Originally posted by Bridewell
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I think Cadosch is worth a try, and Barnett definitively so. If Joe can find a ½ minute to duck into the court and into Mary's room when no one is around, he's a big chance to be Mary's killer. Over a period of several hours, that shouldn't be an insurmountable problem. Hutchinson I guess, but not keen. Richardson no, he's there to protect the reputation of the place, not ruin it. Robert Paul is an interesting one, as he seems to fiddle with and state times, in a manner very similar to Louis Diemschitz.
Ultimately though, I think Schwartz is the one. The fact that he is never heard from again after his interview with the Star, is incredibly suspicious.
The problem with Schwartz for many people though, is that giving him suspect status is going to go against decades of training, and as it would likely link him to the IWMEC, it would probably rub them up the wrong way, politically speaking. I'm free of these constraints and hang-ups.