Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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Sexual serial murderers don't look for streetwalker victims at 5.30 a.m.
As I pointed out, Chapman was confident that she would have found a customer long before that time.
Nichols, Stride and Eddowes evidently did not need to wait that long, either.
As ever, those who argue in favour of a late TOD have to fall back on the argument that this time the improbable happened.
It takes Chapman hours longer than she expected to find a customer, the murderer is out looking for victims hours later than usual, the murderer is prepared to commit murder in a confined space even though it is getting light, Chapman is willing to go with him into number 29 even though she must be familiar with its occupants' habits, the murderer chooses not to use the tap water to clean his hands, no-one reports having seen Chapman or the murderer enter, inside, or leave the house, no-one reports having seen Chapman for three and a half hours, Chapman's body cools unusually quickly, rigor mortis of her limbs sets in unusually quickly, and the clocks have to be wrong to such a degree that Cadoche has to be able to hear the woman seen by Long.
And anyone who questions this long list of improbabilities having actually happened is treated as though he has a defective logical faculty and as if anyone ought to be able to appreciate that such coincidences happen in such abundance all the time.
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