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This Is The Zodiac Speaking.

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  • Barnaby
    Allen is the best suspect. But why do some experts (e.g., Tom Voight of the zodiackiller website) seemingly prefer Gaikowski?

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Filby View Post

    Hi Abby;

    I read Jeff's post. Was convinced it was not Allen. Then read your post. I'm now convinced it was. I def. have to read up.
    thanks filby
    i highly recommend you do. its a fascinating and crazy case... the twists and turns are unbeleiveable. other than the ripper, the greatest unsolved serial killer case.

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  • Filby
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    hi jeff
    the dna samples were poor and dna forensics science was primitive back then, same with the bloody palm print, or that could have been crime scene contamination. neither are as solid evidence as they are made to seem, quite the opposite. the voice stuff, cmon.

    Allen owned a zodiac brand watch that had the same symbol logo that the zodiac used, he was a suspect at two seperate independent times during the case, and a surviving witness unhesitatingly ided him when he saw a photo of him.

    he owned the same kind of type writer used in a letter, he lived in the immediate area, fit the profile of a avg joe lonely loser mad at the world type the zodiac clearly was. there is a ton of other evidence. it was Allen.
    Hi Abby;

    I read Jeff's post. Was convinced it was not Allen. Then read your post. I'm now convinced it was. I def. have to read up.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post

    Hi Abby,

    You may be right, as I say, while I'm not convinced ALA was Zodiac I also would not be hugely surprised if it were proven he was. I'm hoping that one day technology catches up with Zodiac and something definitive is found.

    - Jeff
    thanks jeff me too!

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  • JeffHamm
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    hi jeff
    there is no comparison between iding someone via voice and photo. the victim said when seeing his photo..thats him thats the man who shot us. obviously there are a ton more issues with getting a reliable match with voice. i cant beleive were even debating this.

    also the police sketch from the police who questioned the zodiac on the street after the stine killing is a dead ringer for allen.

    the chances of a main suspect owning a zodiac watch (prior to tje killings no less) and the killer calling himself zodiac and using the same logo and it being a coincidence are practically zero.

    the chances of a main suspect who police later find out was suspected earlier independently and questioned and it not be the killer are practically zero. its like if chapman was later found out to have been sighted, suspected and questioned in the nichols murder and him not be the ripper lol. of course it would be chapman the ripper.

    allen was in the navy... the zodiac used cyphers like someone might know who was in the navy. Allen had navy boots like prints found at a crime scene.

    allen owned the same type of typewriter that was used for a zodiac letter.

    allen was a fired school teacher and convicted pedophile. the zodiac wrote about targeting school children.

    two witnesses said allen pre confessed to committing these types of killings and calling himself the zodiac.

    a neighbor said on the day of one of the zodiac stabbing murders allen came home with bloody knife and when he questioned about it, allen said he was killing chickens.

    allen lived in the immediate area and knew it like the back of his hand.

    allen fits the lonely loser thrill kill serial killer type to a t. He could be the twin in terms of background and personality of fellow loser, mad at the world thrill kill lovers lane serial killer son of sam david berkowitz.

    i dont usually go much for the blame the incompetent police excuse, but this case wasnt solved, ie allen wasnt nailed, because of lack of evidence. this was the most mistake ridden serial killer investigation ive ever come across. and even still they had at least enough eyewitness and circumstantial evidence to at least make an arrest and prosecute.

    and i hope your right re genetic geneology but this case wont be solved with dna for the reasons i mentioned.
    anyway for me its already solved, no great mystery here. it was allen.

    Hi Abby,

    You may be right, as I say, while I'm not convinced ALA was Zodiac I also would not be hugely surprised if it were proven he was. I'm hoping that one day technology catches up with Zodiac and something definitive is found.

    - Jeff

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post

    Hi Abby,

    My issue is the best type of evidence, DNA and prints, that points away from ALA is always argued as being poor, but then, the evidence we know is poor is laid out as conclusive (like the watch - well, it's not like there is any evidence that Zodiac owned such a watch, so really, what is this evidence? Particularly since many would have owned such a watch and not be the Zodiac) Is the watch interesting, yes, conclusive, no. And when the more conclusive types of evidence point away even if one can question them, I tend to err on the side of "the case against him isn't great".

    The voice stuff is at least two witnesses who say no, against one who says yes. And we know line up identifications have a false positive rate. So, again, I don't see the case against ALA as all that strong.

    On the whole, I rather suspect ALA wasn't Zodiac, but not to the point where if it were conclusively proven he was that I would be "amazed". I would just be "oh, really? I didn't expect that, but ok".

    My general view is that I think Zodiac is probably none of the suspects, but like JtR, is probably someone non-descript, never associated with the case in any serious way, but possibly is in the police files somewhere (although I'm not firm on that last point).

    If they do have DNA from the stamps, I'm hoping they apply Genetic Genealogy to it. Trace down the stamp licker, and even if that is not the Zodiac, it will be someone close to them. But maybe I'm just too cynical and I should pick someone and just harden up. I'm sure I will one day. But today is not that day!

    - Jeff
    hi jeff
    there is no comparison between iding someone via voice and photo. the victim said when seeing his photo..thats him thats the man who shot us. obviously there are a ton more issues with getting a reliable match with voice. i cant beleive were even debating this.

    also the police sketch from the police who questioned the zodiac on the street after the stine killing is a dead ringer for allen.

    the chances of a main suspect owning a zodiac watch (prior to tje killings no less) and the killer calling himself zodiac and using the same logo and it being a coincidence are practically zero.

    the chances of a main suspect who police later find out was suspected earlier independently and questioned and it not be the killer are practically zero. its like if chapman was later found out to have been sighted, suspected and questioned in the nichols murder and him not be the ripper lol. of course it would be chapman the ripper.

    allen was in the navy... the zodiac used cyphers like someone might know who was in the navy. Allen had navy boots like prints found at a crime scene.

    allen owned the same type of typewriter that was used for a zodiac letter.

    allen was a fired school teacher and convicted pedophile. the zodiac wrote about targeting school children.

    two witnesses said allen pre confessed to committing these types of killings and calling himself the zodiac.

    a neighbor said on the day of one of the zodiac stabbing murders allen came home with bloody knife and when he questioned about it, allen said he was killing chickens.

    allen lived in the immediate area and knew it like the back of his hand.

    allen fits the lonely loser thrill kill serial killer type to a t. He could be the twin in terms of background and personality of fellow loser, mad at the world thrill kill lovers lane serial killer son of sam david berkowitz.

    i dont usually go much for the blame the incompetent police excuse, but this case wasnt solved, ie allen wasnt nailed, because of lack of evidence. this was the most mistake ridden serial killer investigation ive ever come across. and even still they had at least enough eyewitness and circumstantial evidence to at least make an arrest and prosecute.

    and i hope your right re genetic geneology but this case wont be solved with dna for the reasons i mentioned.
    anyway for me its already solved, no great mystery here. it was allen.

    Last edited by Abby Normal; 11-13-2024, 10:00 PM.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post
    Hi Herlock,

    I should know more about the Zodiac case than I do, but I admit, I'm not as up on it as I should be. That aside, I have looked at it at times, and like JtR, Zodiac information can be very suspect driven, and convincing cases are often presented by the same biases that creep in to JtR. While Arthur Leigh Allen was the original "final solution", and he was of interest to the police (so not a bad choice), I believe in the end there are some pretty hard hurdles to clear.

    Some of the lesser ones, meaning they could be argued against, are that the fellow from the Lake Barryessa (sp?) stabbing case heard his voice and said that was not the voice he recalls. Also, the operator who took a call from the Zodiac (which he ends with a "Goood byyyyeee", also said the voice was not the same. That sort of evidence can be argued around, of course.

    But, finger prints at the Stein Murder (the taxi cab driver), did not match him. I believe they tested his DNA against that found on Zodiac letters (one's they are sure came from the Zodiac), and again, no match.

    There is a fellow who apparently went to the police saying that Allen told him things like "I will kill kids, call myself "zodiac", etc", but what is often omitted is that apparently this fellow had a grudge against Arthur L. A. and his information was only passed on well after all the details he mentions (to the cifers, and so forth), were in the public domain.

    Basically, I think that while Arthur Leigh Allen was a good suspect, as time has passed and the investigation progressed, he ends up like many "good suspects", as "oh, not the right one".

    There are questions that get raised about the finger prints, and the DNA, and so forth, and while yes, maybe, etc, in the end, as he got looked at more and more, the case did not get stronger, but rather, started having to defend itself. Personally, what I've noticed in most solved cases, is that once the right suspect comes into focus, everything starts falling into place rather than, one has to argue why it isn't coming into focus.

    So, having not seen the current documentary, all I can say is that I advise "view with your most sceptical goggles on."

    - Jeff
    Hello Jeff,

    Sceptical goggles at the ready.

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  • JeffHamm
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    hi jeff
    the dna samples were poor and dna forensics science was primitive back then, same with the bloody palm print, or that could have been crime scene contamination. neither are as solid evidence as they are made to seem, quite the opposite. the voice stuff, cmon.

    Allen owned a zodiac brand watch that had the same symbol logo that the zodiac used, he was a suspect at two seperate independent times during the case, and a surviving witness unhesitatingly ided him when he saw a photo of him.

    he owned the same kind of type writer used in a letter, he lived in the immediate area, fit the profile of a avg joe lonely loser mad at the world type the zodiac clearly was. there is a ton of other evidence. it was Allen.
    Hi Abby,

    My issue is the best type of evidence, DNA and prints, that points away from ALA is always argued as being poor, but then, the evidence we know is poor is laid out as conclusive (like the watch - well, it's not like there is any evidence that Zodiac owned such a watch, so really, what is this evidence? Particularly since many would have owned such a watch and not be the Zodiac) Is the watch interesting, yes, conclusive, no. And when the more conclusive types of evidence point away even if one can question them, I tend to err on the side of "the case against him isn't great".

    The voice stuff is at least two witnesses who say no, against one who says yes. And we know line up identifications have a false positive rate. So, again, I don't see the case against ALA as all that strong.

    On the whole, I rather suspect ALA wasn't Zodiac, but not to the point where if it were conclusively proven he was that I would be "amazed". I would just be "oh, really? I didn't expect that, but ok".

    My general view is that I think Zodiac is probably none of the suspects, but like JtR, is probably someone non-descript, never associated with the case in any serious way, but possibly is in the police files somewhere (although I'm not firm on that last point).

    If they do have DNA from the stamps, I'm hoping they apply Genetic Genealogy to it. Trace down the stamp licker, and even if that is not the Zodiac, it will be someone close to them. But maybe I'm just too cynical and I should pick someone and just harden up. I'm sure I will one day. But today is not that day!

    - Jeff

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by JeffHamm View Post
    Hi Herlock,

    I should know more about the Zodiac case than I do, but I admit, I'm not as up on it as I should be. That aside, I have looked at it at times, and like JtR, Zodiac information can be very suspect driven, and convincing cases are often presented by the same biases that creep in to JtR. While Arthur Leigh Allen was the original "final solution", and he was of interest to the police (so not a bad choice), I believe in the end there are some pretty hard hurdles to clear.

    Some of the lesser ones, meaning they could be argued against, are that the fellow from the Lake Barryessa (sp?) stabbing case heard his voice and said that was not the voice he recalls. Also, the operator who took a call from the Zodiac (which he ends with a "Goood byyyyeee", also said the voice was not the same. That sort of evidence can be argued around, of course.

    But, finger prints at the Stein Murder (the taxi cab driver), did not match him. I believe they tested his DNA against that found on Zodiac letters (one's they are sure came from the Zodiac), and again, no match.

    There is a fellow who apparently went to the police saying that Allen told him things like "I will kill kids, call myself "zodiac", etc", but what is often omitted is that apparently this fellow had a grudge against Arthur L. A. and his information was only passed on well after all the details he mentions (to the cifers, and so forth), were in the public domain.

    Basically, I think that while Arthur Leigh Allen was a good suspect, as time has passed and the investigation progressed, he ends up like many "good suspects", as "oh, not the right one".

    There are questions that get raised about the finger prints, and the DNA, and so forth, and while yes, maybe, etc, in the end, as he got looked at more and more, the case did not get stronger, but rather, started having to defend itself. Personally, what I've noticed in most solved cases, is that once the right suspect comes into focus, everything starts falling into place rather than, one has to argue why it isn't coming into focus.

    So, having not seen the current documentary, all I can say is that I advise "view with your most sceptical goggles on."

    - Jeff
    hi jeff
    the dna samples were poor and dna forensics science was primitive back then, same with the bloody palm print, or that could have been crime scene contamination. neither are as solid evidence as they are made to seem, quite the opposite. the voice stuff, cmon.

    Allen owned a zodiac brand watch that had the same symbol logo that the zodiac used, he was a suspect at two seperate independent times during the case, and a surviving witness unhesitatingly ided him when he saw a photo of him.

    he owned the same kind of type writer used in a letter, he lived in the immediate area, fit the profile of a avg joe lonely loser mad at the world type the zodiac clearly was. there is a ton of other evidence. it was Allen.

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  • JeffHamm
    Ha ha! When I started typing, there were no replies. By the time I finished, two pipped me to the post! Hmmm, maybe I am verbose?

    - Jeff

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  • JeffHamm
    Hi Herlock,

    I should know more about the Zodiac case than I do, but I admit, I'm not as up on it as I should be. That aside, I have looked at it at times, and like JtR, Zodiac information can be very suspect driven, and convincing cases are often presented by the same biases that creep in to JtR. While Arthur Leigh Allen was the original "final solution", and he was of interest to the police (so not a bad choice), I believe in the end there are some pretty hard hurdles to clear.

    Some of the lesser ones, meaning they could be argued against, are that the fellow from the Lake Barryessa (sp?) stabbing case heard his voice and said that was not the voice he recalls. Also, the operator who took a call from the Zodiac (which he ends with a "Goood byyyyeee", also said the voice was not the same. That sort of evidence can be argued around, of course.

    But, finger prints at the Stein Murder (the taxi cab driver), did not match him. I believe they tested his DNA against that found on Zodiac letters (one's they are sure came from the Zodiac), and again, no match.

    There is a fellow who apparently went to the police saying that Allen told him things like "I will kill kids, call myself "zodiac", etc", but what is often omitted is that apparently this fellow had a grudge against Arthur L. A. and his information was only passed on well after all the details he mentions (to the cifers, and so forth), were in the public domain.

    Basically, I think that while Arthur Leigh Allen was a good suspect, as time has passed and the investigation progressed, he ends up like many "good suspects", as "oh, not the right one".

    There are questions that get raised about the finger prints, and the DNA, and so forth, and while yes, maybe, etc, in the end, as he got looked at more and more, the case did not get stronger, but rather, started having to defend itself. Personally, what I've noticed in most solved cases, is that once the right suspect comes into focus, everything starts falling into place rather than, one has to argue why it isn't coming into focus.

    So, having not seen the current documentary, all I can say is that I advise "view with your most sceptical goggles on."

    - Jeff

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
    The series is very watchable and yes does finger Allen. Although as we have learned with the Missing Evidence if the roll of the documentary is to finger someone then it will no matter what. Lots of coincidences with Allen for sure.
    it was allen.

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  • Geddy2112
    The series is very watchable and yes does finger Allen. Although as we have learned with the Missing Evidence if the roll of the documentary is to finger someone then it will no matter what. Lots of coincidences with Allen for sure.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    started a topic This Is The Zodiac Speaking.

    This Is The Zodiac Speaking.

    I’m half way through the second episode of this new Netflix series based on the recollections of a family that knew Arthur Leigh Allen well. He’s always seemed a good suspect to me but I’m no expert on the case and I’ve read that many experts dismiss him. I once spent an hour or two reading stuff on a Zodiac forum and saw that Robert Graysmith came in for some serious criticism.

    He also wrote a ripper book of course.