Originally posted by JeffHamm
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i beleive brown saw the couple at the same time that schwartz saw bs man and stride. plus browns description of the man dosnt really fit the other witnesses description of the man that night. it has been posited that the couple brown saw was the same couple mortimer saw, not stride and her man.
in my scenario, which is similar, bs man/ the ripper is with stride for some time, trying to get her to go to a secluded spot, theyre seen by marshall and pc smith. after pc smith passes them, bs man tries one more time to get her to a dark ally but she wont go and he storms off, only to shortly return(this is where schwartz sees him) and attacks her. perhaps she bolts into the yard toward perceived help after the initial assault and he catches her in there, gets her to the ground and cuts her throat. or maybe one of the other sub scenarios after the initial assault that ive mentioned before. anyway, makes sense to me and fits the evidence.