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Steve Powell's New "The Hoax of JtR" Book Is Out...

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Archaic View Post
    Gee whiz, Caz, I've always wanted my own team of Stooges...

    I'm jealous!

    Yours enviously, Archaic
    Hi Archy,

    If I knew who they were, I'd send you two of my stooges through the post. You could get them to mate and start your own team.


    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


    • #62
      Has anybody read this book?


      • #63
        Nobody will get to read it, Stephen, if the publisher has half a brain and reads it first.


        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


        • #64
          Originally posted by Archaic View Post
          Gee whiz, Caz, I've always wanted my own team of Stooges...
          Has Caz changed her name to Iggy?

          Shame on you for those insurance adverts.
          Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
          Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.


          • #65
            Never Judge a Book by it's Cover ...

            originally posted by victoria
            ".... he is being judged before the book has even been read.
            And yes, judged already because of allegations raised and things
            said here .. why not wait and see what his further investigations
            have uncovered, and how it has been put together between the
            'great cover' before condemning the man"

            Originally posted by Joseph View Post
            Wise words indeed Victoria and well said.
            Thank you Joseph for your words of support, to pre judge is
            a closed mind.
            "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
            of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


            • #66
              Originally posted by Carol View Post
              I wholeheartedly agree with you!

              Thanks Carol, and you won't be sorry that you ordered the book,
              whatevever anyone else here may have said.
              I too look forward to reading it as soon as it becomes available.
              "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
              of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


              • #67
                Originally posted by Carol View Post
                Hi Don,
                Sorry, but I ordered the book two days ago.
                Hi Everyone!
                I thought I had better let you all know as soon as possible that I have received an Email from saying the following:

                'I am very apologetic but the supplier has just withdrawn this book from their stocks. There have been problems with the publication and it is not available.'

                'The supplier' is Melbourne Books, the firm that we originally were told about.

                Just as a matter of interest - the writer of the Email is called Aura Levin Lipski! Curiouser and curiouser, as a young girl called Alice once said (and as an old girl whose Grandma was called Alice is now saying).

                I'd still like to read the book though!
                Look after yourselves,


                • #68
                  Hi, Carol, so nice to hear from you!!!

                  How very odd, I wonder what could be going on?

                  Funny thing how murky waters just get murkier...

                  "Curiouser & curiouser" is one of my favorite literary quotes of all time, and I think it expresses the situation perfectly!

                  Take care, Archaic


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Victoria View Post
                    Thanks Carol, and you won't be sorry that you ordered the book,
                    whatevever anyone else here may have said.
                    I too look forward to reading it as soon as it becomes available.
                    Dear Victoria,

                    in the light of Carol's post about the book being withdrawn from publication, can you please tell us if you ever read a proof-copy?


                    We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Graham View Post
                      Dear Victoria,

                      in the light of Carol's post about the book being withdrawn from publication, can you please tell us if you ever read a proof-copy?


                      Dear Graham,

                      no I have never read a proof-copy, Steve wanted me to wait and read it in it's book form.
                      As much as I would have liked to have read it early .. I trust in whatever he writes to be true, as he knows it.
                      It will be well written, interesting and intriguing .. I can say that because I have read many things in the past that he has done ..
                      and he is very talented in writing, and not just songs .. he has written much in his life.

                      I have heard from him recently in regard to this book news, and I am sure he will not mind me saying here what he told me.
                      This is not necessarily the end of the book .. it may well yet still be published,
                      Steve is currently looking at other options, which seem promising.
                      He also was not happy about the very high postage prices for sending the book, and the fact that the publisher relied solely
                      upon internet orders, to establish the amount of interest generated, for the book.
                      His aim in getting this book published was never about making money .. I know this for a definate fact.
                      Saying that though .. if it did make money for him, I'm sure that he would not be displeased as we all need to make a living.

                      Nice to hear from you Graham .. hope all is well in your world.
                      "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                      of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                      • #71
                        "Never Judge a Book by it's [sic] Cover ..."

                        First of all, Victoria, it's not it's, it's its - no apostrophe! (I'm sorry, but this drives me up the wall. You are not the only offender by any means. )

                        Secondly, it looks like the cover is all we're going to get of Steve's book, so how else can we judge it?

                        Any criticism before it is even available is not prejudice. Steve has given us ample evidence of his writing style, reasoning abilities, what he regards as evidence and his ludicrous and downright impossible claims. So it's a fair and reasonable prediction that his book would not be a huge departure from this formula - assuming it'll ever be allowed to see the light of day.

                        Originally posted by Archaic View Post
                        How very odd, I wonder what could be going on?
                        I don't find it odd at all, Archy. Lying in print about the living and the dead would be bad enough. But accusing Feldman of all people was foolish in the extreme. Maybe the publisher finally came to his senses and realised how limited Stevie Baby's senses must have been to dream up such a farce.


                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by caz View Post
                          "Never Judge a Book by it's [sic] Cover ..."

                          First of all, Victoria, it's not it's, it's its - no apostrophe! (I'm sorry, but this drives me up the wall. You are not the only offender by any means. )

                          Secondly, it looks like the cover is all we're going to get of Steve's book, so how else can we judge it?

                          Any criticism before it is even available is not prejudice. Steve has given us ample evidence of his writing style, reasoning abilities, what he regards as evidence and his ludicrous and downright impossible claims. So it's a fair and reasonable prediction that his book would not be a huge departure from this formula - assuming it'll ever be allowed to see the light of day.

                          I don't find it odd at all, Archy. Lying in print about the living and the dead would be bad enough. But accusing Feldman of all people was foolish in the extreme. Maybe the publisher finally came to his senses and realised how limited Stevie Baby's senses must have been to dream up such a farce.


                          Hello Caz,

                          I can not thank you enough for clearing up this apostrophe business!
                          And I am deadly serious ... for so long now I have been noting how people
                          use it in this incorrect manner, and not only people here.
                          I really thought things must have changed since I went to school ... I was even in the top English class in high school!
                          It was .. as I was taught, always to mean .. say in this example of it's to mean .. it is.
                          So I presume those old rules have not changed .. I am happy to have that cleared up.
                          Except now, where you and so many others write say, Steve's ..
                          I always thought that the apostrophe was mean't to come after the s .. Steves'. I must have this part still wrong,
                          as you are a writer, and obviously a stickler for good grammer.
                          On the other hand, other 'errors' that I may make, according to 'official' rules,
                          like dots everywhere, starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' .. I do deliberately
                          and knowingly every time .. simply because I want to, and don't have to follow every rule in life.

                          On the book, if we only see the cover .. then that is all we can judge,
                          you cannot pre judge something that you have not seen.
                          That is just presumption.
                          Also, you have not seen 'ample evidence of his writing style' .. by his posts here, I can assure you of that.
                          You also say, "So it's a fair and reasonable prediction that his book would not be a huge departure from this formula .."
                          Yes I could agree that is a .. fair and reasonable statement, but again it
                          really is only presumption.
                          I feel sure though that you may change your mind after you read the book .. presuming that you do.
                          "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                          of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                          • #73
                            Hi Victoria,

                            You are very welcome re the apostrophe business. It will save you typing one of the buggers where it isn't wanted.

                            I'm afraid it doesn't say much for education standards at your high school if you were in the top English class and yet you think there is any such animal as Steves'. The possessive apostrophe would only come after the s if there were two or more Steves (heaven forbid! ).

                            There's nothing wrong with starting a sentence with 'But'. And starting a sentence with 'And' is more of a style choice, which is fine in casual writing like message board posts, but not when writing a formal essay or report, for example. You can write in whatever way you choose and of course you don't have to follow every rule. It's entirely up to you how well you want to come across when using this medium. Personally I wouldn't draw or paint in public because I know I'm rubbish at it and would thoroughly deserve all the criticism.

                            On the book, I'm assuming Steve is not doing a complete about-turn on the various (already false and contradictory) claims and arguments he has made here. If he is, how the heck are we meant to know which untruthful version we are meant to swallow? If not, we already know exactly the kind of inconsistent fairy tales we can expect and it'll be more of the same old guff about who supposedly knew what about the diary prior to March 1992.

                            In short, unless Steve got his info for the book direct from Keith Skinner, and has completely changed his previous tune, there won't be a single truthful word in it about the diary that is new or remotely worth reading. I suspect that's reflected in the number of orders.

                            I will only be reading the book if Steve supplies a review copy to someone who then asks me very nicely indeed to put my opinions about it in writing. I would of course restrict myself to words that are printable.


                            "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Victoria View Post
                              It will be well written, interesting and intriguing .. I can say that because I have read many things in the past that he has done ..
                              You said that like it was a fact, Victoria. So why can't I say that it will be another pile of drivel, because I have now been reading his diary drivel for a decade?


                              "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by caz View Post
                                You said that like it was a fact, Victoria. So why can't I say that it will be another pile of drivel, because I have now been reading his diary drivel for a decade?


                                Hi Caz,

                                Good point there .. of course you can say that! you can say whatever
                                you like, as you always do ... you certainly don't need my permission.

                                I thank you once again for the updated english lesson. It has been
                                a while since I was at high school now, and I must have the mind of a sieve ..
                                but after your kind .. 'mind jogging', it is all coming back to me .. that 'possessive apostrophe' ..
                                ah yes I do remember now ...

                                Not sure why you wrote, "unless Steve got his info for the book direct from
                                Keith Skinner ..."
                                Now why would he do that?
                                Your comment reminded me of the 'secret squirrel' info that John Omlor
                                was always saying .. must not exist.

                                all the best to you Caz
                                "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                                of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"

