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Finding Israel Schwartz

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  • Bridewell
    I think the most likely explanation for not being able to locate Schwartz in the later historical record is that he either anglicised his name and assimilated into the wider community - or moved on to the USA.

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  • Paddy
    Hi Robert sorry only just seen your posts.

    I dont think the 1881 (Adolph and Frieda) ones are them as I found Samuel with his first wife Amelia A Aaronson living at 9 Friendly buildings in Goodmans fields area of Whitechapel with the children. Plus this included the older son Davis. Childrens names etc match....

    I believe that Amelia died and was the Leah Aarons that died in St George in the East in Dec 1885. I may be wrong on that though as I have to find supporting evidence. I do think however Samuel got with a new partner who had a son Alexander in 1886. Her maiden name appears to be Zummer-mann.

    I believe I said it was 1889 that he started Berner Street school? I was wrong and it was 1890 and his name was Alexander Aaronson of 22 Ellen street.

    I sent off for a birth certificate a few days back so will post the address he was born at....So if it was 22 Ellen street it would be safe to say he was living there in 1888 as he started school from there in June 1890. If not I'm stumped. I didnt even think of doing the daughters schools.


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  • Robert
    Pat, I think the Ellen St family were Adolphe and Frieda Aarons - in Hanbury St 1881 and in Queen St 1911 (with Adolphe being in the London Hospital).

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  • Robert
    I've been looking at JewishGen school records, and it seems to me that Samuel was in Backchurch Lane at the start of the 1880s, but then moved to Boyd St. Alec's school details aren't mentioned, but Betsy's, Fanny's and Jane's are, and Samuel seems to be in Boyd St from 1882 to 1890, first at #35 then at#43. However, the address seems to refer to the address when a child joins, and the address seems not to be updated thereafter. E.g. Betsy joins in 1882 and leaves in 1889, and the address is 35 Boyd St. But Jane joins in 1885 and leaves in 1890, and the address is #43 Boyd St - so the address for Betsy wasn't updated. Likewise Fanny joined in 1881 and left in 1883, but there is only one address and that is 9 Backchurch Lane, even though Betsy is listed at 35 Boyd St in 1882.

    So I can't tell for sure what Samuel's address was after 1885.

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  • Robert
    I think that Davis (David), Jane and Fanny all married at Mile End.

    Alec seems to have married at Mile End Q4 1909 one Sirli? Tilly? Cecilia? Miller. In 1939 they're at 55 King Edward Rd, Hackney.

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  • Paddy
    Thanks very much Robert.
    Cant seem to find what happened to Samuel and Kate after 1901 census. I am going to send for Alexs birth cert.
    If it was at 22 Ellen street then they were there in 1888 so that should tell me....Or not !


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  • Robert
    Hi Pat

    The Jewish Chronicle has a free search page :

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  • Paddy
    Thanks Damaso Marte....

    Just a quick correction regarding the birth of Alexander Aarons as stated above.
    That appears to be another lad that was born in Whitechapel with the above name.
    I found Samuel and Kates son was registered mistakenly as
    AARN_ON Alexander St. Geo. East 1c344 (not Aarons) in Dec 1886
    (Looks like Aarnson on the original page)


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  • Damaso Marte
    Swierz would be pronounced "shvierzh", with the zh being like the sound in the middle of the word "pleasure" (or in the middle of the British, but not American, pronunciation of "leisure")

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  • Paddy
    started a topic Finding Israel Schwartz

    Finding Israel Schwartz

    Can anyone help me please?

    The 1881 census has a Samuel Aaronson and his first wife Amelia A and children living in Goodmans Fields Whitechapel.
    In 1891 they were living at 22 Ellen street. Samuel Aaronson was living with his second wife and 4 children. The last child Alec aged 5 was with his second wife Kate. The first mention of the 22 Ellen street address was in 1890 when Alex was registered at school.

    Samuel Aaronson and his wife Kate were said to be Austrian but in the 1881 census it stated they were born in Galicia. I found in this census that Samuel came from a place called Schwoskin. I tried to find where this may be.
    My first contact said there was a place in in Tyrol, Austria. Kin or ken is a diminutive. My second contact answered that from wikipedia it seems "Świerz z Swirzykiem" is an alternative name for "Świrz". Wikipedia says Polish Ś is pronounced "Sh", so it would sound fairly close to "Schwoskin".
    I was sceptical about "Schwartz" coming from a place-name rather than the German for black, but then again if the place was Świrz that is almost exactly the same as the surname"

    It would be good to see where they were living in 1888. The son Alexander seems to have been born in 1887 in st George in the East under the name of Aarons, so I can check the address from his birth certificate unless
    anybody has access to Jewish births that might state an address. Or can add to this... This is just a theory however.... Need address for this family of Aarons or Aaronson for 1888?