For that matter, why did he even cross that damn bridge in the first place? Logically, he would have come from either the north or the south side of it, and whichever applies, it is selfevident that he probably had his lair/lodgings on the side he came from. So why in the whole world would he cross the bridge in toto, instead of just chucking the parts in and RETURN?
If he came from the south side, actually crossed the bridge and proceeded half a mile before he threw the leg into the Shelley garden, then there can be little doubt that it was something he aimed to do from the outset, methinks. Also, if he DID come from that side, it seems he was so anxious to get rid of his parts that he started throwing them away even before he had reached out over the water. Does such a squeamish man, speeding up the process all he can, proceed over the bridge in itīs entire length, carrying a dismembered leg on his person, and walking half a mile from the bridge to throw it into a garden? Not very likely.
If he came from the south side, actually crossed the bridge and proceeded half a mile before he threw the leg into the Shelley garden, then there can be little doubt that it was something he aimed to do from the outset, methinks. Also, if he DID come from that side, it seems he was so anxious to get rid of his parts that he started throwing them away even before he had reached out over the water. Does such a squeamish man, speeding up the process all he can, proceed over the bridge in itīs entire length, carrying a dismembered leg on his person, and walking half a mile from the bridge to throw it into a garden? Not very likely.