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Who Killed Julia Wallace? - New Evidence

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  • #31
    Originally posted by moste View Post

    “He looks too kind to be a criminal “. ?
    I know, I know, that is the furthest thing from evidence!

    But I am REALLY good at reading people off of their appearance. I will be the first to admit it is not even remotely evidence, but when I look at his face (in Gannon's book) he looks so jovial, to the point I really can't imagine him ever being involved in something like that. Also the fact he covered William's back... You'd think a guilty party would want someone else to go down for the crime - and yet we see Parry also covered William's back saying they had a great marriage (and I am 99.99% certain he is the man who placed the phone call).

    However, on the evidence, I put James Caird forward as a good suspect for involvement, here's why:

    1) Is intensely familiar with the Wallace household (to the point of knowing the upstairs back room has been turned into a laboratory).

    2) Played chess at Wallace's home often, I cannot think of any other room they may have played in but the kitchen where the cash box was kept, owing to the need for a table. Furthermore, Caird was so close to Wallace having known him for 15 years.

    3) If involved in a premeditated scheme, will be at the club to ensure Wallace receives the message from his accomplice. In fact, he actually followed Beattie and stood by him as he delivered the message and listened to Wallace's responses. This is documented as fact in his own statements.

    4) Even if the call was a prank Caird knows: The nature of Wallace's business, the address Wallace is going to, Wallace's home address, the name of the client, the time of the appointment, and even the tram route Wallace is taking. On top of this he would be admitted by Julia without question.

    5) Admitted to knowing the name Qualtrough.

    6) Caird pressed Wallace oddly on their discussion on the way home. Caird first said he had heard of a Qualtrough when Wallace expressed doubts. Then when Wallace rejected Caird's suggested route (which was to get a bus from queen's drive, a stop 30 minute walk from Wallace's house - Wallace's own route took 25 minutes in TOTAL) and said he'd take the direct route, Caird questioned him on what route that would be... Then he says "I take it you've made up your mind to go then?" as if trying to ensure that Wallace will definitely be going on the trip.

    7) Has at least two mutual acquaintances with Gordon Parry, who is almost certainly the caller (Wallace, and Stanley Holmes).

    8) At least knows Gordon Parry by sight, as his chess tournament nights were on Thursdays, the same night as Parry's drama club met.

    9) Was not due to be at the chess club on that Monday, since Monday was for second class players and he was a first class player.

    10) Possibly prompted Beattie to deliver the message in the first place. This is disputed as there are several different accounts, whether Beattie or Caird first mentioned Wallace being there, but in whatever case he pointed out to Beattie that Wallace had arrived.

    11) Caird offered Wallace a game before he'd even hung up his coat and hat... Which would of course put him in prime position to ensure Wallace received the message.

    Note: Take note of how despite immediately offering Wallace a game, when Wallace rejects the offer, Caird does not try to find another partner, he instead loiters around for a little while, first going to greet Samuel Beattie, then following Beattie and hovering around as the message was delivered.

    12) Lives about 30 seconds from Wallace's home so can easily get in and out unseen compared to most other suspects.

    13) By his own statements did not have an alibi for a window of opportunity in the murder. By his statement, he left his store at 7.15 PM and arrived home (AKA 30 seconds from 29 Wolverton Street) at 7.45 PM. He could have potentially committed this murder.

    14) A POSSIBLE motive. The two men had set up the chess club together, and therefore I am assuming were financially responsible for its upkeep. There are many ways this could lead to motive... Just one idea is if Wallace realized he was terminally ill and planned to move out of the area, removing financing for the club... Or if Julia was putting on similar pressure....... Or simply if he felt Wallace had been giving him a raw deal had he been covering more of the costs than he felt was fair.

    15) Not evidence but something to look into... Wallace named another man from the chess club as being someone his wife would admit, a Mr. Thomas. I have never ever seen him referenced, but he is a possible accomplice (since in a burglary scenario I am sure there are multiple people in the house).


    I'd also like to field the idea that Alan Close lied about seeing Julia... Not that he was mistaken... The idea he OUTRIGHT lied.

    Alan Close did not see Julia take the milk in. After putting the milk on the doorstep of 29, he went to 31 (or 27? One of the two) and delivered the milk to them. He then went back to 29 Wolverton Street to collect the empty jugs or containers or whatever it was, and THAT is when he claimed to have seen Julia.

    It is fact that he was at the door, but possible he lied about the sighting.

    One indication that he is lying is the fact that he first revealed this information some time after the murder (when Wallace was already the prime suspect), and to a group of kids around his own age... Something a child might do for "street cred"... When they told him he should tell the police, he was extremely hesitant... He then began bragging he's "the missing link" and giggled and fell asleep in the courtroom.


    • #32
      What would the milk boys motive be for lying about seeing Mrs. Wallace?

      your #14 motive would be humorous if not so ridiculous. So one possibility you think is’Oh Oh ! Wallace is talking about moving out of the area and taking his chess dues with him, quick, kill his wife!’
      In the words of Dickens from his book Scrooge, “I’ll retire to bedlam “ LOL.
      Last edited by moste; 10-25-2019, 01:23 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by moste View Post
        What would the milk boys motive be for lying about seeing Mrs. Wallace?

        your #14 motive would be humorous if not so ridiculous. So one possibility you think is’Oh Oh ! Wallace is talking about moving out of the area and taking his chess dues with him, quick, kill his wife!’
        In the words of Dickens from his book Scrooge, “I’ll retire to bedlam “ LOL.
        Obviously to impress his fellow young gang of friends. Highly plausible that a child would do that. He never mentioned it for ages, didn't tell his parents, just volunteered it among other kids then hesitated about telling the police. Taking his word as gospel given the circumstances is ridiculous. Only one author appears to have pointed out that he's not a very credible witness.

        And yes I know I was thinking of the Carsini wineries episode of Columbo.

        Realistically though, if the two men were both financially responsible for the club's upkeep, whether Wallace had perhaps been lagging on payments or not paying his fair share, that would be highly important information clearly, as possible incentive to steal from him.

        That's trying to push a motive beyond simply wanting money for money's sake, which is what would probably apply in any burglary scenario for any suspect including Gordon Parry.

        Fact is, and this as far as I see cannot possibly be disputed, James Caird has both the knowledge and opportunity needed to commit the crime. He knows everything about the business trip, the layout of the home, will be admitted without question, and is so close as to practically be a neighbour allowing for easier escape, while being confirmed to be near Wallace's house within the window of Julia's possible time of death. Can you realistically dispute this? Or will you admit it as fact.


        I think anyone can say with very high probability that Gordon Parry is the caller... So if you finger James Caird as the perpetrator it'd be good to establish for a fact whether he definitely knew Parry (might be in his police statements since Parry was investigated as one of the prime suspects).

        It's of course possible that someone at the chess club would exploit a prank call from Parry.


        Parry as a duped caller then Wallace killing his wife could work if not for the fact his neighbours on both sides I guess had never heard any argument between the two. Living together apparently so happily for over a decade with no issues noticed by their terraced neighbours seems unlikely. My house is semi-detached and I had neighbours who were in a bad marriage before and you KNEW about it.

        When it comes to blood splashes however, you might consider that others have seemingly got away untouched by blood despite strong evidence they did it.

        See Deborah Pieringer (similar to Wallace, no drains at the crime scene were used) and Lizzie Borden. But the list of cases where this has happened is quite long, and nobody can quite figure out how they are doing it except to claim they're naked - which doesn't even make sense since they'd track blood around the house and onto the insides of clothing they put on after... There is evidence in both the Borden and Wallace case, however, that burning was involved. Borden put a dress of hers in the fire, there's signs of burning on Wallace's mackintosh. Maybe that's how they're doing it. Except Wallace failed to incinerate the raincoat in such a scenario.


        • #34
          Nobody cares about this thread or case anymore so I'll just give my recommendations for publications:

          Brophy and Rowland were my favorite. It's incidental they favor Wallace's innocence.

          Brophy is the only one sharp enough to point out the accent of the caller (so if it was Wallace he faked his voice to the operators as WELL as Beattie). Rowland's book is very comprehensive and worth a read because it's rare and therefore has information you might not have heard before.


          End of the day... Telephone caller = Gordon Parry unless he provided a different proven alibi for the phone box which has never been seen. Telephone caller unlikely to be Wallace.

          Killer possibly Wallace who killed Julia wearing his raincoat in the same way that girl killed her parents in a pink bathrobe and shower cap with a shotgun (it's a true case on an episode of Deadly Women)... Then chucked the raincoat onto the fireplace expecting it to be incinerated by the time he returned. To his horror this did not happen so on his solo entry into the home he repositioned it.

          Best evidence of a distraction robbery is the coins on the floor indicating a person fumbled taking down the cash box causing it to fall and smash breaking the hinge, spilling coins.

          Best evidence of an interrupted burglary after murder would be Wallace's evidence given that he felt someone was still inside the house when he got back.

          Best evidence of a planned murder is the forensic evidence of the use of the raincoat. In the pink bathrobe murder the staining was almost identical with one sleeve being soaked with blood.


          Parry potentipotentially responsible for disposal if Parkes is honest.


          Some other evidence implicates Amy Wallace.

          Mention of the dog whip being missing is VERY strange. I cannot think of any possible reason why Wallace would own a dog whip without a dog for any reason other than bondage type ****. Julia had no markings on her body that would suggest such practice.

          He did not mention any other items which had apparently been missing for over a year.

          That in combo with the evidence from a member of parliament (Colin Wilson mentions it, it's not his own theory) that Amy was into bondage and whipped people in Malay for sexual gratification is a weird possible connection.

          Two outlier witnesses are ADAMANT they saw Amy Wallace around the murder time. One states he saw Amy at Scotland Road asking for directions to the ferry landing stage (interesting that Brophy suggests the weapon may have been dropped off the side of a ferry despite not knowing that info, just a guess from him). Another that the day after Amy was asking for Menlove Gardens East insisting it did exist and she had been there.

          Brophy has studied maps of the time and the writing on the map is confusing and misleading. I believe menlove west and south are marked Menlove Gardens W and Menlove Gardens S. North is just marked Menlove Gardens, and the E in Liverpool on the map unfortunately aligns right by the Menlove Gardens without the directional marking. Something like that.


          Likely scenarios without any real issue:

          1) Wallace wanted to be with Amy and reluctantly killed Julia after getting Gordon to place a call. The two men passed at the fork in the junction of Breck Road with Parry going right to the box and Wallace left to the tram.

          In the kill night, look at the first strike and position of the body. It is consistent with Wallace pretending to get out his violin on the armchair while actually grabbing a heavy instrument to hit her with. Places him in the correct weird position. I can explain this.

          The mackintosh was immediately thrown onto the Sunbeam fireplace and caught light and took with it part of Julia's skirt. Unexpectedly it did not burn entirely, Wallace was not waiting for it he just rushed out assuming it'd be ashes when he returned. Apparently there was no burning scent when Wallace/Johnstons entered so the mack was likely burnt a fair bit earlier. Other stuff could have successfully burned as well.

          2) Parry knew Caird (2 mutual aquaintances plus attending the same cafè on the same night for an extended period, being Thursdays), and planned this with him. Parry placed the call. Caird was there to ensure delivery of the message. The criminals in this case likely escaped to Caird's home, being exposed to the public for perhaps 20 seconds at most.

          Caird didn't have a match scheduled. He asked Wallace for a game and when refused did not set up another right away (not a big deal), instead went to Beattie's table then followed Beattie to Wallace's table and stood there listening as the message was delivered (really).

          Caird's questioning of Wallace on the way back was odd.

          3) Parry passed Wallace on his way to Lily's, saw Wallace at the tram stop as he had done by chance many times, stopped at the booth to make a funny joke, and someone who caught wind of this had a seed planted in their mind to exploit this opportunity. E.g. a chess club member, because everyone at that club knew all relevant information about the trip even Wallace's street (if not house number) since McCartney asked for his address.


          I'm just going to see the files tbh. I've seen a LOT of new information in all these books I didn't bother to document here as the thread is dead. But I think that would be the best thing to do.


          • #35
            Give yourself some credit WWH, that's one hell of a well written, informative thread. You know your stuff.
            Thems the Vagaries.....


            • #36
              Originally posted by Al Bundy's Eyes View Post
              Give yourself some credit WWH, that's one hell of a well written, informative thread. You know your stuff.
              Well thanks, I think general interest in the case has waned though and I've done so much reading yet the OBVIOUS step I gotta take is to just see the dang files.

              I honestly feel that some authors are hiding information. Same in the papers there's officers, lawyers etc. claiming to know "secrets" but unwilling to share them.

              It makes me think there's a gag order on something in the files. Like maybe a witness statement?

              I have permission to access files in several locations. So... I gotta do that and then I think I'll know. For example only ONE book contains a single statement from Caird, none have full statements from all neighbors. There's a lot missing. Stuff that could be crucial... Antony casually mentioned McCartney asked Wallace for his address but didn't notice the significance in that.

              So I feel there's gotta be other stuff in there that's important but being missed.


              • #37
                Hi WWH,

                Apologies for abandoning the thread lately. Ripper related posting and life in general got in the way. You’ve done an enormous amount of research over the past few weeks/months and I agree with Al that you deserve a huge amount of credit. Over the next few days I’ll be reading through the whole thread to try and catch up and comment. I certainly wouldn’t want any Wallace discussion to die a death. It’s a pity AS isn’t still posting.

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • #38
                  Originally posted by WallaceWackedHer View Post
                  I'm just going to see the files tbh. I've seen a LOT of new information in all these books I didn't bother to document here as the thread is dead. But I think that would be the best thing to do.
                  Hi WWH - catching up with your postings and intrigued by the Caird speculation. You've done an excellent job of reviewing this case and I think you have come up with a really interesting scenario. I'm not sure you have nailed the motive yet, and it may not be possible to do so, but you've opened up a plausible alternative solution.


                  • #39
                    It has an "Ex Libris" sticker to Jonathan Goodman, 43 Ealing Village, I wonder if it's the same Goodman who authored the Wallace book? It'd be pretty cool if I am holding his personal copy of the book.

                    its his address.



                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • #40

                      The letter is dated 24th May 1959, and the address on the top left reads (I assume this is Yseult's address): 54 THE MINT, 30 Mermaid Street, Rye, Sussex.

                      I would think so. She died in Rye in 1971.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • #41
                        . Yseult states the 19th of January was the first contest match Wallace was down to play. But she also makes a point of the fact Wallace had not attended meetings for the past fortnight and Beattie was uncertain that he would turn up and thus had already found a replacement for him. So I think she might mean that it WOULD be the first one IF he turned up? (Would like corroboration).

                        According to the board Wallace had already played one match on November 10th and lost to E. Lampitt. He was overdue to play McCarthy which would have been his second match.

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • #42
                          . Important: Claims that an engineer, Leslie Heaton, inspected the phone box and "he had found a fault in the mechanism which he had corrected."
                          I seem to recall Antony saying that he’d looked whilst researching his book but found no evidence of Heaton ever mentioning a fault. I think he might have mentioned a broken bulb but I’m not certain.

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by etenguy View Post

                            Hi WWH - catching up with your postings and intrigued by the Caird speculation. You've done an excellent job of reviewing this case and I think you have come up with a really interesting scenario. I'm not sure you have nailed the motive yet, and it may not be possible to do so, but you've opened up a plausible alternative solution.
                            Well there are only two motives here, theft or murder. Going deeper than that or determining whether the intruder even in a burglary scenario planned to murder Julia, I'm not sure.

                            I know there are some anecdotal reports of homosexuality on Wallaces part, and weird witness reports of Amy Wallace.


                            I know James Caird could potentially have a financial motive to steal, because he and Wallace were joint founders of the chess club and may have some money tied up into it that we aren't aware of. It's not necessary to prove but there is that... I also know James Caird very likely knew Parry by sight (and had at least 2 mutual acquaintances with him), was not due at the club that night, prompted/followed Beattie and loitered as the message was delivered, knew the Wallace home VERY well, had an odd line of questioning with Wallace on the way home (ending with him saying "so I take it you've made up your mind to definitely go then?" and pressing Wallace to describe which tram route he was going to take), was around the Wallace home in the window of time the murder was commited (19.45 by his own claim), lived close enough to plausibly escape unseen, would be admitted by Julia if he called, and lived at a position from which he could watch Wallace leave for the tram from his window or just outside his house.

                            A completely viable suspect indeed.


                            If Wallace himself killed Julia, I am proposing he got Julia to set up for a musical evening, went to the armchair where you see his violin case, grabbed a blunt instrument (or already had one in his hand), and hit her with it. This may have been wrapped to avoid blood staining. The mackintosh which was sprayed was then thrown onto the fire and abandoned, with the belief that it would be incinerated on return. Instead it had slipped off and partially burned Julia's skirt before the flames petered out, and Wallace shoved it under her shoulder on his return.

                            I also propose you consider the possibility that the milk boy Alan Close was not mistaken about seeing Julia, but actually LIED about seeing her to impress his young friends. We know Alan left the milk on the Wallace doorstep and then went to the Johnstons without seeing Julia take open the door or take the jugs in. He claimed to see Julia when he had returned to the doorstep to pick up the empty jugs. This is a statement he made after Wallace was already a suspect and he had not told his parents etc... He was discussing it with friends, and was reluctant to go to the police with the information while bragging and singing he's the missing link.


                            I have put in a request to see the files and have been given permission. Not only the Liverpool police station files but also the national archive records which is what James Murphy used when writing his books (whenever he references DPP - I contacted them and got a referral)...

                            After I see all these files, things will become much clearer.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                              I seem to recall Antony saying that he’d looked whilst researching his book but found no evidence of Heaton ever mentioning a fault. I think he might have mentioned a broken bulb but I’m not certain.
                              Antony claims this, sure, but the police files are pruned quite significantly whereas Yseult Bridges was a contemporary author on the case. I know the files Antony saw are pruned because Merseyside police told me this themselves, and I am not aware of any other source he checked.

                              I will see the files myself and make sense of it all... I have been granted access to the DPP files as well, which is what Murphy used.

                              I also happen to know Antony was originally planning to write on Wallace's guilt, but went with Rod's theory solely because the publisher said the Wallace guilt case was overdone (although they did not seem to know this theory is identical to the theory of Hussey, and at least one other author who proposed it, along with Wallace's own defence lawyer who brought it up in court). So I am not convinced he believes a lot of the things he says, and I also think he may potentially be withholding certain information which was in the files because of this.

                              I know he mocks my enthusiasm for my case but it's a Rubik's cube I absolutely must solve. Even if only to wittle it all down to a subset of theories which are all entirely plausible and weed out the rest.
                              Last edited by WallaceWackedHer; 11-12-2019, 05:16 AM.


                              • #45
                                For your interest here is the response from the DPP:

                                Dear Mr Jones,

                                We have an entry on paper for W H WALLACE ref DPP2/2 file ref 116 marked OPEN. This would indicate that the papers were transferred to the National Archives.

                                From research William Herbert WALLACE was convicted for murder (Julia WALLACE) and sentenced to death (acquitted on appeal). There are Home Office files open at the National Archives ref HO 144/17938,

                                HO 144/17939 and listed is the DPP 2/2 reference former file reference 116.

                                You may also wish to make enquiries with the court service to see if they hold any records.

                                Kind regards,

                                J Altham

                                Head of Records Management Unit/DRO

