Originally posted by FrankO
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It's hard to say if they (Diemshutz & Kozebrodski) left together, or 30 seconds or a minute apart. I would say they both ran in the same direction, close enough for Spooner to believe they came past him together.
Jacobs was possibly a third man that ran south out of the yard. If so, he must have continued south on Berner Street or turned west towards Backchurch Lane, while the other two went in the direction of Grove Street. Or “Jacobs” was just a mishearing for “Diemshutz”. Diemshutz wasn’t a common name and perhaps Eagle didn’t say/pronounce it very clearly. Seeing that both names have two syllables, the reporter in question may have made “Jacobs” – a much more common name - of what was actually being said.
It's just that Jacobs doesn't sound to my ear like Diemshutz - neither the consonants nor the syllables match.
I don't read shorthand, but I wonder if it's a transliteration error by the editor, but I thought personal names were not part of shorthand. I mean I didn't think there was a code for personal names.
I don't know, there are no easy answers to that problem.
Then I think that Mortimer came outside again right after hearing Eagle pass her door shouting for the police. Mortimer, stating “A man touched her face, and said it was quite warm”, seems to have seen Spooner lift Stride’s chin, feeling it was quite warm. So, she came out right after Eagle passed and entered the yard when Diemshutz had already returned with Spooner. Depending, of course, how “immediately” Mortimer actually went out to see what was going on, it seems to me that Eagle left very shortly before Diemshutz returned with Spooner. Diemshutz could have arrived back in the yard within 1.5 to 2 minutes, maybe even less (from the yard to Grove Street & back would be around 300 meters/990 ft).
Was Spooner the first to touch the face?
That would make a link between Mortimer's statement & other events.
Kozebrodski, returning a bit ahead of Diemshutz & Spooner, may very well have “went into the Commercial-road along with Eagle”, just as he’s stated to have said. So, I think he saw Eagle running north and he caught up with him before reaching Commercial Road. Or he arrived back at the yard just before/when Eagle started running out.
I agree with Jon that Kozebrodski and Gilyarovsky at least don’t seem to be one and the same. Where Kozebrodski seems to have been called to accompany Diemshutz into the garden, Gilyarovski then went to the printing shop and then into the editor’s office to find Yaffa and Krantz. And that clearly isn’t running out “immediately” or “without delay” to find a policeman.
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