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Was Millers court being watched by the police

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  • #31
    Many thanks.

    This is exactly what I was thinking about. And no, there might not be anything to connect this individual to the blotchy character, but when someone says the court was being watched and there was a blotchy guy there and there was a blotchy guy working in "concert" with the police, it gets my Spidey-sense tingling. Over-active or not, it is worth taking a moment to consider.
    Valour pleases Crom.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
      This is exactly what I was thinking about. And no, there might not be anything to connect this individual to the blotchy character, but when someone says the court was being watched and there was a blotchy guy there and there was a blotchy guy working in "concert" with the police, it gets my Spidey-sense tingling. Over-active or not, it is worth taking a moment to consider.
      Good Morning,
      So, what is it you're wondering here?

      If this man who worked in concert with the policeman was a snitch and was indeed the "Blotchy"man seen with Mary Kelly, was it she and not the court being watched? Did he get her roaring drunk hoping she might reveal something?

      Did she have something to reveal that someone else would kill her for talking, or even appearing to talk?

      Or are you wondering something else?



      • #33
        Originally posted by Ben View Post

        And the policeman, not wishing to blow the cover of the man "acting in concert" with the police, evidently fobbed Galloway off with an excuse not to follow him. Nothing to do with "Hutchinson's suspect".
        The constable was on point duty so not actively looking for anyone, and certainly not involved in any cloak & dagger operations. What the constable did do is express what we read in other sources:

        "The police are now to a great extent concentrating their efforts upon an endeavour to find a man so vividly described by George Hutchinson.."

        Sheffield Independent, 16 Nov.

        "Some of the authorities are inclined to place most reliance upon the statement made by Hutchinson as to his having seen the latest victim with a gentlemanly man of dark complexion, with a dark moustache. Others are disposed to think that the shabby man with a blotchy face and a carrotty moustache described by the witness Mary Ann Cox, is more likely to be the murderer."
        Echo, 19 Nov.

        The point-duty constable has no need to involve himself in subterfuge, as a public servant he provides a bona fide reason which is quite consistent with what we read in the press from various sources.
        Regards, Jon S.


        • #34
          Hullo Curious.

          Yes! To any of those. Or any other questions. If Millers Court Blotchy might be the same as Street Blotchy and Street Blotchy is working with the police, and the court was being watched, then that seems like something that might have some relevance. It is at the very least a question worth asking. Unless I've completely misunderstood all of this. Which is a distinct possibility due to fatigue and crazy. If we have someone working in "concert" with the authorities, who was with the victim the night she was murdered, then the possibilty that it might have some signifigance to her demise is hightened. I shant wish to speculate much further than that, as there is a lack of data. How many Blotchy folk were running about with some possible connection might there have been? Please correct anything I have misunderstood.
          Valour pleases Crom.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
            Yes! To any of those. Or any other questions. If Millers Court Blotchy might be the same as Street Blotchy and Street Blotchy is working with the police, and the court was being watched, then that seems like something that might have some relevance. It is at the very least a question worth asking. Unless I've completely misunderstood all of this. Which is a distinct possibility due to fatigue and crazy. If we have someone working in "concert" with the authorities, who was with the victim the night she was murdered, then the possibilty that it might have some signifigance to her demise is hightened. I shant wish to speculate much further than that, as there is a lack of data. How many Blotchy folk were running about with some possible connection might there have been? Please correct anything I have misunderstood.
            Hi, Digalittledeeperwatson,
            Nothing to correct or add. This does open up some interesting possibilities . . .

            I love interesting ideas and possibilities.



            • #36
              I as well.

              Well, I suppose there might have been a record of who the concerting Blotchy was. Whether it still exists or not, if it ever did of course, I suppose it might be a sealed type of record thing??? To protect informants and families ans such. I would be very happy to know who concerting Blotchy was. Might make things a little more interesting and confusing. Yay!!!
              Valour pleases Crom.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                Quite so, there would have been too much to be gained from Watkins if he had seen the killer. Given the climate, it is unreasonable to suppose a policeman could have seen the killer and kept it to himself.

                And yet that is what Robert Sagar seems to have suggested - or rather that the policeman never gave evidence or let Anderson or Swanson know, as they thought the prime suspect was someone else.

                If Sagar's policeman really had seen a man of Jewish appearance leaving Mitre Square at about the time the body was discovered there, would he not have been pursued by the police?

                Would not Macnaghten have mentioned him, having read about him in the files?

                Why would the suspect not have been prosecuted?

                If he got away, why did an exhaustive search for him not take place?

