Bugger i've just been to bed and had to get up and write this Garath!
But think about it. You discuss the cuts to Eddowes face in detail. It is an escalation from Nichol's and Chapman..But are there any cuts to the body?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????
No there is not. Only cuts to the soft area Jack finds by raising the skirt. No knife wounds to the breast...yet clearly we find knife wounds to MJK breasts..
So why not attack Nichols or Chapmans or Eddows Breasts????
Well perhaps because he has already learned that it is next to impossible to SLASH a victorian corset with a knife..
and where does he learn that???
answers on a post card.....good night every one sweet dreams
But think about it. You discuss the cuts to Eddowes face in detail. It is an escalation from Nichol's and Chapman..But are there any cuts to the body?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????
No there is not. Only cuts to the soft area Jack finds by raising the skirt. No knife wounds to the breast...yet clearly we find knife wounds to MJK breasts..
So why not attack Nichols or Chapmans or Eddows Breasts????
Well perhaps because he has already learned that it is next to impossible to SLASH a victorian corset with a knife..
and where does he learn that???
answers on a post card.....good night every one sweet dreams
