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Ripper Victim?

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  • #46
    Yep, John - but Sam only spoke of stabs to breasts , stomach and abdomen, so you can´t fault him there, I think.
    Sam, what I am after in this respect is not trying to prove that the canonical five were stabbed à la Tabram - think you would pick me off nice and swift if I did - but to point out that the notion that her stabs were dealt in a rage need NOT be a correct one. Such enraged stabbings tend to end up anywhere from John O´Groats to Lands End, but here there seems to be targetted areas. Admittedly, we do not have a map of all them stabs, but Killeens notion will do for me.
    Another thing that I will fall sadly short of being able to prove, is my notion that the blade of the knife used to stab Tabram may well have been a very slender one, and if it was, it would have lent itself poorly to frenzied stabbings, whereas it would be the perfect weapon to puncture her in a controlled, deliberate manner.

    The best, Johnny, Sam!


    • #47
      Originally posted by johnnyerwin View Post
      Unless you consider the confusing issue of stab wounds to Mary Nichols genitals.
      Hi Johnny,

      I only noted the profuse number of wounds to the breast, stomach and abdomen which do not appear anywhere else in the Whitechapel Series, except in the Tabram murder. (Fisherman: our posts crossed - thanks for picking up on that!)

      As to the stabs to Nichols' private parts, they may have been incidental to the main wounds, and possibly slips of the knife. Even if they weren't, the fact that they were "small" suggests that they were rather more tentative comparted to the vicious puncture wounds that Tabram had sustained.
      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


      • #48
        Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
        I only noted the profuse number of wounds to the breast, stomach and abdomen which do not appear anywhere else in the Whitechapel Series, except in the Tabram murder.
        My apologies; sometimes I need to read things twice or more to fully digest what was said. Clearly I failed to do that here.
        John Erwin


        • #49
          Holy Crap!!

          I beat Sam to a post; Now, that´s a first I will cherish!

          Getting slow, are we, Sam?

          The best,


          • #50
            Sam slipped on his knife, Fisherman.
            And I just love to see Dan accused of 'cut & paste'.
            Popular imagination and Coroners in wigs in 1888 felt that Tabram was indeed a victim of the Whitechapel Murderer.
            Ignore them at your peril.


            • #51
              Hi CJ,
              Originally posted by Cap'n Jack View Post
              Popular imagination and Coroners in wigs in 1888 felt that Tabram was indeed a victim of the Whitechapel Murderer.
              Ignore them at your peril.
              Substitute "tambourine-waving spirits could be summoned by fat women in candle-lit rooms" for "Tabram was indeed a victim of the Whitechapel Murderer", and ignore that at your peril too
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • #52
                Well, Cap´n, the snag seems to be that whichever way I choose, I will run into peril...
                But for the moment being, I will stick with them coroners in wigs instead of court-ing the others, I think!

                The best,


                • #53
                  Beaten again - he´s back...!



                  • #54
                    A nurse's aid today knows more about medicine than those coroners knew in 1888.

                    I'm a little puzzled why there isn't more credence given to a 2 attacker theory since there were 2 weapons supposedly. That would be the first assumption today in the same sort of murder.
                    This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                    Stan Reid


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                      A nurse's aid today knows more about medicine than those coroners knew in 1888.

                      I'm a little puzzled why there isn't more credence given to a 2 attacker theory since there were 2 weapons supposedly. That would be the first assumption today in the same sort of murder.
                      I doubt there were 2 attackers--there's not enough room. It looks like Chapman was attacked where she was found and that is not a big space. Stride in a narrow entranceway. If Kelly was a Ripper victim, she was in a room that was 12' by 12' at most. Again, no room at all. The two of them would have had to continually dance around trying to get their jollies. The only time they really had space would have been Eddowes.


                      • #56
                        Hi Chava,

                        As for two attackers, I was only referring to Tabram and the supposed two knives. I agree that it's extremely unlikely with the following murders.
                        This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                        Stan Reid


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                          Hi Chava,

                          As for two attackers, I was only referring to Tabram and the supposed two knives. I agree that it's extremely unlikely with the following murders.

                          I can see it's possible there were two attackers in the Tabram murder. But again, space is restricted. They were in some kind of turn-of-the-staircase lavatory or something weren't they?


                          • #58
                            I always pictured it as a sort of landing - certainly not a wide open space, no.
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • #59
                              Stan asks:
                              "I'm a little puzzled why there isn't more credence given to a 2 attacker theory since there were 2 weapons supposedly. That would be the first assumption today in the same sort of murder."

                              I think, Stan, that it owes to some extent to the fact that the smaller weapon delivered 38 wounds, whereas the larger one only resulted in only one such. Many people see the large amount of stabs as evidence of rage, and if you imagine two killers, it would perhaps be easier to see two guys hacking away at will, than one of them just standing by for the longest time, only to step in and thrust his dagger through the sternum and heart.
                              In an act like murder, which represents the biggest taboo of them all, it is much easier to accept one killer leading the way and the other being lead and imitating, resulting in much the same type of action on behalf of both killers.

                              The best, Stan!


                              • #60
                                Glenn, Glenn, Glenn.... You're so desperate to try to save face that you are lashing out with whatever nonsense you can think up.

                                You claim that I haven't actually studied any cases despite having years of experience here with me bringing up cases like Chikatilo, Rader, Ridgway, Bright, Gunness, and so forth and so on to prove you wrong on one claim or another you made about what serial killers supposedly never do. You always talk about how you supposedly studied cases yourself and therefore should be taken at your word, yet you are unable to discuss any actual cases and conveniently ignore that all the experts whose opinions you totally disregard obviously studied a lot more cases than you.

                                And you claim like I try to act like a hot shot criminologist when you were the one who for years falsely claimed at the end of every post that you were a crime historian? Get real. If pointing out an error you made is all that it takes to make someone a hot shot criminologist then anyone who has read at least one book on the topic must be by your definition.

                                Come on Glenn, if you're as intelligent or as experienced as you keep trying to tell everyone you are, you ought to be able to find at least one expert on serial killer signatures or profiling or criminology to back up your claims in this thread about Tabram being "obviously" not by the same killer as the rest.

                                I think that tells everyone here all we need to know about your supposed knowledge on the topic.

                                Dan Norder
                                Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
                                Web site: - Email:

