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JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

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  • Another odd occurrence has also come to light. At least to me. The garrot.

    After John found her, the Garrett was still twisted tight around her neck. It remained that way all the way through him carrying her up and patsy seeing her hugging her, John hugging her goodbye etc. it remained tight all the way to the coroner, who was the one who finally lossened it and took it off.

    If it was me, Or any normal parent for that matter, I would have taken that god dam garrot off her neck as soon as I found her. John even admitted he thought there was still a chance she was still alive when he found her. Even just for psychological reasons one of the parents at least would have pulled it off her. Yet neither did. Odd.
    "Is all that we see or seem
    but a dream within a dream?"

    -Edgar Allan Poe

    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

    -Frederick G. Abberline


    • Yes, that is a good point Abby. I think at the back of my mind I had wondered that myself but now you mention it, yes he probably would have removed it.

      He would have known JB was dead though because she was stiff. And that's another thing - why did he carry her at arm's length? That's another strange piece of behaviour. In the reconstruction on TV the actor who plays John is carrying the child as anyone would, in his arms. The TV production company should have got their facts right.

      The family were basket cases, religious nuts who were superficial in every way. Appearances were what mattered most, and to be seen to have the perfect family was paramount.

      I have an idea, just an idea, that it didn't matter so much to John. The body language between Patsy and John was not loving, not from his side anyway. He seems not to even want to touch her. He didn't on the morning JB was murdered either, which was strange. Most couples cling to eachother at times like that.

      John now lives with a cocktail waitness in Vegas. I'm not condemning him for that; I'm just saying, that's all.
      This is simply my opinion


      • Not exactly

        Originally posted by louisa View Post
        John now lives with a cocktail waitness in Vegas. I'm not condemning him for that; I'm just saying, that's all.
        My research found him last linked to fashion designer Jan Rousseax, who he married in 2011.

        In the past few years, there's been a rise in the popularity of true crime podcasts, television series, and docuseries along the lines of Serial, HBO's The Jinx, and Netflix's Making A Murderer. Now, CBS is readying to debut the docuseries, The Case…

        I can't find any information on him being in Las Vegas now. The Boulder home went up for sale, and the remaining family moved out of state.

        Re the case, here is a recent article by the Boulder newspaper when the current police chief issued a statement about the investigation last month.

        Pat D.
        Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


        • Yes, he's married now, and good luck to him.

          I don't think he had much involvement in the crime, apart from assisting his wife in the cover-up.

          I wonder if any of those friends and acquaintances he accused of the murder have anything to do with him these days?
          Last edited by louisa; 10-03-2016, 12:10 PM.
          This is simply my opinion


          • Originally posted by louisa View Post
            Anything entitled The Intruder Theory, and especially anything written by Lou Smit is going to be biased to the Ramseys cause.

            There could be a hundred Lou Smits all saying the same thing but it wouldn't alter my opinion that this murder was an inside job.

            Fibres from JB will be found all over that house because she lived there and played in the basement.

            Lou Smith - didn't he get his brother to hit him on the head with a baseball bat so that the resulting lump would make him tall enough to get enlisted into the armed forces? I'm going from memory. And wasn't he the investigator who proclaimed that JB had been tasered?

            I could counter ever single item on that list that biased list you copied and pasted, in fact I might just do that.

            Alex Hunter did NOT want the Ramseys to go to trial because of the cost and he did everything within his power to ensure that no trial would take place.

            Lou Smit was taken onto the case because Alex Hunter knew he would find favourably for them.

            Expert witness will find for the person who is employing them. Probably if the county of Boulder DA's office had been wealthy enough they would have pursued the Ramseys and Lou Smit would have been employed to find evidence that the Ramseys committed the murder. And of course he would have!
            Louisa, we can all express personal feelings why someone said or did this or that, but we are supposed to be debating evidence, not emotional hangups.
            Regards, Jon S.


            • Originally posted by louisa View Post
              I'll reply to the points as I read them, not in the order you C & P'd them. This is the first point I read ......

              Black duct tape WAS found inside the house that matched the tape found in the basement.

              On the framed photo of JB that hung on her bedroom wall. The back of it was criss crossed with black duct tape.
              I don't mind you objecting to a point of evidence, but sources are given in the quotes I made, and earlier you tried to reprimand me for not providing a source.
              Sources please...
              Regards, Jon S.


              • Originally posted by louisa View Post
                I'd just like to add that those beaver hairs found on JB's body probably came from Patsy's sweater because she had been wearing her fur coat earlier that day. The police desperately wanted that sweater for forensic analysis but when she eventually handed the clothes over they had been professionally laundered.

                Patsy said she put on exactly the SAME clothes that she had been wearing the night before. Maybe she hadn't taken them off?
                Are you saying the fur coat was Beaver?
                Regards, Jon S.


                • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                  Hey wick
                  Thanks for posting all this. The unidentified bag with rope found in the home is the first time of heard of it!

                  One of the things that's occurred to me is the apparent amount of stuff the alleged intruder brought to the crime scene is piling up. Duct tape, rope and bag, taser, baseball bat, large flashlight. I mean really? What's he carrying it all in? And how is he carrying it?
                  And then he's going to use one of the Ramsey's suitcases to carry some of her belongings, and possibly her out of the house also? Why not just throw her belongings into the bag he brought with him?

                  Just seems like a lot of stuff going on for an intruder to bring into and out of the house. No?
                  There are a number of items yes, I think we passed over this some days ago when I mentioned that the ransom note repeatedly mentioned "we", and that two men are watching over JonBenet. The implication throughout the note is that two people are involved.

                  Not sure if you are aware of this but the bag & rope you refer to was found in John Andrew's room, it was a guest room for the eldest son when he came over to stay.
                  The duvet found in the suitcase (in the basement) also had semen stains belonging to John Andrew.
                  Regards, Jon S.


                  • Ramsey house - basement.
                    Regards, Jon S.


                    • Ground floor (first floor)
                      Regards, Jon S.


                      • Second floor.
                        Regards, Jon S.


                        • Third floor (top of house)
                          Regards, Jon S.


                          • Thank you for the floor plans, Wickerman.

                            The "Hobby Room" was also known as the "Train Room", and had Burke's model train set up in it.

                            The recent program which is suggesting Burke's involvement that night stated that no urine stain was found in the Wine Cellar, but there was a urine spot in the area outside the door to the Train Room (if I am recalling it correctly) and the foot of the stairs. The experts supposed that she was alive there, and moved later to the Wine Cellar.
                            Pat D.
                            Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                            • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                              Louisa, we can all express personal feelings why someone said or did this or that, but we are supposed to be debating evidence, not emotional hangups.
                              What is that supposed to mean? Explain my 'emotional hangups'
                              This is simply my opinion


                              • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                                I don't mind you objecting to a point of evidence, but sources are given in the quotes I made, and earlier you tried to reprimand me for not providing a source.
                                Sources please...

                                It's okay for you to give 'sources' but I tend to take issue with the points you raised, whether they have 'sources' or not.

                                The floor plans are always helpful. Funniy enough I was looking at those on the internet only yesterday. I'd seen them before but I was refreshing my memory.

                                The Americans refer to the ground floor as the first floor and the first floor as the second floor.

                                Anyhow, now you realise that you made an incorrect statement when you said JB's body was found in the room where the (supposed) intruder entered the building?
                                Last edited by louisa; 10-04-2016, 03:31 AM.
                                This is simply my opinion

