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What is the worst Ripper book you've ever read?
It has to be that bucketful of vomit spewed forth by Cornwell. Badly written (seen as an essay on the arrogance of an American woman with more money than sense and on the pointless defacing of art, it's not badly written, but as a historical text it is utter trash), badly researched and, so far, the only book that I've shouted at as I read it and the only book to give me the urge to toss it in the bin, rather than charity shop it.
I do wish I'd put it in the recycling bin instead of donating it to Oxfam." Queen Vic lured her victims into dark corners with offers of free fish and chips, washed down with White Satin." - forum user C4
I'd have to say 'Ultimate' by Evans and Skinner is the worst Ripper book. Too many typos and errors in those police reports.
Just kidding.
I guess I'd have to ask 'What's the criteria'? Many books with bad theories are an engaging read, and some books (though not many) with good theories or solid info are very tough reads. I would say the worst book would have to be one with a bad theory, inaccurate data, and poorly written in such a way as to make it a challenge to read. For this reason I could definitely not say Cornwell is the worst, because she's a fantastic writer. Uncle Jack wasn't all that bad either.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
I'm fully aware of all the facts regarding the Cornwell pile of poopie but I just saw it for £1 in a sale and I'm seriously considering we wasting the cash on it just to see quite how bad it is.
(There should be an emoticon combining reading and vomiting. hehehe.)Roll up the lino, Mother. We're raising Behemoth tonight!
Originally posted by steje73 View PostI'm fully aware of all the facts regarding the Cornwell pile of poopie but I just saw it for £1 in a sale and I'm seriously considering we wasting the cash on it just to see quite how bad it is.
(There should be an emoticon combining reading and vomiting. hehehe.)
I wouldn't want to label any JtR book as the "worst" I had read. The "Diary" I bought in hardback as soon as published and have never opened since. I bought it to say I had read it and did not have a closed mind about it - but I thought then and think now that it is a modern work, and ostensibly so.
I have always tried to welcome and be open to new ideas - however implausible. That said, I no longer buy EVERY book as it comes out as I used to (I don't think I have the one's relating to Barnardo or Dodgson, though I might have in a reserve store in my garage). I have one, as I recall, that worked on complex anagrams that made no sense when I read it.
Some, which I would have rated highly at the time - MacCormick, Knight - I would no longer recommend for various reasons. Both though are highly readable and enjoyable, but I now think seriously misleading. Knight I read on the day of publication, non-stop, I was so hooked. But I was devastated later to find that he had ignored warnings about the credibilility (I will put it no more strongly) of his evidence.
Like others, Uncle Jack (not least if a knowing and proven con, as I read here on Casebook) and Ripper and the Royals, as well as Cornwall, strike me as particular low-points in Ripper studies.