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When Flying Saucers Attack!

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  • The Hobbit movie! Always wondered why Lord of the Rings trilogy forgot to make that one first. My favorite Tolkien book!


    • Here is the IMDB Link Plang,
      If you are registered with them you can join in the debate, ask questions etc, its all good fun!!

      It would make sense to film them in order, but at least they are being made, and I am also excitied about this venture.

      When I ran the video shop, my security gaurd could speak Elvish, as could my Assistant manager, and the chats they used to have! ome to think about it, they were probably talking about me
      Regards Mike


      • Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
        ome to think about it,

        Whoops, I have not had my Vitamin C this morning!
        Regards Mike


        • Took a hovercraft to the Isle' of Wight' many moons ago. The waves were a meter high and I was sure it was going to sink.
          But we got there and it was like a different planet.


          • Originally posted by plang View Post
            Took a hovercraft to the Isle' of Wight' many moons ago. The waves were a meter high and I was sure it was going to sink.
            But we got there and it was like a different planet.
            You went all the way from British Columbia to the Isle of Wight on a hover craft? Must have been a dooty of a trip, Plangers!
            "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



            • Good one Celesta. We took the hovercraft from Portsmouth, near the pier at South Sea I think they call it.


              • We were walking along the sea front at Southsea many years ago, and some kids were playing baseball. It was mid to late 80's, and I remember we visited the "Pyramids" leisure centre!
                Anyway, one of these kids hit the ball and it flew through the air and landed on my sisters leg, breaking her ankle! Oh how I laughed!!
                Regards Mike


                • As I mentioned the other day, some Colorado native had shot footage of an alleged Alien. Well, we have seen him on just about every news channel, but still no footage!
                  Youtube is full of "fake" video's of the incident, with puppets, men, and even Obama popping up in front of a window!
                  The guy who owns the video has gone "The santilli way" instead of handing the video to scientists who can analyse the footage, he has taken it to a local uni and to a documentary makers to make a doc!!

                  One has to question wether it is an alien or alien$$$$$$$
                  Regards Mike


                  • I saw some still from the film shown on the news on Friday night. Nobody seemed impressed by it - I never heard so many newspeople (on Channel 11)
                    seem so dismissive of the material or of even having to discuss the matter as


                    • I saw some stuff on the net from CBS and Fox and both slated the guy for not allowing the news networks access to it. These are the same networks who are being manipulated to promote it, so they all sounded a little miffed!
                      Regards Mike


                      • I have not seen the tiniest bit about this! As usual, I'm lagging behind. Or my behind is lagging, or something.

                        Mike, how did the new investigation go?
                        "What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.



                        • We have an investigation for tonight, and one for wednsday this week!
                          I can't give locations away, but both are magnificent buildings.
                          Regards Mike


                          • Mike, surely you mean cricket. Baseball at South Sea way back then?
                            Could imagine a cricket ball breaking an ankle, but not a baseball. Were they playing hardball or softball? From what I recall, a cricket ball is as hard as a rock.


                            • No, it was deffo baseball, there was quite a crowd watching!
                              The ball in cricket is hard, I have taken a few to the "googlies" in my time
                              Regards Mike


                              • Mike, ever had a slapshot puck in the noggin?

