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Uncovenanted by Kristina Nordqvist (AKA Pierre)

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  • Uncovenanted by Kristina Nordqvist (AKA Pierre)

    The book we've all been waiting for!

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    I've purchased and I'm awaiting electronic delivery to my email.

    We might soon have an answer to that burning question; 'Who is Pierre's suspect?'<< JtR Interactive Map
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  • #2
    And Just found this about the book from a German JtR website:

    Who is interested ... I bought it and will read it on occasion ...

    Jack the Ripper Uncovenanted

    In the historical sources for the murders of Jack the Ripper there is a key.
    The key was given to the police and the coroners by a woman already in 1888.
    Few people recognized the contents of the key.
    Among those who were able to do so was a former Inspector-General of Police in Bengal in India by the name of James Monro.
    In 2015, the key was found by the author of this book.
    A period of intense research started.
    The key unlocked the answers to a large number of questions about the murders.
    For many, the most important question of all these questions is:
    Who was the man called Jack the Ripper?
    This book will finally give you the answer to this question.
    Jack the Ripper Uncovenanted
    Produced in PDF-format
    Delivery to you by
    email £ 6.99. Use this link:

    Go to and type in the amount. Since it&#8217;s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don&#8217;t have a PayPal account? No worries.

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    • #3
      This is Pierre's (Kristina Nordqvist) twitter link:<< JtR Interactive Map
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      • #4
        theres an extensive thread about pierres/Kristinas book and suspect on the other forum. shes saying that Henry Maxwell Reily , witness caroline maxwells husband was the ripper.
        "Is all that we see or seem
        but a dream within a dream?"

        -Edgar Allan Poe

        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

        -Frederick G. Abberline


        • #5
          Ahhh! Didn't know this! Sorry for reposting then.
          What's the link, please?
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          • #6
            Let us know what you think Richardh.

            From what I've picked up from the couple of threads on JtR Forum, it's tenuous Pierre speak and I'm loath to part with money for it because A) It sounds like a really implausible argument and B) I haven't got a degree in history so I wouldn't understand it anyway.

            Seriously, people wondered if Pierre's cryptic clues ( see Gog Magog, 'Judges' and the cautious cashous) were an elaborate piss take of Ripperologists. Nope, totally serious all along.

            But still, credit where it's due, it's no mean feat writing and putting out your own book, so hats off in that respect.
            Thems the Vagaries.....


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Abby Normal;n737452
              shes saying that Henry Maxwell Reily , witness caroline maxwells husband was the ripper.[/QUOTE]

              Not quite Abby. History is telling us that. The sources can't lie. Kristina has delivered the message, but history has solved the case.
              Thems the Vagaries.....


              • #9
                Thanks for the replies and the links.
                Just received the book but already I'm having doubts given the direction those threads have taken.

                My heart sinks when I start reading of 'cryptic clues' and cyphers and that seems to be the essence of this theory.

                Hey ho!
                Here we go!
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                • #10
                  Originally posted by richardh View Post
                  Thanks for the replies and the links.
                  Just received the book but already I'm having doubts given the direction those threads have taken.

                  My heart sinks when I start reading of 'cryptic clues' and cyphers and that seems to be the essence of this theory.

                  Hey ho!
                  Here we go!
                  yup more of the same nonsense from pierre that he she was spewing here before he she got canned. and Indian Henry probably not even the same henry as caroline maxwells husband either.
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • #11
                    ‘Chris’ suggests that the Ripper may have sat on his victims while mutilating them.
                    Attached Files


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                      ‘Chris’ suggests that the Ripper may have sat on his victims while mutilating them.
                      Easy way to keep them down when you've only got one good arm.

                      (Insert speculative details as to the extent of Henry's abilities here, Ad Nauseum)
                      Thems the Vagaries.....


                      • #13
                        Henry Maxwell Reily was recorded as having boarded the steamship Peshawar which left London for India on 25th October, 1888. He was also recorded as having arrived in Bombay aboard the Peshawar on 19th November, 1888. On 9th November, 1888, the Peshawar was reported as being at Port Said/Suez.

                        That’s a rather long way from Dorset Street, and yet Chris would have us believe that Henry Maxwell Reily murdered Mary Kelly. She explains (with a straight face) that ship’s passenger lists were notoriously unreliable. And the murder in Millers Court must have been committed by HMR because the letter M in the address was part of a message to warn his wife not to proceed with a legal separation.

                        His wife, whose name was Caroline Allen Maxwell (née Kemp), was the witness Caroline Maxwell who was living at 14, Dorset Street and masquerading as the wife of a lodging house deputy at the time of Kelly’s murder.

                        And why was this middle class woman from a prominent Sussex family living in one of the worst streets in London? Because she was a dutiful wife, according to Chris. So dutiful that the only way her husband could persuade her from dropping the proceedings for the legal separation was for him to commit a series of murders, mutilations and dismemberments in streets that contained his initials - H, M and R.
                        Last edited by MrBarnett; 07-15-2020, 10:35 AM.


                        • #14
                          Talk about an anticlimax. Probably should've kept the suspect a secret.


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                            Talk about an anticlimax. Probably should've kept the suspect a secret.
                            Probably should have kept the theory a secret.
                            Thems the Vagaries.....

