Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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The cat might be imaginative thinking, but you have to wonder by WHO. Because what sort of person could know something so weird and unknown, as well as the cat's name that I've never seen anywhere before.
It's like something you can't make up almost. It'd be like someone coming forward saying something about the missing wood chopper that was found. It's like the kind of thing where it's so obscure, that the only people who could ever come out with it would be those utterly OBSESSED with the case, or someone who knew the Wallaces personally.
I think John might have truly said it but is delirious with dementia. Or I think "Stan" might be putting something out there that he knows, and just being like ohhh yeah Johnston said it.
See what I mean?
That's why I think it's important. Not so much because of the theory, but due to the fact that someone even KNOWS that fact. If it was like, a well known fact it'd be like "meh", but when it's soooo out there and unknown you have to take it seriously.
Honestly as much badmouthing as Slemen gets, I will say to you that I have personally been able to verify every single claim in his book (ones ONLY in his book not others). For example the robbed home was #19 and the homeowner WAS Samuel Shotton and he WAS a postman.
There really WAS a Dan (whatever his last name is, I put it in my prior post) who worked as a ship joiner living at 30 Menlove Gardens... Just it's Menlove South not West so a little mistake there.
I think I verified Johnston's late-life address too.
So when I keep constantly doubting the guy and time after time it's showing me he's actually telling the truth, it makes me wonder if some of the other things I doubt him on (such as the crime scene at 19 having a targeted strike on savings from a pot and the pot put back) are also true.