Firstly, a big hello to the Casebook community! I've been lurking around these forums for years and thought it was about time to sign up. I hope to contribute a lot in the future 
My name is Adam Manuel and I'm a filmmaker from England, currently working with a small independent production company in Gothenburg. For the past few months we've been toying with new concepts for a feature-length documentary about Jack the Ripper. Rather than a typical whodunit, we'd like to explore the ripperology community itself, while remaining completely subjective about the culprit(s).
We're looking to make something in the vein of Indie Game: The Movie, shadowing a few ripperologists as they research their own – possibly conflicting – theories, present their findings to the world, and react to the (dare I say it!) inevitable backlash; all while exploring and debunking the conspiracy theories and fiction that have plagued the field for all these years.
At the moment we're just trying to gauge interest in the project. Is this something that you'd like to see?
We're currently welcoming ideas, questions and criticisms, so please don't be afraid to voice your opinion.

My name is Adam Manuel and I'm a filmmaker from England, currently working with a small independent production company in Gothenburg. For the past few months we've been toying with new concepts for a feature-length documentary about Jack the Ripper. Rather than a typical whodunit, we'd like to explore the ripperology community itself, while remaining completely subjective about the culprit(s).
We're looking to make something in the vein of Indie Game: The Movie, shadowing a few ripperologists as they research their own – possibly conflicting – theories, present their findings to the world, and react to the (dare I say it!) inevitable backlash; all while exploring and debunking the conspiracy theories and fiction that have plagued the field for all these years.
At the moment we're just trying to gauge interest in the project. Is this something that you'd like to see?
We're currently welcoming ideas, questions and criticisms, so please don't be afraid to voice your opinion.