Originally posted by Ausgirl
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A stage manager for a Renaissance Festival.
I've created backdrops of everything from ships to stars (thus the scissors injury), I've choreographed fights, rigged basic necessities in ways that make Macguyver look unoriginal, I've had to cut anything that can be cut, built or scavenged just about everything else, made jewelry, props, stocks, stages, all the while dodging snakes, bees, more bees (lots of bees), a Bridge Troll (snapping turtle the size of a pony) rain, hail, and the occasional overly friendly horse or camel. I run poisonous snakes out of town, led the great Wee Turtle rescue of '02, wrangled drunks, patched up injuries, and defended my girls from aggressive rednecks. And never once have I had the proper tools for a job.
You'd be amazed at what I can do with a dagger. Not because I like daggers overmuch, but I could never hang on to scissors for more than an hour on site. And at a renaissance festival, everyone has a dagger.
It's amazing the skills you pick up when you have a really weird job.