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Status of Ripper Notes?

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  • Status of Ripper Notes?

    Ripper Notes began as a quarterly publication of Casebook-productions and has been handed down from Christopher George to Christopher Michael DiGrazia to finally Dan Norder in the middle of 2004. Dan Norder started his editorship of the magazine in full gear, producing colorful, high-production magazines. However, this run lasted only through seven issues as, after the first production in January 06, the magazine, usually a quarterly, published only one additional magazine that year in September. In the entire years of '07 and '08, only one Ripper Notes magazine was produced for each year.

    As it stands now, people have attempted to contact Dan to find out the status of Ripper Notes and to ask about the remainder of their subscriptions. The websites for Ripper Notes and Inklings Press (owned by Dan Norder) which publishes the magazines are both offline.

    Further updates as news warrants.

    Let all Oz be agreed;
    I need a better class of flying monkeys.

  • #2
    Assuming there's some connection there too to Neil Shelden's recent post that Mr Norder is no longer publishing his book?

    Wellington, New Zealand


    • #3

      Neal Shelden's The Victims of Jack the Ripper was published by Inklings Press, Dan Norder's publishing firm, sometime in 2007. Excellent book. I got my copy at the UK Ripper Conference at Wolverhampton in October 2007. What Neal is complaining about is not receiving either proper royalties from Dan or replies to his emails.

      Asante Mungu leo ni Ijumaa.
      Old Swahili Proverb


      • #4
        Cheers, Cap'n. Neil's book is a veritable treasure - I got mine through an online store locally, tho apparently just in time...

        Seems like Mr Norder has somewhat evaporated?

        Wellington, New Zealand


        • #5
          I think the least Neal should have is a reply to his mails. Actually, scrap that, the least he deserves is his royalties on what is one of THE books on the subject.

          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


          • #6
            So it has been more than 3 days since Dan was asked to come clean with the status of Ripper Notes. Dan appears to be in hiding. I suppose if the man doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to answer his critics in private, it was too much to expect that he'd be man enough to make a public accounting of himself and his mistakes.

            On another thread, Caz likened it to stealing. I have dithered in my own mind whether I consider what he did merely bad business, or did it fall into the category of bad faith, and stealing?

            With Dan's refusal to make a public accounting to a public he was happy to accept subscriptions from, I believe it crosses the line from bad business to bad faith.

            But more than that, if Dan actually had a single thought in his head of keeping the business afloat, he would not allow these questions to go unanswered on one of the single avenues available to advertise his product.

            So I guess at least that answers the question of Ripper Notes future. It doesn't have one. I can only hope Dan will come to his senses and offer it to someone who might be able to resuscitate it.

            Let all Oz be agreed;
            I need a better class of flying monkeys.


            • #7
              Hi All,

              I presume Neal established from the beginning that his royalties would be payable twice yearly, in March and September (and not just once a year in March)?

              And that Neal knows he had royalties due in September but has had no statement yet from his publisher and no explanation, despite repeated requests via email?

              I'm just seeking clarification as this has been aired again publicly. Everyone in the book writing game has an interest in knowing exactly how and why Dan, in his role as publisher, has let his writers and customers down.

              I'm saddened that Dan has left himself open like this. I never had any trouble, either when I used to write for Ripper Notes on the odd occasion or when I was a subscriber.


              Last edited by caz; 01-16-2009, 03:31 PM.
              "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


              • #8
                Hi Ally,

                I was making a general point on the other thread about the definition of stealing. Sadly, only Dan can tell us if the cap fits, ie if he is holding other people's money and can't or won't give them what they are owed in the foreseeable future.

                If he isn't ill, or otherwise ignorant of the private or public concerns that have been expressed, then it's not looking good.


                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                • #9
                  Hi Caz,

                  Well I can answer two of those questions as Phil has posted that he has been in contact with him. Dan is not ill, and he is aware of the concerns being posted on the boards.

                  As for the Neal questions, I would leave that to Neal to best answer the royalty questions, but I have it from solid authority that it is the tendency of Inkings Press to pay royalties more than once a year. So royalties would definitely be due to Neal, and beyond that, a response should have been given to him, long before Neal felt compelled to post about it on the boards.

                  Let all Oz be agreed;
                  I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                  • #10
                    I have been in contact with Dan (at last) and while I will not presume to speak in his place, I can say that there are some very understandable circumstances that led to his falling off the map for a while, and that crisis is just about past.

                    I will also express a personal opinion that, given the vindictiveness of some on these boards, they should be thankful that they are not facing libel (because a message board is essentially a print medium) suits for the way in which they are trying to damage RN/Inklings reputation.

                    But that's ALL I'm going to say on it, no matter what the owner of this site allows SOME posters to get away with...
                    All my blogs:

                    Currently, I favor ... no one. I'm not currently interested in who Jack was in name. My research focus is more comparative than identification-oriented.


                    • #11
                      Sigh, People really need to learn what libel is. First, it's not libel if it's true. Second, by the fact that Inklings are public businesses and that they are delinquent in payment, circumstances are irrelevant.

                      Dan owes people money and he owes them magazines. The circumstances are irrelevant, the reasons are irrelevant. He owes money and he owes magazines. And I can hardly see what circumstances would result that could now be "almost over" when the magazine is now 2 years behind in subscriptions. 8 magazines in the hole and circumstances are "almost over"?

                      He knows questions are being asked. He is choosing not to respond to them. He has no one to blame for this but himself.

                      Your personal circumstances don't mean diddly squat when you are in business and owe people money.

                      Let all Oz be agreed;
                      I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CraigInTwinCities View Post
                        I will also express a personal opinion that, given the vindictiveness of some on these boards, they should be thankful that they are not facing libel (because a message board is essentially a print medium) suits for the way in which they are trying to damage RN/Inklings reputation...
                        Hi Craig,

                        In the light of your remark quoted above, I re-read all posts in this thread as well as in the thread Where is Dan? which you yourself initiated. For the sake of argument, would you be kind enough to identify the posts you consider as libellous?

                        For my part, I haven't found any post that can be described as libellous or "trying to damage RN/Inklings reputation..." On the contrary, I have found a lot of sympathy for Dan. Quite a few posters have tried to explain out his failure to respond to the concerns laid down in both threads and some have expressed their hope that if both magazine and publishing house close down Dan will nevertheless continue to be active in the field. No one has attacked Dan unduly and no lynch mob is anywhere in sight.

                        All that has happened in these threads is that authors who have entered into contracts with Dan to publish their books have neither received moneys due to them nor been given any explanation for Dan's failure to comply with his obligations. Indeed, they haven't been able even to contact Dan, let alone obtain a response from him. Other posters, among whom I am, have been waiting for years for long overdue copies of Ripper Notes . I stated very clearly that all I was asking for was a clarification whether Ripper Notes will continue publication within the foreseeable future or not. In either case, I am owed something - my copy of the magazine or its monetary value. I wouldn't even ask for interest, though if many magazines were paid for years ago and have not been delivered the accumulated interest might by now amount to a substantial sum.

                        With due respect, Craig, I fail to understand how expressing these concerns or commenting on them can be considered as libellous or designed to destroy a person or a firm's reputation.

                        Everybody knows how difficult it is to publish a quality magazine on a regular basis when the target audience is comparatively limited, as is the case with a Ripper magazine. The same can be said about important Ripper books. I doubt anybody can make real money from a Ripper magazine, book or conference. Therefore, if Dan currently has financial difficulties, he should come clean about them. I'm sure he would find sympathy and understanding both in these boards and in the world of Ripperolology at large and even assistance in finding a solution to his plight. If, on the other hand, his magazine and publishing firm are open for business as usual, it wouldn't cost him anything to make an appearance on these boards and respond to a few emails in order to reassure what I would call, for lack of a better name, his creditors. To continue not to address their concerns would not be the best course of action for him.

                        Incidentally, a message board such as this one is not a print medium.

                        Asante Mungu leo ni Ijumaa.
                        Old Swahili Proverb


                        • #13
                          I am another subscriber interested in finding out what is going on. I have yet to receive even one issue. So, can we please hear from Mr Norder what is happening to the publication or our money


                          • #14
                            It has been difficult to contact Dan lately but much of this seem to be due to the fact, as has already been alluded to, that his father was almost killed in a serious accident just before the holidays. Near tragedies like this tend to put perspective on life.

                            The last time I had contact with him, just after New Year, we discussed changes to my latest article (an important Tumblety related piece) as well as illustrations to go with it, along with other Ripper Notes business such as the need to contact people who had promised articles but had yet to deliver. Therefore the next issue is indeed being put together but unfortunately I cannot say exactly when it will come out.

                            Wolf Vanderlinden
                            Ripper Notes Magazine.


                            • #15
                              My best wishes to Dan's father, Wolf.

