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a6 murder

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  • Hanratty’s skills

    It is usually assumed that because Hanratty was a car thief he was a good driver. There is evidence to suggest otherwise, such as the collision in Ireland, and he didn’t have any driving lessons. The only licence he held was one he gained in Ireland where the rules regarding taking a driving test are very much different to those in the UK.

    (Can't fathom out how to use the quote function, but the above is part of posting 799)

    Hanratty was also a professional burglar and had spent five years banged up in the University of Crime. But he still kept leaving his fingerprints all over the place. Seems he wasn’t too good at his chosen professions.

    Last edited by P.L.A; 06-13-2008, 11:24 AM. Reason: Bit about the quote function.


    • Originally posted by P.L.A View Post
      It is usually assumed that because Hanratty was a car thief he was a good driver. There is evidence to suggest otherwise, such as the collision in Ireland, and he didn’t have any driving lessons. The only licence he held was one he gained in Ireland where the rules regarding taking a driving test are very much different to those in the UK.

      Hi Peter

      I think I'm suffering from deja vu!

      I'm sure I have read this before - (or even written it before)


      • Originally posted by P.L.A View Post
        (Can't fathom out how to use the quote function, but the above is part of posting 799)
        Hi Peter, me old technophobe mate, it is really, really tricky, you have to hunt for the buttom marked 'Quote' and be sure to hit it squarely with the cursor !!!!


        • Technology

          Must also learn how to insert the yellow faces, then you would know which of my comments are tongue in cheek.

          Managed to get one in once, but couldn't get it where I wanted it to go. It seemed to have a mind of its own.



          • Smilies

            I think the Smilies in the side box can be used anywhere in the text, but the Post Icons in the box at the bottom only appear in the Title line. (That sounds as though I know what I'm talking about, and I don't really.)


            • Originally posted by P.L.A View Post
              It is usually assumed that because Hanratty was a car thief he was a good driver. There is evidence to suggest otherwise, such as the collision in Ireland, and he didn’t have any driving lessons. The only licence he held was one he gained in Ireland where the rules regarding taking a driving test are very much different to those in the UK.

              (Can't fathom out how to use the quote function, but the above is part of posting 799)

              Hanratty was also a professional burglar and had spent five years banged up in the University of Crime. But he still kept leaving his fingerprints all over the place. Seems he wasn’t too good at his chosen professions.

              Hi Peter,

              Re. using quote function, when i first started posting I had the same problem. I just experimented a bit.

              Click on the icon Quote in the bottom right corner.
              A box appears containing the said quote.
              At the end of the quote (you'll see (/QUOTE)) just press the cursor. Then press ENTER button once or twice (to go on to a new line) and just type your reply. If you want to refer to just a sentence or two of a particular message just delete the rest of the quote.

              Hope that makes sense !


              • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                Hi Peter,

                Re. using quote function, when i first started posting I had the same problem. I just experimented a bit.

                Click on the icon Quote in the bottom right corner.
                A box appears containing the said quote.
                At the end of the quote (you'll see (/QUOTE)) just press the cursor. Then press ENTER button once or twice (to go on to a new line) and just type your reply. If you want to refer to just a sentence or two of a particular message just delete the rest of the quote.

                Hope that makes sense !
                Just testing. (I'm a technophobe too!)


                • Me too. It's just that I've picked up a few things via trial and error. Here's to all of us technophobes.


                  • Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                    Me too. It's just that I've picked up a few things via trial and error. Here's to all of us technophobes.


                    If you want to add on any relevant attachment ( a photo, a document etc., from your PC ) just scroll down the reply page to the small rectangular box called "Manage attachments".
                    Click on this box.
                    Then click on one of the "Browse" boxes that appear.
                    Choose which file you wish to add from your PC.
                    Click on the "Upload" box.
                    Wait a few secs and as long as the file size doesn't exceed 293.0 KB then your file is added.

                    Hope the above drivel makes some sense !


                    • Advance Of The Technophobes

                      Originally posted by jimarilyn View Post
                      Here's to all of us technophobes.
                      Do you think Bob and Ken would have been happy with all this technology? They probably found investigating the A6 murder a lot easier.



                      • Anyone who's fairly new to computers should be issued with a Government Health warning and a years supply of Paracetamol

                        P.S. Don't you just hate those annoying little smilies !


                        • I'll bet Bob and Ken would have adapted with the times, most people do .....

                          One things for sure, their job would have been a lot easier today than in 1961. Can you imagine how many photographs they would have of the Morris Minor as it travelled to Deadman's Hill and then down to Ilford. Think of all the closed-circuit television footage they would have been able to watch. There would even be footage of the gun being hidden under the back seat of a bendy bus!
                          Last edited by Steve; 06-13-2008, 04:17 PM.


                          • The A6 Murder In 2008

                            Originally posted by Steve View Post
                            One things for sure, their job would have been a lot easier today than in 1961.
                            Yes, it would be a doddle to solve today, even PC Plod would have had his man within seconds.

                            CCTV cameras in Rhyl, plus Euston, Paddington, Liverpool and Taplow railway stations. DNA analysis of fresh exhibits, including the back seat of the bus and spent cartridge cases. ESDA testing of the Hotel Vienna register.



                            • Originally posted by P.L.A View Post
                              ESDA testing of the Hotel Vienna register.
                              Now there's an interesting thought. I wonder if anything of the hotel register survived, and if so why it wasn't included in the ESDA testing of the other exhibits, Oxford's handwritten version of Hanratty's statements?


                              • Hi all.

                                The register of the Vienna Hotel was certainly an exhibit at the trial, but I can't find any reference that it was subjected to ESDA testing. I think you have to look at the register from the perspective that, if there was no conspiracy, there was no 'interfering' with the register. On the other hand...

                                As an aside, reference David Davies' recent resignation as an MP because of his (I think laudable) stand against Government authoritarianism, I heard it mentioned that in the UK there is one CCTV camera per every 14 members of the population, i.e., if this figure is correct, about 425000 of the buggers. If that is the case, how come the police were never able to nail anyone for burgling my mate's shop? I also read recently that, in addition to all the static speed-cameras we have to contend with, there are 3500 mobile speed-camera vans plying our roads. On top of this, we may well have to cope with a very intrusive ID card system, together with the (to my mind frightening) suggestion that ALL mobile-phone calls and texts, and ALL e-mails, will be recorded. This is scary, if true. Before too long you won't be able to park your car down a quiet lane to have a leak (or a quiet snog) against a tree.


                                We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze

