Originally posted by GBinOz
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Hi Herlock,
We know there was a clock in the club and there is a likelyhood that Koz and Hosch may have looked at it before the discovery of the body.
I disagree. I’d say that we can say with confidence that they didn’t. Please explain how “around 12.45 I should think” remotely sounds like the words of a man that’s just seen a clock? It just doesn’t.
And what reason would they have had for checking the clock? They would have just dashed to the yard after being told.
We also know for sure that Eagle didn't. So they are not in the same boat at all.
I don’t follow your logic at all George. All 3 were in the club. All 3 gave estimated times. Only Eagle specifically says that he didn’t check the clock.
Eagle told the coroner "between half-past eleven and a quarter to twelve o'clock, I left the club to take my young lady home", so if he "had reason for noting the time less than an hour ago when he had to walk his girl home" he again failed to take the opportunity. Eagle had no idea of the time.
But how can you know that he didn’t see the time when he was on his journey there and back to his girlfriend’s? How do you know that his girlfriend’s father wasn’t standing on the doorstep waiting for her checking his watch?
Nor did Brown. I notice you are still offering Wess, the man who wasn't there, as a support for Diemshitz's time. Can you explain this please? You are asking that we just accept the times that support Diemshitz and just dismiss any other times.
Yes, Wess want there of course, but he was another voice saying 1.00. We also have to ask ourselves George (and this is important) why did the Police, who interviewed everyone and investigated statements, believe the 1.00 discovery time? Why didn’t they jump up and down saying “well these 2 blokes are saying 12.45?” It’s because they didn’t believe them credible. They couldn’t have done. They knew more than we do George so why are we giving them credit when the Police clearly dismissed them. I’m sorry but I dismiss Kozebrodski and Hoschberg. Like the police I believe that they were simply mistaken. I even suspect that one of them got the time from the other.
Lamb was being very clear with his times when responding to the coroner. He said he didn't have a pocket watch to make it clear that he was estimating from the last time he saw a clock. He responded to Reid's question by replying that he had been at the intersection of Commercial and Berner, the location of the Harris clock, some six to seven minutes before he arrived at the yard. In that time he had walked from the Harris clock to the fixed point, and was on his way back when summoned by Eagle and Koze. The fixed point constable wasn't with him (he followed after) so it wasn't yet 1:00.
This isn’t the case George. Just because the Fixed Point officer was still there didn’t mean that it was before 1.00. It was one officers job to go around calling in all fixed point officers so obviously he couldn’t have called them all at exactly 1.00 so it could easily have been 1.05 or later.
Your estimate would require us to accept that he was five minutes out in an estimate of 6-7 minutes and this cannot be entertained. There is only a minute variation in his estimate because he had seen that clock only a short time before. Reid and the Coroner knew what he was saying because they knew there was a clock at that location. They didn't need to be spoon fed by him telling them something so obvious. It would never have entered their heads that he wouldn't have looked at a clock that was so clearly available.
I don’t accept that. He specifically told them that he didn’t have a watch. There can only be one reason for doing so. And that’s because he was letting them know that his time couldn’t be taken as accurate. There can be no other reason. To me this is obvious. He wasn’t sure of the time which doesn’t sound like a man who’s just checked a clock. If he’d just checked a clock he wouldn’t have been so vague. I can’t see why you dispute this point to be honest George. It’s a slam dunk imo.
Looking at the historic photo that I posted earlier, are you still insisting that Diemshitz could have seen the clock from that angle past those masonary pillars. They are at least a brick wide and two bricks deep, and with the 20 foot frontage about two feet apart. Not a chance that he saw the clock behind all that, not physically possible. But we can still come up with a workable timeline from Diemschutz at about 1.00.
Did you post a photograph of that exact shop and clock?
Diemschutz expressed no doubt. If he had an obscured view why would he have said so? What reason would he have had for saying something that wasn’t true?
As I explained to Andrew, I tried to construct a timeline, and include some proposed clock corrections, that would disagree with as few testimonies as possible, and I did stipulate the times were approximate. However, there are some conflicts that just can't be resolved and have to be written off as errors or lies. Smith and Lamb were on foot and had a direct view of the clock. Diemshitz could not have seen the clock from his cart. He may have lied, or he may just have convinced himself that he would've seen the clock. But he didn't.
I disagree. We have zero reason to suspect that Diemschutz lied. If he couldn’t see the clock properly he had zero reason for saying this and we have zero reason to assume it. Therefore the only reasonable position is to state that the clock said 1.00 when Louis passed.
Cheers, George
You’ve given your opinion honestly and without trying to manipulate to shoehorn a theory but I still disagree. For me, everything points to a discovery time of 1.00.
And the idea of a cover up of course has now been dismissed which is the most Importent point for me.
