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Steve Powell's New "The Hoax of JtR" Book Is Out...

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  • #91
    Oh what a huge pile of crap. There's no larger audience than that on the internet and ANYONE IN THE WORLD can read anything posted on here. There is NO large public than the internet public. And five thousand more people will read your book published on the internet than will pay a dollar to read it.

    And the reason anything you post here is attacked is because you post all lies. And we attack lies. And we'll be attacking them whether it's published on the internet or in a book.

    You are full of sht and you know it. You are a greedy, self-righteous hypocrite who isn't after the truth or anything of that sort. You perpetuated a fraud and you are doing it to make money off of it.

    Let all Oz be agreed;
    I need a better class of flying monkeys.


    • #92
      You don't know Jack


      • #93
        I know you are more concerned with getting your publishing money than exposing the "truth". Otherwise you'd have already done it. The proof is right there for everyone to see.

        But please continue to provide us with amusement as you hypocritically chastise the diary people for collecting cash from their fraud, while you do the same.

        Everyone board needs a dancing monkey and a clown. I am not sure which is you and which is victoria, but the tag team show is entertaining none the less.

        Let all Oz be agreed;
        I need a better class of flying monkeys.


        • #94
          Peace and Truth to you all

          A peaceful xmas to you troopers.
          I have some good news for you in the new year.

          Steve Powell


          • #95
            Jewish Australia

            I paid for the book months ago and Jewish Australia have refunded my money, so I doubt anyone will be reading the book for a long time, if ever.

            There is a new book out that I have not seen mentioned here yet. I think the author's name was Terry Pratt, or something similar. Keith Skinner's (et al) book seems the best one for a truthful rendition of the diary's provenance, IMHO. Regards to all.

            It's raining in Eastern Australia,and the farmers are loving it.


            • #96
              I have some good news for you in the new year.

              You have found a new hobby and, like Cataline, shall no longer abuse our patience? O frabjous day, calloo callay.

              "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


              • #97
                And just like Cicero, you're a stirrer Don.


                • #98
                  Wouldn't it be nice if ALL conflicts could be waged with quotes from World Literature?

                  Then the bookworms could finally take over the world.

                  Happy New Year, everybody.



                  • #99
                    And What About The Cheshire Cat Book Steve?

                    " This time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone".
                    ALICE IN WONDERLAND (Chapter 6).By Lewis Carroll.

                    So far, at least, it looks as if Steve Powell's much-vaunted book has gone the way of the Cheshire Cat. All-but disappeared, except for the grin.

                    How curious Crusader Steve won't go on one of Australia's t.v. current affair shows. That would get his chronicle out into the real world.

                    That would boost its circulation.

                    Can anyone else smell "burning martyr"? JOHN RUFFELS.


                    • I began at the beginning and shall go on till I come to the end.
                      Then I will stop.
                      I have always spoken the truth and tried to think before I spoke
                      and I wrote it down afterwards.
                      'The time has come,' the publisher said, 'to talk of many things:
                      of shoes and ships - and sealing wax - of fraudsters and kings.'
                      Would you sentence me first and give me your verdict later?


                      • You know what I haven't quite figured out yet is, who at this point does Powell think he's fooling? He keeps posting here like he has believers, but only a total idiot at this point hasn't seen right through him. Maybe he's hoping there are enough idiots in the word who haven't seen through his obvious lies to help him cash in.

                        It's sad how he keeps hanging on, pretending he has something, if we only wait...and wait...and wait....and wait. I wonder if he's actually fooling himself at this point and he actually believes in the snake oil he's selling. That makes him sad and delusional.

                        Let all Oz be agreed;
                        I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                        • Of course he believes what he has been saying,
                          of that there is no doubt in my mind.

                          He has always been an honest person,
                          of that there is no doubt in my mind.

                          His aim has never been to 'cash in'.

                          The end is soon in sight ..
                          and he will finish what he needed to do,
                          which is tell the story that he knows ..
                          Sentence him then if you must.

                          ~~ Give Peace A Chance ~~
                          "Victoria Victoria, the queen of them all,
                          of Sir Jack she knows nothing at all"


                          • The learned Dr Samuel Johnson said that, quote, "no-one but a fool writes unless for money", and I'd assume that Mr Powell, who is not a fool, didn't write his book as an act of charity. So why has it not been published as promised some time ago? Is there a faint whiff of possible proceedings being
                            involved were his book ever to see the light of day in its apparently as-written form? Or does he perhaps wish to make certain statements that couldn't be legally verified? Why was his book withdrawn from publication? Why is this whole damn thing dragging on for so long, and why, for the love of God, am I still so bloody interested?

                            I, and we, need to know.

                            We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


                            • The Long Haul for Truth

                              Hi Graham, nice to hear from you.

                              I don’t know what problem the learned Dr Samuel Johnson
                              had with writing or why he said that "no-one but a fool writes unless for money",
                              I can only think that he didn’t find much satisfaction or reward in the whole process of putting pen to paper, but I can understand his frustration as it is a tedious and time consuming thing.
                              As for myself, I shall try to answer your questions as best I can for you,
                              as I know you have taken this whole business of the diary very seriously,
                              and I thank you for that.
                              Of course I didn’t write my book as an act of charity, but I never entertained
                              the thoughts that it was going to make me rich or famous.
                              I wrote it because it needed to be written as I know the truth of where
                              and how the diary originated and just who the players in the fraud are.
                              I also made a promise to myself, after arguing with Anne Graham,
                              that I would do my utmost to let people know that it was a cheap hoax
                              if ever the diary was published.
                              Now, that argument was around 1969/70, forty odd years ago, and I am
                              still trying to honour my promise.
                              It has been a long and weary haul to get this truth out and I can tell you that
                              sometimes I wonder if it has been worth the trouble and frustration of so many years
                              thinking about the whole thing.
                              The book has not been published as yet, because I have had to deal with publishers
                              who do want to make a profit and yet are worried that what I say may lead them into
                              legal action which may take those same profits away from them.
                              It is a giant hurdle for me just to let you know the simple truth, but I continue
                              to run the race as I am committed in my promise.
                              Recently, I told you that the book was about to be published and then suddenly
                              it was withdrawn.
                              This was because there were not that many people that ordered the book in the pre-sales and the publisher began to think that no-one was really interested in knowing the
                              truth about the diary and decided that the risks were not worth taking in publishing.
                              I said that the price for the book and the shipping was too high and that expecting
                              people to rush in and order a book that relied only on online sales was no indication
                              at all of its true interest.
                              Such has been part of the battle to get the truth out.
                              Now, I have no ego about seeing my name in print or care if the book doesn’t throw
                              money in my direction as that is not the point to me.
                              I want the truth told so that I can finally move on from this saga that began so many years ago.
                              There are a few people who don’t want the truth told and they have been actively trying to hinder my progress with a campaign of ridicule and innuendos on my mental state, but to me, these people are just fools and patsies for those that are behind the fraud.
                              And those who are behind the fraud are so enmeshed in their ongoing success through perpetrating the diary fraud, that for the whole truth to be revealed, would cause a scandal and their prestigious reputations torn and scattered to the winds.
                              The truth is amazing and indeed incredible and I do take my hat off to Paul Feldman
                              for his near perfect crime. I say ‘near’ because I know the truth and I intend to disclose it and therefore, it is not perfect.
                              I parted company with my initial publisher, but after receiving several emails from those behind the fraud, the publisher began to realise that what I have been telling him, could just be the actual truth and he has reconsidered his options on the matter.
                              The book will now be published in the coming months. It will not initially be in book form, but will be available as an E-book to be downloaded to those who want it, and at a price which is most acceptable to all.
                              There will be much controversy but I welcome that and I hope that someone decides to try and sue me so I can gain access to all of the pertinent files that are held in government offices and so reveal the full extent of what has been hidden from you.
                              I do apologise for the long delay but must remind you that telling the truth in this day and age, is not as simple as one would think.

                              Best regards to you Graham.

                              Steve Powell.


                              • Of course I didn’t write my book as an act of charity, but I never entertained
                                the thoughts that it was going to make me rich or famous.
                                I wrote it because it needed to be written as I know the truth of where
                                and how the diary originated and just who the players in the fraud are.
                                I also made a promise to myself, after arguing with Anne Graham,
                                that I would do my utmost to let people know that it was a cheap hoax
                                if ever the diary was published.
                                Now, that argument was around 1969/70, forty odd years ago, and I am
                                still trying to honour my promise.

                                Not to jump on the bandwagon but......can you not see the contradiction here? On the one hand you say that you wrote it as some kind of promise to reveal the truth, and on the other hand you have been clearly holding out for money.

                                Let's be honest Mr Powell, if the truth was indeed ALL you are interested in then you could have posted you findings on facebook/wikipedia or a hundred other internet sites, and millions could have seen it for free.
                                protohistorian-Where would we be without Stewart Evans or Paul Begg,Kieth Skinner, Martin Fido,or Donald Rumbelow?

                                Sox-Knee deep in Princes & Painters with Fenian ties who did not mutilate the women at the scene, but waited with baited breath outside the mortuary to carry out their evil plots before rushing home for tea with the wife...who would later poison them of course

