Couple of pointers : It is very possible that Wallace’s previous visits to Crewe’s place did not require his approach to the house from the Menlove Avenue end of Green Ave. He may have alighted the tram each time from the Allerton road end of Green Ave. However, the recent research into the newspaper clipping from that time of the burglaries in the Menlove
Gardens area , indicates to me that Wallace certainly was aware of the existence of that particular location , or are we to assume that He, his wife, the chaps he conversed with at the chess club , and all of the people on his routes never discussed the outrageous break- ins in the Allerton area? Come to think of it , am I wrong in recalling a conversation where someone stated ‘you wouldn’t want to be traipsing around that area at night’ ? In any event, Wallace’s overly emphasizing his excursion to all and sundry that night ,tell us something of his naivety in his plan.
Gardens area , indicates to me that Wallace certainly was aware of the existence of that particular location , or are we to assume that He, his wife, the chaps he conversed with at the chess club , and all of the people on his routes never discussed the outrageous break- ins in the Allerton area? Come to think of it , am I wrong in recalling a conversation where someone stated ‘you wouldn’t want to be traipsing around that area at night’ ? In any event, Wallace’s overly emphasizing his excursion to all and sundry that night ,tell us something of his naivety in his plan.