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Casebook Forum--Biggest mystery!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Suzi View Post
    Talking of aliens/lizardmen/illuminati/freemasons/blotchyfaced men etc etc I cant get to post attachments I blame 'em all!!!!
    Your not having much luck on the new boards are you Suzi,

    Get in touch with Ally and see what she can tell you (a lot more than me!)

    Regards Mike


    • #32
      Originally posted by Celesta View Post
      Honey, Didn't you used to live in London and move to Ipswich? Or was that someone else?

      not me, ive only ever been to London once. I moved from Thurso a few years ago and now live in Glasgow.


      • #33
        Honey, Thurso is where Swanson was born.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Robert View Post
          Honey, Thurso is where Swanson was born.

          Yep, thats in my profile details!!!

          I have to say though, it is just Thurso, Caithness, not Thurso, Wick Caithness.

          Thurso and Wick are the 2 main towns in caithness, bit are totally seperate from one another.

          (what a stupid thing to find annoying eh??? )


          • #35
            MAYBE im wrong but im sure ive read/heard several times on various forums that whenever you post something anywhere on the web its there for eternity,and a site shutting down for instance wouldnt alter that. i was under the impression that somewhere in this digital cesspit we all now inhabit is one (or more) giant depository containing all the drivel that is posted,all the photos that are uploaded etc etc from each and every website in existence....then again maybe i heard it wrong


            • #36
              Originally posted by dougie View Post
              MAYBE im wrong but im sure ive read/heard several times on various forums that whenever you post something anywhere on the web its there for eternity,and a site shutting down for instance wouldnt alter that. i was under the impression that somewhere in this digital cesspit we all now inhabit is one (or more) giant depository containing all the drivel that is posted,all the photos that are uploaded etc etc from each and every website in existence....then again maybe i heard it wrong
              I agree, although not with the inference that postings on Casebook could be deemed 'drivel'!

              If not on the web, then surely some members must have copied some, or part, of Casebook forums. We will see.
              'Nothing is obvious'.


              • #37
                I'm sure the Trilateral Commission has it all.
                This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                Stan Reid


                • #38
                  "surely some members must have copied some, or part, of Casebook forums."

                  One person even got a book out of it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Robert View Post
                    "surely some members must have copied some, or part, of Casebook forums."

                    One person even got a book out of it.
                    they did? what was the title? "frank tumblety rides again"


                    • #40
                      i wasnt infering that ALL the psts were drivel....not mine anyway i was refferring to all ,each and every site ,prob billions of them by now on whatever subject ,interest etc and so forth.....its all there,(somewhere) safe and sound for future generations to read and then revel in our ignorance.......least ways its what i was told....but then again it was on a forum so maybe its not complete truth.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by dougie View Post
                        they did? what was the title? "frank tumblety rides again"
                        Close - it was "Frank T Ridley tumbles again".
                        Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                        "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                        • #42

                          That's almost exactly right, and is why people have been able to recover some of Casebook's posts & threads from different Internet archive websites.

                          OK, to simplify things and not to get too technical about what happened to the Casebook... The hard drive - or drives, I don't know if there was more than one hard drive - that stored all the Casebook forum posts and all the files in the Casebook website was in a specialized sort of computer that is called a server. It's specialized in that it connects up to the Internet in such a way that nearly everything on it is available to be read by anyone with an Internet connection. It "serves" different files to Internet users like you and me sort of like the way that McDonalds serves hamburgers. You drive to the right street address, you pull your car up to the menu board, you announce what you want, you pull 'round to the right window and pick up what you asked for...

                          That server crashed, it went dead all of a sudden. Nothing on the hard drive inside is able to be gotten at and read, ever again - except by some very expensive experts who know a lot more about the mechanics of data storage than I bloody well do. In short, it's kind of like a dead light bulb. It needs to be pulled out and replaced with a new one.

                          OK, that said, there is some magic involved in people being able to recover stuff that we've lost. The magic is this: Search Engines, like Google and other similar internet services, run little programs that search out and record the content of different web pages and websites. Some of them store this information for quite a while. What people recovering Casebook's lost data are doing is trawling through these archives, trying to locate those bits from the Casebook that were stored.

                          Not everything gets stored in these archives. And what is stored isn't collected together in one place, or under one title. Or even in the same archive. That's what makes the search for bits and pieces so difficult.

                          If Spryder and Ally had unlimited money, they could pay someone to attempt to recover the lost data from the dead drives on the server. Even with unlimited amounts of cash, the server drives couldn't be made to give up all the data that once was recorded on them. The drives died - Some of the data got scrambled into random 1s and 0s when the drives died. Some things posted on the Casebook forums are dead and gone forever.

                          So the rumor that you heard is not 100% correct, but it is partly correct. Bit and pieces of old, dead websites are still able to be found - If one knows exactly what one is looking for and where it might have been stored.

                          On that note, I'd like to thank everyone that has been working to restore the Casebook to its former glory. You're doing a bloody difficult job, and you're doing it for the love of the website. I salute you, one and all!

                          "Extremely difficult. Virtually impossible - However, it should only take me ten minutes or so..." - Brice Linch: Max Headroom
                          Dan L Hollifield
                          Senior Editor/Publisher: Aphelion Webzine


                          • #43
                            yes,i can grasp the issue a bit better now,and yes a big thank you to the guys and gals trying to restore this site to its former glory...thank you


                            • #44
                              You know, it was just too bad that the last completed message on the forum before the crash was something like, "I have just found out the name of's...." We could have had a really "Agatha Christie" style mystery then.



                              • #45
                                Hi all. The Yanks got the satellite. i just love the image. Saucy Jack works his mojo and the satellite thaat feeds his website around the world goes A over T. The evil sod would no doubt chuckle over that one.


