Originally posted by Steadmund Brand
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Originally posted by Jmenges
As to the rest as I am responding to a lot of posts in a lump, I think it's clear that Tumblety actually had a condition, whether micro-penis as seem apparent or true hermaphrodite is unknown but regardless. To get back to something in the podcast that Mike said to "look up" and which I didn't really need to but others are free to do so, I want to reiterate a point I made. Having a preoccupation with the size of his manhood points away from Tumblety having a Narcisisstic Personality Disorder. Yes Narcissists can have feelings of inferiority but it's the inferiority of realizing that their outsized perceptions of themselves don't match reality. The they think they're a 12 and they are actually a 6. Being confronted every single day with the evidence that you are, quite literally an inferior man would be more likely to result in an overcompensating inferiority complex that gears towards aggression as a compensation technique than a NPD.