Trevor Marriot's 'Jact the Ripper: The Real Truth' contains a story told to him, suggesting John McCarthy in collusion with Sir Edward Jenkinson hid a previous Ripper murder in Miller's Court, by dismembering the body and hiding in Whitehall. Essentially, an accusation from a member of the public that John McCarthy was behind the thw Whitehall Torso. Read his book to find out more - I don't want to give it away 
I find this story somewhat fantastic, but the thought had not struck me before reading this, that one of Torso bodies might have been a Ripper victim left at a lodging house which didn't want to be involved in the investigation. I'd probably consider the Pinchin Street Torso to be more likely than the Whitehall victim.
I'm not convinced I believe this, but it's a thought.

I find this story somewhat fantastic, but the thought had not struck me before reading this, that one of Torso bodies might have been a Ripper victim left at a lodging house which didn't want to be involved in the investigation. I'd probably consider the Pinchin Street Torso to be more likely than the Whitehall victim.
I'm not convinced I believe this, but it's a thought.