Originally posted by FISHY1118
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The evidence of Long, Cadosch and Richardson exists so they have to be considered. Even if we eliminate Long, we have 2 witnesses pointing to that TOD.
It is however a fact that Phillips TOD estimation is unreliable. The evidence that has been posted on here is absolutely overwhelming. It’s more than a little embarrassing when posters who have no medical background feel themselves qualified to overrule the opinionsof experts in the field. A let’s not forget this isn’t a division of opinion. Every single expert agrees that Phillips could not have accurately estimated the TOD. 100% of them. So that is certainly a fact.
And so you need the three witnesses to all have been wrong. You try and dismiss Cadosch on the desperate basis that he was cautious over the direction of the word ‘no.’ Something that should count in favour of his honesty.
You seek to dismiss Richardson on the grounds of an unrecorded and uncorroborated conversation in a passageway whilst dismissing his testimony under oath where he was 100% confident that he couldn’t have missed a body had it been there.
This is not a reasoned approach. And so yes.... it is beyond reasonable doubt that Annie Chapman was killed at around 5.25/5.30.
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