...not to beat up bullies, but A- because I loved the Sport, B- it got me in shape (which I am not in anymore as an older man) and C- taught me discipline and self respect and most importantly SOCIAL CONTACT.....too many kids these days are killing themselves or being medicated and treated due to "bulling".. some on line.. the kids who kill themselves over being bullied on Facebook!!! seriously... not totally their fault...they are not taught how to socially interact any longer, and this whole "everyone is a winner, and every child is perfect" mentality has really hurt kids far more then it helped them....growing up playing sports, like baseball taught me how not only to play with others.. but most importantly HOW TO LOSE....yes folks...we were taught how to lose, and how to deal with losing....something this generation(s) don't know how to cope with...sad really....what needs to change is the coddling and the sense of entitlement these kids have....
                              I am not saying this sad boy wow killed himself had a sense of entitlement....but he didn't know how to deal with adversity properly... and that saddens me beyond's not his fault, he is a victim of his times...but the pendulum always swings back the other way....I hope for the sake of these kids it does soon... I am really tired of seeing these terrible stories

                              Steadmund Brand
                              You and me Steadmund. I have been fat or obese most of my life - wish I wasn't, but it is so. And I had plenty of crap from bullies from grade school through college. In fact, to this day when I think of my school days I still think of those creeps. But the odd thing is that the internet sometimes makes wonder about them. Recently I have been in a nostalgia kick and started looking up high school and college acquaintances on the internet to see what became of them (if I can). It amazed me that one of the lowlifes I knew must have pulled himself together. He became a master sergeant in the Air Force, lived in Florida, and died their greatly lamented by friends and his family. Totally unexpected by me.

                              I guess there is always another side to these issues - what makes a bully a bully, and why do they need to build self-esteem that way? Naturally as a victim you won't care, but with time you might consider it.


