Originally posted by Natalie Severn
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Yes I happen to believe that the gun was France's and Hanratty stole it from the airing cupboard in the butcher's bag as he was putting his bedsheets away on the Monday morning. The evidence comes from the Louise Anderson\Charlotte France encounter in the car where Mrs France was amazed that Anderson knew the name of her butcher.
Originally posted by Natalie Severn
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All I get from the Broadway House incident is that that is standard practice for the hotel, and it makes sound business sense too.
as for Hanratty passing the gun to Alphon, there's no evidence that the two knew eachother beforehand, nor that Alphon knew France, so that's just over-complicating things.
I do agree that the presence of the cartridge cases would imply that they were left after the murder rather than before, but it doesn't completely exclude the latter.
So I believe either Alphon put the gun under the back seat of the local 36a bus after leaving the Vienna [at noon on 23rd August as described by Galves and Snell] or that since everything had gone so badly wrong regarding the gun actually being fired, France put it there as a red herring to throw the scent away from himself and Alphon and onto Hanratty---who couldnt be shown to have done it as France believed he had gone to Liverpool.
If France was the man who supplied the gun and Hanratty simply the conduit, then France ,like Alphon would have been either panicking or pretty distraught about it all.He did commit suicide after all and he was a police informer- he definitely told them stuff about Hanratty that implicated him to some extent.