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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    These diagrams have been proven to have been wrong. CGI recreations lined everything up perfectly. If the bullet, travelling downward, passed through Kennedy and didn’t hit Connolly where did it go? Did it vanish? Did it pass through Kennedy and shoot upwards, over the windscreen and away? There were no bullet holes in the car or it’s upholstery. The single bullet theory is proven. Bugliosi’s tied Cyril Wecht up in knots at the London trial.
    Which diagrams do you mean? The diagram above is the Single Bullet theory. The first photo shows Connolly with his arm almost touching the side of the vehicle. I've seen that CGI recreation:
    Computer recreation of the second shot, which hit Kennedy and Connally, from the book depository.

    Look at 0:44 seconds just before the shot was fired. Connolly has his arm touching the side of the car. In the actual recreation there is at least an 11 frame gap between reactions. Bullets don't pause in time. You can see in photo 2 that the back wounds were well below the shoulder line, which matches the description in the autopsy. Neither were in the neck. The bullet would have had to ricochet off a rib to exit through the throat and it would then be on a steep upward trajectory. You said in a previous post that the bullet wasn't pristine. Can you elaborate? I trust you're not talking about the small hole in the nose where a portion was removed for testing.

    There was a bullet hole in the wind screen and another in the chrome at the top of the windscreen, both recorded photographically. We'll never know if there were bullets in the car as it taken away that day and rebuilt.

    I've located the London trial but haven't watched it yet. For Bugliosi to tie Wecht in knots he must have cross examined him. I'm looking forward to seeing that.

    Cheers, George
    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

    ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


    • On the relative vertical position of JFK and the Connolly in the limo, I believe the following to be accurate facts:

      The jump seat was six inches lower than the back seat.

      Kennedy was 6' (or 6'0.5")

      Connolly was 6'2"

      Therefore, Connolly was 4"-4.5" (10-11cm) lower than Kennedy in the car.* Whether or not that is sufficient to sustain the SBT I don't know.

      *This appears to be confirmed by a still photograph of the car taken almost side on (p. 14, Groden).

      Last edited by ColdCaseJury; 02-11-2023, 01:42 PM.
      Author of Cold Case Jury books: Move To Murder (2nd Edition) (2021), The Shark Arm Mystery (2020), Poisoned at the Priory (2020), Move to Murder (2018), Death of an Actress (2018), The Green Bicycle Mystery (2017) - "Armchair detectives will be delighted" - Publishers Weekly. Author of Crime & Mystery Hour - short fictional crime stories. And for something completely different - I'm the co-founder of Wow-Vinyl - celebrating the Golden Years of the British Single (1977-85)


      • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

        Which diagrams do you mean? The diagram above is the Single Bullet theory. The first photo shows Connolly with his arm almost touching the side of the vehicle. I've seen that CGI recreation:
        Computer recreation of the second shot, which hit Kennedy and Connally, from the book depository.

        Look at 0:44 seconds just before the shot was fired. Connolly has his arm touching the side of the car. In the actual recreation there is at least an 11 frame gap between reactions. Bullets don't pause in time. You can see in photo 2 that the back wounds were well below the shoulder line, which matches the description in the autopsy. Neither were in the neck. The bullet would have had to ricochet off a rib to exit through the throat and it would then be on a steep upward trajectory. You said in a previous post that the bullet wasn't pristine. Can you elaborate? I trust you're not talking about the small hole in the nose where a portion was removed for testing.

        There was a bullet hole in the wind screen and another in the chrome at the top of the windscreen, both recorded photographically. We'll never know if there were bullets in the car as it taken away that day and rebuilt.

        I've located the London trial but haven't watched it yet. For Bugliosi to tie Wecht in knots he must have cross examined him. I'm looking forward to seeing that.

        Cheers, George
        One damaged automobile windshield was removed from the Presidential limousine. Some eyewitnesses, like Dr. Evalea Glanges, claim that there was, in fact, a bullet hole.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

          Which diagrams do you mean? The diagram above is the Single Bullet theory. The first photo shows Connolly with his arm almost touching the side of the vehicle. I've seen that CGI recreation:

          Look at 0:44 seconds just before the shot was fired. Connolly has his arm touching the side of the car. In the actual recreation there is at least an 11 frame gap between reactions. Bullets don't pause in time. You can see in photo 2 that the back wounds were well below the shoulder line, which matches the description in the autopsy. Neither were in the neck. The bullet would have had to ricochet off a rib to exit through the throat and it would then be on a steep upward trajectory. You said in a previous post that the bullet wasn't pristine. Can you elaborate? I trust you're not talking about the small hole in the nose where a portion was removed for testing.

          There was a bullet hole in the wind screen and another in the chrome at the top of the windscreen, both recorded photographically. We'll never know if there were bullets in the car as it taken away that day and rebuilt.

          I've located the London trial but haven't watched it yet. For Bugliosi to tie Wecht in knots he must have cross examined him. I'm looking forward to seeing that.

          Cheers, George
          From the trial:

          B - Now, Doctor, if the bullet was coming on a downward path as it entered the Presidential limousine, as you say it was, is that correct?

          W - Yes.

          B - And it missed Governor Connolly, is that correct?

          W - Yes.

          B - Why didn’t it hit the car or do any damage to the car?

          W - Mr. Bugliosi, you are conveniently ignoring the fact that Elm Street is on a downward path which progresses in a more downward fashion as it goes away from the Texas (Book Depository) Building; therefore, as the car is going downward and the bullet is going downward, then the declination, the angle downward of the car more than compensates for the slight downward angle of the bullet.

          B - Oh, but Doctor, please, the degree of declination of Elm Street is 3 degrees, and certainly the bullet (coming) from the second floor (where Wecht had speculated the assassin was) would have been 3 degrees higher than the horizontal plane than the Presidential limousine.

          W- Not considerably higher.

          Bugliosi then asked again why the bullet, if it missed, didn’t hit anything else.

          W - What happened? …..Where is it? You are asking me to be responsible for the bullets in this case.

          B - I’m just asking you what happened to the…..bullet.

          W - I can’t tell you where all the bullets are. I didn’t conduct the investigation


          B - Doctor, the Prosecution has its own magic bullet, and frankly, we’re jealous of it……Now you’ve got your magic bullet, a bullet that is coming in a downward path into the Presidential limousine, 2000 feet a second, passes through President Kennedy’s body…..and it misses the driver and it misses the car. It must have zigzagged to the left?

          W - No. it need not have zigzagged to the left.

          B - Did if broadjump over the car?

          W - No……it need not have performed any remarkable feet.

          B - But you don’t know what happened to it?

          W - No I do not. There is a lot of things I don’t know about what happened to it in this case.


          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Originally posted by DJA View Post
            Some researchers have suggested that Oswald was an active agent of the Central Intelligence Agency, pointing to the fact that Oswald attempted to defect to Russia but was nonetheless able to return without difficulty (even receiving a repatriation loan from the State Department[104][105]) as evidence of such. Oswald's mother, Marguerite, often insisted that her son was recruited by an agency of the U.S. Government and sent to Russia.[99] New Orleans District Attorney (and later judge) Jim Garrison, who in 1967 brought Clay Shaw to trial for the assassination of President Kennedy also held the opinion that Oswald was most likely a CIA agent who had been drawn into the plot to be used as a scapegoat, even going as far as to say that Oswald "genuinely was probably a hero".[106] Senator Richard Schweiker, a member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence remarked that "everywhere you look with [Oswald], there're fingerprints of intelligence".[107] Schweiker also told author David Talbot that Oswald "was the product of a fake defector program run by the CIA."[108] Richard Sprague, interim staff director and chief counsel to the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations, stated that if he "had to do it over again", he would have investigated the Kennedy assassination by probing Oswald's ties to the Central Intelligence Agency.[109]

            In 1978, James Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer, testified before the HSCA[b] that shortly after the assassination of President Kennedy he was advised by fellow employees at a CIA post abroad that Oswald was a CIA agent who had received financial disbursements under an assigned cryptonym.[110] Wilcott was unable to identify the specific case officer who had initially informed him of Oswald's agency relationship, nor was he able to recall the name of the cryptonym, but he named several employees of the post abroad with whom he believed he had subsequently discussed the allegations.[110] Later that year Wilcott and his wife, Elsie (also a former employee of the CIA), repeated those claims in an article in the San Francisco Chronicle.[111] The HSCA investigated Wilcott's claims- including interviews with the chief and deputy chief of station, as well as officers in finance, registry, the Soviet Branch and counterintelligence - and concluded in their 1979 report they were "not worthy of belief".[110]
            Please remember that if your post contains numerous external links it will be flagged for moderation approval. When approved it will appear in the thread at the point the poster intended. So this might cause it to be missed by your fellow members.

            On topic- Oswald did not shoot JFK. Oswald did not shoot at General Walker. Oswald was not lying to us when he said he was a patsy.



            • Originally posted by jmenges View Post

              Please remember that if your post contains numerous external links it will be flagged for moderation approval. When approved it will appear in the thread at the point the poster intended. So this might cause it to be missed by your fellow members.

              On topic- Oswald did not shoot JFK. Oswald did not shoot at General Walker. Oswald was not lying to us when he said he was a patsy.

              tell us how you really feel! lol. you sound pretty to elaborate? CIA, FBI??? if all that is true it must have been one heck of a conspiracy!!!


              • Originally posted by jmenges View Post

                On topic- Oswald did not shoot JFK. Oswald did not shoot at General Walker. Oswald was not lying to us when he said he was a patsy.

                By the way, I've read a few books on this and I encourage other to do the same. It's a fascinating subject.

                Click image for larger version

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                • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                  tell us how you really feel! lol. you sound pretty to elaborate? CIA, FBI??? if all that is true it must have been one heck of a conspiracy!!!
                  I fall into the camp that believes he was used by rogue CIA handlers (like David Atlee Phillips) along with pissed-off Cuban exiles as a set-up to blame the assassination on Castro. I believe he was outside on the front steps of the Texas School Book Depository during the shooting just as Hosty reported Oswald said he was.



                  • Originally posted by jmenges View Post

                    I fall into the camp that believes he was used by rogue CIA handlers (like David Atlee Phillips) along with pissed-off Cuban exiles as a set-up to blame the assassination on Castro. I believe he was outside on the front steps of the Texas School Book Depository during the shooting just as Hosty reported Oswald said he was.

                    thanks! good googly moogly thats alot of books on it!!!


                    • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                      thanks! good googly moogly thats alot of books on it!!!
                      Read 'Breach of Trust' and 'The Last Investigation' and you'll get a sense of why no one should believe the Warren Commission report.
                      It's unfortunate that - like JtR- there are a lot of lunatic theories about the JFK case that make 'Truthers' all categorized as nut jobs.
                      Folks saying LBJ did it, or believing Oliver Stone's theory that the conspiracy reached the highest levels of the military industrial complex, or that there were two "Oswalds", one Russian and one American, or that it was all planned by the mafia should be completely ignored.



                      • Originally posted by jmenges View Post

                        I fall into the camp that believes he was used by rogue CIA handlers (like David Atlee Phillips) along with pissed-off Cuban exiles as a set-up to blame the assassination on Castro. I believe he was outside on the front steps of the Texas School Book Depository during the shooting just as Hosty reported Oswald said he was.

                        JM, that's interesting and you must be a JFK buff as well as a JTR one! Clearly, if Oswald was on the steps at 12:31pm, then it was a conspiracy. But important claims require strong evidence, I'm sure you will agree. If he was outside the depository then he would have been seen by dozens of people potentially. Now my research is VERY rusty, but I don't recall any independent verification of this claim (I am aware of the photograph but to me it is completely inconclusive) when we have a reasonable expectation that there should have been. With all those books on your shelves, I'm sure you will put me right!
                        Author of Cold Case Jury books: Move To Murder (2nd Edition) (2021), The Shark Arm Mystery (2020), Poisoned at the Priory (2020), Move to Murder (2018), Death of an Actress (2018), The Green Bicycle Mystery (2017) - "Armchair detectives will be delighted" - Publishers Weekly. Author of Crime & Mystery Hour - short fictional crime stories. And for something completely different - I'm the co-founder of Wow-Vinyl - celebrating the Golden Years of the British Single (1977-85)


                        • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                          Real scientific and real experimental evidence point towards Oswald's guilt. Eyewitness testimony, ballistics, photographic evidence, autopsy records, finger and palm prints, fiber evidence, analysis of bullet fragments, and purchase records all support that.
                          Agreed. I don't buy the conspiracy theory.
                          Pat D.
                          Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                          • Originally posted by ColdCaseJury View Post

                            JM, that's interesting and you must be a JFK buff as well as a JTR one! Clearly, if Oswald was on the steps at 12:31pm, then it was a conspiracy. But important claims require strong evidence, I'm sure you will agree. If he was outside the depository then he would have been seen by dozens of people potentially. Now my research is VERY rusty, but I don't recall any independent verification of this claim (I am aware of the photograph but to me it is completely inconclusive) when we have a reasonable expectation that there should have been. With all those books on your shelves, I'm sure you will put me right!
                            The original Wiegman and Darnell home movie films showing "Prayer Man" (who many believe to be LHO) on the steps of the TSBD are still being held by NBC who after 60 years are still refusing to release them and are now a part of the lawsuit brought by the Mary Ferrell Foundation. It's this puzzling decision by NBC to keep the original films hidden that has continued to breathe life into Oswald being "Prayer Man".
                            If the original films are released and the man seen resembles Oswald even more so, then pairing that with Hosty's notes stating Oswald claimed he was on the steps... even some lone nutters are saying that the case against Oswald goes "poof". Of course the opposite can also be proven true with the release of the original films and "Prayer Man" goes "poof".

                            Last edited by jmenges; 02-11-2023, 06:20 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

                              Real scientific and real experimental evidence point towards Oswald's guilt. Eyewitness testimony, ballistics, photographic evidence, autopsy records, finger and palm prints, fiber evidence, analysis of bullet fragments, and purchase records all support that.
                              All of this has been reasonably disputed. Just a few examples: No one has ever been able to replicate the shots from the 6th floor. The one eyewitness testimony on the ground is questionable when they include the height of the man seen in the window at a time when the shooter is crouching. People inside the TSBD who were proven to be going down the stairway at the same time the government needs Oswald on the same stairway heard and saw no one. The prints lifted off of the gun occurred after his death- and after originally no prints were found- and they came from a part of the rifle only accessible when the rifle was disassembled. The second page of his PO Box application where the rifle was delivered listing other individuals who the applicant also gave permission to access the PO Box conveniently disappeared.

                              Last edited by jmenges; 02-11-2023, 06:44 PM.


                              • Originally posted by jmenges View Post

                                The original Wiegman and Darnell home movie films showing "Prayer Man" (who many believe to be LHO) on the steps of the TSBD are still being held by NBC who after 60 years are still refusing to release them and are now a part of the lawsuit brought by the Mary Ferrell Foundation. It's this puzzling decision by NBC to keep the original films hidden that has continued to breathe life into Oswald being "Prayer Man".
                                If the original films are released and the man seen resembles Oswald even more so, then pairing that with Hosty's notes stating Oswald claimed he was on the steps... even some lone nutters are saying that the case against Oswald goes "poof". Of course the opposite can also be proven true with the release of the original films and "Prayer Man" goes "poof".

                                Given the location of "prayer man" at the top of the TSBD steps, I'd be surprised if a 1960s home movie will provide a better resolution. In fact, if it is released, I suggest that loners will say it's not him, conspirators will say the opposite.

                                My original point was this: if prayer man was LHO (whose face was to become the most well known in the US during the ensuing days) no one came forward and said "But I saw that man on the steps next to me!" or no one in the TSBD came forward to say they saw LHO making his way to the steps (near the critical time, say 12:26-31pm). I find that surprising. Unless I'm wrong on this point, LHO appears in this image (and in the withheld home movie) but without any other corroborating evidence from any witness.

                                Presumably, LHO sees the assassination from the steps, realises he's in deep trouble (fearing he will be made the fall guy) but, rather than making his presence immediately known to everyone around him to be remembered and prove it wasn't him (echoes of the Wallace Case here, JM), he disappears anxiously into the shadows, gets a gun and kills a policeman a little later. All he had to do was turn to colleague, or approach strangers, and shout hysterically at them "Oh my God they've shot the President! Castro's gone and done it!" He would have been remembered, I'm sure, and he's in the clear.

                                To me, it doesn't feel right...

                                Author of Cold Case Jury books: Move To Murder (2nd Edition) (2021), The Shark Arm Mystery (2020), Poisoned at the Priory (2020), Move to Murder (2018), Death of an Actress (2018), The Green Bicycle Mystery (2017) - "Armchair detectives will be delighted" - Publishers Weekly. Author of Crime & Mystery Hour - short fictional crime stories. And for something completely different - I'm the co-founder of Wow-Vinyl - celebrating the Golden Years of the British Single (1977-85)

