Hello Eten
There are indeed some good points. But the phone call to the chess club seems important and doesn't feature (unless you believe the phone call was not connected and is entirely coincidental). It would for instance be highly indicative that it was not the local housebreaker. It would undermine that someone was trying to frame Wallace during the murder (else why provide a potential alternative suspect, the caller). It also gives Wallace his alibi, such as it is. It is also indicative that the caller knew Wallace (and therefore by extension that Julia existed).
There are indeed some good points. But the phone call to the chess club seems important and doesn't feature (unless you believe the phone call was not connected and is entirely coincidental). It would for instance be highly indicative that it was not the local housebreaker. It would undermine that someone was trying to frame Wallace during the murder (else why provide a potential alternative suspect, the caller). It also gives Wallace his alibi, such as it is. It is also indicative that the caller knew Wallace (and therefore by extension that Julia existed).
I do agree that the two most likely potential motives are murder or robbery. The reason for the phone call seems to me most likely to provide an alibi for Wallace. I can see no strong reason to get Mr Wallace out of the house to commit a robbery in the knowledge that Mrs Wallace would be there. If that was the intention of the call it would seem superfluous since the house was only occupied by Mrs Wallace on the night the call was made. In any event, there were predictable times when both would be out of the house and that would seem the best opportunity to commit a robbery.
I do agree that the two most likely potential motives are murder or robbery. The reason for the phone call seems to me most likely to provide an alibi for Wallace. I can see no strong reason to get Mr Wallace out of the house to commit a robbery in the knowledge that Mrs Wallace would be there. If that was the intention of the call it would seem superfluous since the house was only occupied by Mrs Wallace on the night the call was made. In any event, there were predictable times when both would be out of the house and that would seem the best opportunity to commit a robbery.
I am therefore of the view that murder was the motive, committed by someone who knew the Wallaces. If you start from that premise, motive murder, then it must have been Wallace or else Julia would have been murdered during the Chess tournament.
I am therefore of the view that murder was the motive, committed by someone who knew the Wallaces. If you start from that premise, motive murder, then it must have been Wallace or else Julia would have been murdered during the Chess tournament.
It will not surprise you in the slightest when I say.....I agree.
