Originally posted by Aethelwulf
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You make a good case but it does not account for Maxwell as you were open about stating. And therein lies the essence of this thread. It is highly unlikely that Maxwell could have seen MJK. Is there an alternative explanation for Maxwell's evidence (Yes - she was lying. Suggesting it was some kind of mistaken identity or mistake about the day is not at all convincing)? We have no reason to believe Maxwell was lying - she gains nothing from lying (as far as we know) and the police thought her honest and reliable. So it is highly unlikely she was lying.
So we are left with two equally unlikely situations, one of which must be true. In the absence of further data, I am inclined to believe that MJK was murdered later (9.00am ish) but as you say, that will spook those who believe Hutch was involved/the murderer and i am sure many will believe Maxwell lying is the more likely of the two scenarios.
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