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Updated List of Documentaries

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  • Updated List of Documentaries

    I've been trying to update the list of JtR documentaries, and it's been rather difficult. For some reason, posters refuse to give proper titles or dates.

    This is what I have so far (with corrections of my previous posting):

    - TV- Farson's Guide to the British (UK; H- Daniel Farson; 2, possibly 3, ep; BW) ??LOST (as of 2008 July)
    -- 1) ?Nov 05- Wave of Terror
    -- 2) ?Nov 12- The Curious Incident of the Grave


    * - TV- The London Nobody Knows (UK; H- James Mason; 46 min) (segment at 29 Hanbury St)


    - TV- Barlow & Watt: Jack the Ripper (UK; 1973; 6 ep) (US version has added introductory scenes with Sebastian Cabot)
    * -- 1) Jul 13- The First Two
    * -- 2) Jul 20- Double Event
    * -- 3) Jul 27- Butchery
    * -- 4) Aug 03- Panic
    * -- 5) Aug 10- Suspects
    * -- 6) Aug 17- The Highest in the Land?

    * - TV- Oct 12 In Search Of... (S03E05) Jack the Ripper (US; H- Leonard Nimoy) [with Dr J M Cameron, Stephen Knight, Donald Rumbelow, Wendy Sturgis]
    -- (repackaged sometime in the 1990s for A&E syndication; 23 min?) [end credits of version on YouTube seem to be from different episode]

    * - TV- Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (UK; H- Ray McGregor; 41 min) (based on Stephen Knight's book) [only known film of Goulston St entranceway before demolishment] [version on YouTube has short text commentary at end about Lewis Carroll theory]
    -- Video (1989- or 1988?) [Easter Egg on From Hell DVD]


    - TV- Biography: Jack the Ripper, Phantom of Death (US; H- Peter Graves) [may not have been subtitled 'PoD']

    * - TV- The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper (H- Peter Ustinov, with Paul Begg, Daniel Farson, Martin Fido, Melvin Harris, Donald Rumbelow; 80 min)
    * - TV- Timewatch: Shadow of the Ripper (UK- BBC; H- Christopher Frayling, with Martin Fido; 50 min)
    - TV- Secrets & Mysteries: Jack the Ripper (UK; H- Edward Mulhare, with Robert Bloch, Donald Rumbelow; 26 ep) [PH thinks it 15 min, may be misindentified]
    * - Video (as Secrets of the Unknown: Jack the Ripper) (1989 (dated 1987); 28 min) [version on YouTube is abt 21 min]
    - TV- Mysteries, Magic and Miracles (US; H- Patrick MacNee)
    - (Sweden; never shown- about Liz Stride) (with Martin Fido)

    - TV- Crime Monthly: Who Was Jack the Ripper? (UK; H- Paul Ross, with Paul Begg)


    * - Video- The Diary of Jack the Ripper: Beyond Reasonable Doubt? (N- Tom Baker, H- Michael Winner, with Stewart Evans, Martin Fido, Shirley Harris, Keith Skinner; Donald Rumbelow; 79 min) [full version on YouTube has annoying web logo at beginning & end credits cut, abt 3 min short]

    * - TV May 23- Biography: Jack the Ripper, Phantom of Death (US; N- Jack Perkins, with Stewart Evans, Martin Fido, Melvin Harris, Donald Rumbelow; 48 min)
    * - TV July 25- Secret History: The Whitechapel Murders (S04E02) (UK- Channel 4; H- David Jessel, with Stewart Evans, Donald Rumbelow)

    - TV- History's Mysteries: The Hunt for Jack the Ripper (S12E02, #112- series was originally named In Search of History) (US- A&E; H- Arthur Kent; 50 min) [YouTube version is HC repackage]
    * -- (repackaged in 2005? for History Channel syndication, cut to 41 min)
    - TV- (Routes series) JtR (US- Discovery Home & Leisure; c 30 min)

    * - TV- Scotland Yard's Greatest Investigations (US- History Channel; with John Ross, Martin Fido, Jim Nicholson, Harry Clement; 13 min segment)

    # (6 segments)- TV- Jack the Ripper: An On-Going Mystery (N- Robert Lindsay, with Paul Begg, Stewart Evans, Donald Rumbelow)


    - TV- To Kill and Kill Again (UK- Channel 4)
    - (2003? or 2005?) Places of Mystery: Jack the Ripper's London (Travel Channel) [date confusion may be due to Liam Dale having one by same title]

    * - TV- Omnibus: Tracking the Killer (UK; 1 hr?) [with Patricia Cornwell] [version on YouTube (as JtR Case Closed) is 58 min & cuts opening & end credits]

    - Video- Jack the Ripper: Conspiracies (Liam Dale; 90 min)
    - Video- Jack the Ripper Revealed: Truth at Last? (c 90 min)

    ?? - Bloody Britain (H- Rory McGrath) 02 Jack the Ripper
    - Unsolved History: Jack the Ripper

    * - Video- Unmasking Jack the Ripper (Electric Theatre Prod; H- Richard Jones, with Paul Begg, Lindsay Siviter, Zena Shine) (?c 6 min) 1:14 min

    - TV (3 ep, c 1 hr each) - Freemasonry Secrets Revealed (Canada/US- Discovery Channel; with Phil Hutchinson) [Ripper segment is about 4 min long]
    * -- (90 min version)
    # (4 parts) - TV- Is It Real: Jack the Ripper (US- National Geographic; with Patricia Cornwell, Stephen Ryder, Ivor Edwards)
    # (5 parts) - TV- Revealed: Jack the Ripper: First Serial Killer Revealed (UK- Atlantic Productions- with Laura Richards (sp?), Neil Sheldon)
    * - TV- Update: Jack the Ripper (US- A&E; N- Timothy Watson, with Paul Begg, Stewart P. Evans, Martin Fido, Richard Jones, Robin Odell, Louis Schlesinger) [no title card]
    - (made in 2006 Dec) Swedish show with PH & Glen Anderson (c 15 min)

    - TV March 20- Jack the Ripper: Case Unsolved (US- Discovery Times/UK- Atlantic Prod; D- Dan Oliver; with Laura Richards; 50 min)
    - ?? TV Summer (July?)- JtR show with PH Freemasonry footage (UK- satellite station; c 1 hour)
    - TV- Babylone (French; with Phil Hutchinson; c 1 hr)

    ? (3 parts) - TV- Being Jack the Ripper (US- History Channel/UK- Atlantic Prod; with Phil Hutchinson) [CGI reconstruction?] [may have been re-titled In the World of JtR]
    (- TV- Secrets of the Crime Museum (UK- History Channel UK; H- Nick Ross) Don Rumbelow

    # (5 parts) - TV- Jack the Ripper in America (UK; N- Terry MacDonald) [focuses on 1891 Carrie Brown case]
    (- TV Nov 11- MysteryQuest (S01E08- Jack the Ripper) (US- History Channel) (Brent Turvey)

    (- TV- Mystery Files (National Geographic; N- Struan Rodger)- S1 E02 Jack the Ripper (?Pat Brown)
    * - TV- The Real Jack the Ripper (Canada; N- Robert Latimer Cornell; 45 min)
    [* - TV- Finding Jack the Ripper (US- National Geographic; with Trevor Marriott; 45 min)- rerun in 2015 under a different title)

    * - Jack the Ripper: The Definitive Story [YouTube dates cut-app originally from 2011]
    -- American rerun changed narrators, added some more CGI (Aaron Kosminski)
    - National Treasures (BBC; Trevor Marriott)- on Carl Feigenbaum, it's only about 5-6 minutes long.

    - TV Nov 24 (Mei Trow; R- Discovery) rerun

    - TV Nov 17 (Blink Films; "Ed's pro-Lechmere doc, starring Christer 'Fisherman' Holmgren")- did not air in US (?later on Smithsonian Channel) [99 pages in the thread and the TITLE is NEVER given!!!]

    - TV Jul 20 Forbidden History [JtR mentioned in passing]

    - Jack the Ripper (BBC 1; Emilia Fox)
    - TV Aug 18 Murder Made Me Famous S5E01 Jack the Ripper: What Happened? (US- Reelz) (Tom Westcott)
    - Legend Hunter (The Travel Channel) S01E02 Jack the Ripper Revealed (Pat Spain) with Stewart Evens, Mike Hawley, Whitechapel Society


    * indicates material that I could actually download and therefore confirm.

    Part 2 with undated material will be posted separately.

    (Any additions or corrections are greatly appreciated!)
    Last edited by C. F. Leon; 03-15-2021, 08:45 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by C. F. Leon View Post
    I've been trying to update the list of JtR documentaries, and it's been rather difficult. For some reason, posters refuse to give proper titles or dates.

    This is what I have so far (with corrections of my previous posting):

    - TV- Farson's Guide to the British (UK; H- Daniel Farson; 2, possibly 3, ep; BW) ??LOST (as of 2008 July)
    -- 1) ?Nov 05- Wave of Terror
    -- 2) ?Nov 12- The Curious Incident of the Grave


    * - TV- The London Nobody Knows (UK; H- James Mason; 46 min) (segment at 29 Hanbury St)


    - TV- Barlow & Watt: Jack the Ripper (UK; 1973; 6 ep) (US version has added introductory scenes with Sebastian Cabot)
    * -- 1) Jul 13- The First Two
    * -- 2) Jul 20- Double Event
    * -- 3) Jul 27- Butchery
    * -- 4) Aug 03- Panic
    * -- 5) Aug 10- Suspects
    * -- 6) Aug 17- The Highest in the Land?

    * - TV- Oct 12 In Search Of... (S03E05) Jack the Ripper (US; H- Leonard Nimoy) [with Dr J M Cameron, Stephen Knight, Donald Rumbelow, Wendy Sturgis]
    -- (repackaged sometime in the 1990s for A&E syndication; 23 min?) [end credits of version on YouTube seem to be from different episode]

    * - TV- Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (UK; H- Ray McGregor; 41 min) (based on Stephen Knight's book) [only known film of Goulston St entranceway before demolishment] [version on YouTube has short text commentary at end about Lewis Carroll theory]
    -- Video (1989- or 1988?) [Easter Egg on From Hell DVD]


    - TV- Biography: Jack the Ripper, Phantom of Death (US; H- Peter Graves) [may not have been subtitled 'PoD']

    * - TV- The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper (H- Peter Ustinov, with Paul Begg, Daniel Farson, Martin Fido, Melvin Harris, Donald Rumbelow; 80 min)
    * - TV- Timewatch: Shadow of the Ripper (UK- BBC; H- Christopher Frayling, with Martin Fido; 50 min)
    - TV- Secrets & Mysteries: Jack the Ripper (UK; H- Edward Mulhare, with Robert Bloch, Donald Rumbelow; 26 ep) [PH thinks it 15 min, may be misindentified]
    * - Video (as Secrets of the Unknown: Jack the Ripper) (1989 (dated 1987); 28 min) [version on YouTube is abt 21 min]
    - TV- Mysteries, Magic and Miracles (US; H- Patrick MacNee)
    - (Sweden; never shown- about Liz Stride) (with Martin Fido)

    - TV- Crime Monthly: Who Was Jack the Ripper? (UK; H- Paul Ross, with Paul Begg)


    * - Video- The Diary of Jack the Ripper: Beyond Reasonable Doubt? (N- Tom Baker, H- Michael Winner, with Stewart Evans, Martin Fido, Shirley Harris, Keith Skinner; Donald Rumbelow; 79 min) [full version on YouTube has annoying web logo at beginning & end credits cut, abt 3 min short]

    * - TV May 23- Biography: Jack the Ripper, Phantom of Death (US; N- Jack Perkins, with Stewart Evans, Martin Fido, Melvin Harris, Donald Rumbelow; 48 min)
    * - TV July 25- Secret History: The Whitechapel Murders (S04E02) (UK- Channel 4; H- David Jessel, with Stewart Evans, Donald Rumbelow)

    - TV- History's Mysteries: The Hunt for Jack the Ripper (S12E02, #112- series was originally named In Search of History) (US- A&E; H- Arthur Kent; 50 min) [YouTube version is HC repackage]
    * -- (repackaged in 2005? for History Channel syndication, cut to 41 min)
    - TV- (Routes series) JtR (US- Discovery Home & Leisure; c 30 min)

    * - TV- Scotland Yard's Greatest Investigations (US- History Channel; with John Ross, Martin Fido, Jim Nicholson, Harry Clement; 13 min segment)

    # (6 segments)- TV- Jack the Ripper: An On-Going Mystery (N- Robert Lindsay, with Paul Begg, Stewart Evans, Donald Rumbelow)


    - TV- To Kill and Kill Again (UK- Channel 4)
    - (2003? or 2005?) Places of Mystery: Jack the Ripper's London (Travel Channel) [date confusion may be due to Liam Dale having one by same title]

    * - TV- Omnibus: Tracking the Killer (UK; 1 hr?) [with Patricia Cornwell] [version on YouTube (as JtR Case Closed) is 58 min & cuts opening & end credits]

    - Video- Jack the Ripper: Conspiracies (Liam Dale; 90 min)
    - Video- Jack the Ripper Revealed: Truth at Last? (c 90 min)

    ?? - Bloody Britain (H- Rory McGrath) 02 Jack the Ripper
    - Unsolved History: Jack the Ripper

    * - Video- Unmasking Jack the Ripper (Electric Theatre Prod; H- Richard Jones, with Paul Begg, Lindsay Siviter, Zena Shine) (?c 6 min) 1:14 min

    - TV (3 ep, c 1 hr each) - Freemasonry Secrets Revealed (Canada/US- Discovery Channel; with Phil Hutchinson) [Ripper segment is about 4 min long]
    * -- (90 min version)
    # (4 parts) - TV- Is It Real: Jack the Ripper (US- National Geographic; with Patricia Cornwell, Stephen Ryder, Ivor Edwards)
    # (5 parts) - TV- Revealed: Jack the Ripper: First Serial Killer Revealed (UK- Atlantic Productions- with Laura Richards (sp?), Neil Sheldon)
    * - TV- Update: Jack the Ripper (US- A&E; N- Timothy Watson, with Paul Begg, Stewart P. Evans, Martin Fido, Richard Jones, Robin Odell, Louis Schlesinger) [no title card]
    - (made in 2006 Dec) Swedish show with PH & Glen Anderson (c 15 min)

    - TV March 20- Jack the Ripper: Case Unsolved (US- Discovery Times/UK- Atlantic Prod; D- Dan Oliver; with Laura Richards; 50 min)
    - ?? TV Summer (July?)- JtR show with PH Freemasonry footage (UK- satellite station; c 1 hour)
    - TV- Babylone (French; with Phil Hutchinson; c 1 hr)

    ? (3 parts) - TV- Being Jack the Ripper (US- History Channel/UK- Atlantic Prod; with Phil Hutchinson) [CGI reconstruction?] [may have been re-titled In the World of JtR]
    (- TV- Secrets of the Crime Museum (UK- History Channel UK; H- Nick Ross) Don Rumbelow

    # (5 parts) - TV- Jack the Ripper in America (UK; N- Terry MacDonald) [focuses on 1891 Carrie Brown case]
    (- TV Nov 11- MysteryQuest (S01E08- Jack the Ripper) (US- History Channel) (Brent Turvey)

    (- TV- Mystery Files (National Geographic; N- Struan Rodger)- S1 E02 Jack the Ripper (?Pat Brown)
    * - TV- The Real Jack the Ripper (Canada; N- Robert Latimer Cornell; 45 min)
    [* - TV- Finding Jack the Ripper (US- National Geographic; with Trevor Marriott; 45 min)- rerun in 2015 under a different title)

    * - Jack the Ripper: The Definitive Story [YouTube dates cut-app originally from 2011]
    -- American rerun changed narrators, added some more CGI (Aaron Kosminski)
    - National Treasures (BBC; Trevor Marriott)- on Carl Feigenbaum, it's only about 5-6 minutes long.

    - TV Nov 24 (Mei Trow; R- Discovery) rerun

    - TV Nov 17 (Blink Films; "Ed's pro-Lechmere doc, starring Christer 'Fisherman' Holmgren")- did not air in US (?later on Smithsonian Channel) [99 pages in the thread and the TITLE is NEVER given!!!]

    - TV Jul 20 Forbidden History [JtR mentioned in passing]

    - Jack the Ripper (BBC 1; Emilia Fox)
    - TV Aug 18 Murder Made Me Famous S5E01 Jack the Ripper: What Happened? (US- Reelz) (Tom Westcott)
    - Legend Hunter (The Travel Channel) S01E02 Jack the Ripper Revealed (Pat Spain) with Stewart Evens, Mike Hawley, Whitechapel Society


    * indicates material that I could actually download and therefore confirm.

    Part 2 with undated material will be posted separately.

    (Any additions or corrections are greatly appreciated!)
    Great work mate!! Some cracking viewing there!!


    • #3
      I'll save Stephen Ryder a bandwidth heart attack by not quoting the post, but great work there CF, a comprehensive list. Some serious donkey work done there, so I don't have to. Good job chap.
      Thems the Vagaries.....


      • #4
        The Lechmere doc with Christer Holmgren was called 'The Missing Evidence'.



        • #5
          'Jack the Ripper: Revealed (The Truth at Last)' was the 2009 documentary promoting Andrew Cook's book. With Cook, SPE, Christopher Frayling and others.



          • #6
            And if you’re mentioning documentaries where only a small portion are Ripper related - the 1965 film ‘Primitive London’ depicts the murder of “Martha Turner” by Jack the Ripper. The segment lasts about 3 minutes.



            • #7
              2004 - Rory McGrath. Remember him?

              My all time favourite series featuring Jeff Mudgett is missing too, but quite frankly, that's for the best. Sorry Jeff.
              Thems the Vagaries.....


              • #8
                I cant beleive fishs doc was six years agao?!? tempus fugit
                "Is all that we see or seem
                but a dream within a dream?"

                -Edgar Allan Poe

                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                -Frederick G. Abberline


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jmenges View Post
                  And if you’re mentioning documentaries where only a small portion are Ripper related - the 1965 film ‘Primitive London’ depicts the murder of “Martha Turner” by Jack the Ripper. The segment lasts about 3 minutes.

                  Thanks for the information, Jonathan. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. I hope that you're well.

                  I don't intend to include EVERY little thing that mentions JtR: if it's the like of "He's the worst serial killer since Jack the Ripper" and that's IT, well, that's no real use and I'm not going to bother with it. The problem is that people trying to be helpful tell me about a show without giving any helpful information and I have to spend time looking for it and IF I find it (YouTube is currently a Royal Mess for a researcher), then checking it out to get the USEFUL bits. But if there's useful information for a scholar, then I'll include it. The James Mason film is a good example. The Hanbury St. segment is something like 5 minutes out of the total show, but is quite informative and interesting.


                  • #10
                    I would guess that it has been wiped, but for the record.

                    Broadcast on BBC tv Monday March 13th 1955


                    • #11
                      Apologies if this is in the above list.
                      in the U.K was there one with either Angela Ripon or Ester Ranston. In a corner of my mind I’m sure the premise was some sort of vote either by the public, studio audience or panel of experts .
                      maybe I have this wrong or it is in the above List.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Yabs View Post
                        I would guess that it has been wiped, but for the record.

                        Broadcast on BBC tv Monday March 13th 1955
                        Thanks, Yabs. This is something that I have not heard of before. The genesis of my original listing was the RipperCast episode with Phil Hutchinson & Mike Covell (and JM, of course!) (dated 2008 July 28) and there was no mention of this. (I have not updated the listing in at least 6 years and it came up in the que of Let's Update These Old Files While Under Lockdown.)

                        Do you have any further information? Title? Length? Content? Was it part of a longer show or something on its own? Any information on who was in it or the Presenter/Narrator? Was there a "Theory"?
                        Last edited by C. F. Leon; 03-16-2021, 09:11 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by C. F. Leon View Post

                          Thanks, Yabs. This is something that I have not heard of before. The genesis of my original listing was the RipperCast episode with Phil Hutchinson & Mike Covell (and JM, of course!) (dated 2008 July 28) and there was no mention of this. (I have not updated the listing in at least 6 years and it came up in the que of Let's Update These Old Files While Under Lockdown.)

                          Do you have any further information? Title? Length? Content? Was it part of a longer show or something on its own? Any information on who was in it or the Presenter/Narrator? Was there a "Theory"?

                          Hi C
                          I did a search a while back on the BBC archives and saved a few titles that I would like to try and seek out one day.
                          that particular one I posted was the third part of a three part mystery and curiosity series called Nine Days Wonders.
                          It ran for 45 minutes per episode and had two or three topics per episode.

                          That’s pretty much all I know I’m afraid.


                          • #14
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	19F2F7F3-78AB-4C5B-8681-4DFCFDACF584.jpeg
Views:	517
Size:	121.0 KB
ID:	753336 Click image for larger version

Name:	17FD100C-30DE-4D2C-BB4F-C06AAD2A91AB.jpeg
Views:	515
Size:	81.7 KB
ID:	753335 I don’t know if this is of interest but I also saved this radio show as a future search quest.
                            Originally broadcast on the BBC Home service 17/08/45


                            • #15
                              I wonder what those theories were that are in the synopsis for the 1945 radio show.
                              I recognise the editor, Dickson Carr and a couple of actors, Norman Shelley. Laidman Browne.

                              Looking at the characters. Wasn't Lawson a doctor around the time of the Ripper crimes who thought the Ripper might be a woman.
                              Langham was a coroner. Bowyer discovered MJK when he went for rent. Could Brown be James Brown. I see a Reid as well but P.F is wrong.
                              These are not clues, Fred.
                              It is not yarn leading us to the dark heart of this place.
                              They are half-glimpsed imaginings, tangle of shadows.
                              And you and I floundering at them in the ever vainer hope that we might corral them into meaning when we will not.
                              We will not.

