Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde
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Remember Wallace told the police on Wednesday 21 January (the day after) that Draper cleaned for them. So if Wallace had used the iron bar in the murder, he was obviously keeping his fingers crossed that Draper would not remember it. A highly risky strategy given he must have known she used it often. On the other hand, if Wallace genuinely didn't know about the bar (I suspect he never cleaned anything apart from his scientific equipment) then he could not tell the police about it.
And you make one key assumption: the iron bar was the weapon. The poker was missing, too, don't forget (which Wallace knew about). Surely, this is only damaging against Wallace IF (a) we know the iron bar was the weapon and (b) the police by themselves traced Draper and (c) Draper remembered the bar and (d) Wallace denied ever seeing it. We only have the last two. And, of course, to support (a) we cannot argue that Wallace denied knowledge of it - that would be arguing in a vicious circle!
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