Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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I use the times that are given by witnesses, you believe many of those times are incorrect. i tried to remind you and others today that it is not within your authority or anyones interest to disregard the known and recorded times given based on your own beliefs. If you need a specific to grasp this concept, in the case od Louis Diemshitz, he stated an arrival time, he said it was precisely that time, and I pointed out that many witnesses gave times that are very different. You say they were wrong and he was correct, not based on anything but your subjective view and your dislike with me. Well, as I remind you regularly, nobody cares about your constant self serving subjective revisions to times that were given and are evidence, they care about how the times given can be used in recreating an event. Louis's time does not match with many others and, as given, does not support an event or timeline that can be accurately re-constructed.
I have said over and over and over again to you... and you either ignore it or for some reason are unable to process information, but use the times as given by the witnesses. As they are. That all you have to use, no-one asked for or wants you subjectively guessing as to who had an accurate time and whose wasnt. You try and re-write witness evidence times all the time, and you have no business, no authority, and no support anywhere for doing so.
Use evidence because your subjective opinions have been proven to be as valuable as refuse.