Below is current UK Law, but I would think it was the same back then.
Reporting restrictions
Typically, the police will inform the Coroner of any reporting restrictions in place as a result of criminal proceedings ongoing and any subsequent impacts thereafter. In most cases, reporting restrictions will be lifted following the finalisation of criminal proceedings, but it is for the police to ensure the Coroner is apprised of restrictions where required for a longer period.
It would seem the City Police had disclosed info and the Metropolitan Police were going to search the boats for a sailor, so requested non disclosure at that time (or vice versa).
Reporting restrictions
Typically, the police will inform the Coroner of any reporting restrictions in place as a result of criminal proceedings ongoing and any subsequent impacts thereafter. In most cases, reporting restrictions will be lifted following the finalisation of criminal proceedings, but it is for the police to ensure the Coroner is apprised of restrictions where required for a longer period.
It would seem the City Police had disclosed info and the Metropolitan Police were going to search the boats for a sailor, so requested non disclosure at that time (or vice versa).