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Ripperologist Documentary

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  • Ripperologist Documentary

    Firstly, a big hello to the Casebook community! I've been lurking around these forums for years and thought it was about time to sign up. I hope to contribute a lot in the future

    My name is Adam Manuel and I'm a filmmaker from England, currently working with a small independent production company in Gothenburg. For the past few months we've been toying with new concepts for a feature-length documentary about Jack the Ripper. Rather than a typical whodunit, we'd like to explore the ripperology community itself, while remaining completely subjective about the culprit(s).

    We're looking to make something in the vein of Indie Game: The Movie, shadowing a few ripperologists as they research their own – possibly conflicting – theories, present their findings to the world, and react to the (dare I say it!) inevitable backlash; all while exploring and debunking the conspiracy theories and fiction that have plagued the field for all these years.

    At the moment we're just trying to gauge interest in the project. Is this something that you'd like to see?

    We're currently welcoming ideas, questions and criticisms, so please don't be afraid to voice your opinion.


  • #2
    Hi Adam and welcome.

    I recommend your first port of call should be Fisherman, who is Swedish.


    • #3
      Cheers Robert, he's been on my radar for a while. I have a long list of people I'll be getting in touch with in the coming weeks and he's one of them


      • #4
        Hello Adam,

        Yes, I think this could be a very interesting documentary, and I would like to see it.

        I have been thinking lately that interpreting the written documents relating to the Whitechapel Murders is perhaps analogous to theologians interpreting the Bible or other sacred books-- there is bound to be dissent!
        Pat D.
        Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


        • #5

          Welcome Adam.

          Can I ask, what is 'Ripperology' to you?

          Are you after a review of the field and what it has done in terms of serious historical research, or an expose on its controversy?

          Or both? ;-)


          Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


          • #6
            Hi Adam,

            It sounds like a worthwhile project.

            Good luck.


            Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


            • #7
              I've tinkered with a similar project for years but have never gotten it off the ground. I wish you luck but, seriously, aim higher than Indie Game (not that there's anything WRONG with it. It's a fine doc and better than most vg docs).
              Last edited by Shaggyrand; 10-09-2015, 03:13 PM.
              I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


              • #8
                Thanks for the responses!

                Monty, that's a good question. Someone asked me this about a month ago. I ended up talking for an hour about ripperology, but realised afterwards that I never actually spoke in any detail about the Whitechapel Murders!

                We talked at great lengths, however, about the birth of tabloid journalism, poverty in East London and early investigative techniques. To me, ripperology isn't about discovering who Jack the Ripper was, it's about what was going on at the time. If anyone ever finds him, I guess that's just an added bonus

                As for the documentary, I'd say a bit of both, although at this stage it's a difficult question to answer. With this type of doc the narrative will (I hope) unfold throughout the production.

                Shaggyrand, did you ever make a start? Of course we'll aim higher! When I say we want something in the vein of Indie Game, I'm referring to the structure and documentary format, i.e. chronicling the journey. It would be great if we could shadow a few people who are currently researching and writing books.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by AdamManuel View Post
                  Thanks for the responses!

                  Monty, that's a good question. Someone asked me this about a month ago. I ended up talking for an hour about ripperology, but realised afterwards that I never actually spoke in any detail about the Whitechapel Murders!

                  We talked at great lengths, however, about the birth of tabloid journalism, poverty in East London and early investigative techniques. To me, ripperology isn't about discovering who Jack the Ripper was, it's about what was going on at the time. If anyone ever finds him, I guess that's just an added bonus

                  As for the documentary, I'd say a bit of both, although at this stage it's a difficult question to answer. With this type of doc the narrative will (I hope) unfold throughout the production.

                  Shaggyrand, did you ever make a start? Of course we'll aim higher! When I say we want something in the vein of Indie Game, I'm referring to the structure and documentary format, i.e. chronicling the journey. It would be great if we could shadow a few people who are currently researching and writing books.

                  No. Never really got into production. Kept running into money issues early on, producer issues they always ended up wanting to go into a far more exploitative territory (which is understandable since I do a lot of work in indie horror, as did they) and having to walk away for other gigs just to pay my bills.
                  It's become more of a side passion project that I wonder back to occasionally. My angle was different, I was going for a larger overview of theory evolution, rise and falling of their popularity based on cultural trends at the time and eventual stagnation. So much pre-production but never got much farther and nowhere near ready for interviews or actual shooting... though I did film a couple "reenactments" that were demanded by one producer, though I tragically don't have that footage. I was just at the point of just needing to get it really started finally and signed away things I shouldn't have... sometimes I see the footage pop up on crappy docs made by a local cable company but butchered to all get out.
                  Anyway, I'm greatly looking forward to yours.
                  I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


                  • #10
                    It sounds like a very interesting project. Seemingly everything about JTR is open to debate and interpretation. (including whether or not he existed)

                    With so much uncertainty in this quagmire there are a number of people that have absolutely convinced themselves they know the truth. Obviously they can't all be right. (however they can all be wrong) Witnessing a documentary of competing theories from the reasonable to the outrageous would be enlightening even for people that don't care about Jack The Ripper or true crime.


                    • #11
                      Hello Adam,

                      Sounds most interesting.
                      As I live just across the border, in Norway, (Vestfold)..and speak the language(s), please let me know if I can be of any assistance. A quick ferry trip and I'm in Stromstad.☺

                      Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                      Justice for the 96 = achieved
                      Accountability? ....


                      • #12
                        You got any bucks?

                        Yours Jeff

                        PS footage available


                        • #13
                          I've certainly seem documentaries of odder hobbies...

                          Did you know people actually build cars for fun? How messed up is that?
                          The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                          • #14
                            A group of thoughtful, passionate and versatile researchers with the odd feud here, loveable eccentric there and - in the main - a sincere desire for veracity and recovery of every grain of Thames silt from the era if they could. If that is captured in the documentary, all the better.

