Cyclical madness...
Greetings all,
Episodes can indeed recur.
During a violent delusional episode say the schizophrenic murders. He somehow recovers (before modern medication) through self-medication or some peculiarity of his brain chemistry. He’s Ok for awhile then depression sets in, then the neurotransmitters again begin firing frenetically and haphazardly..another delusional episode begins……..this could take days or weeks………he begins another prowl to murder for whatever delusional reason, most often to save himself or the world…….I’m not saying this is what happened with our Jack but if schizophrenic, it’s a possibility…
The results are the same as the tension build-up in the psychopath. The murder usually relieves tension for a time. Then the sadistic, sexual, depraved, necrophilic urges begin to build again. The cycle can be days or weeks. Then the psychopath begins trawling for another victim. This describes Ted Bundy’s rhythm’s at least…
Originally posted by DVV
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Episodes can indeed recur.
During a violent delusional episode say the schizophrenic murders. He somehow recovers (before modern medication) through self-medication or some peculiarity of his brain chemistry. He’s Ok for awhile then depression sets in, then the neurotransmitters again begin firing frenetically and haphazardly..another delusional episode begins……..this could take days or weeks………he begins another prowl to murder for whatever delusional reason, most often to save himself or the world…….I’m not saying this is what happened with our Jack but if schizophrenic, it’s a possibility…
The results are the same as the tension build-up in the psychopath. The murder usually relieves tension for a time. Then the sadistic, sexual, depraved, necrophilic urges begin to build again. The cycle can be days or weeks. Then the psychopath begins trawling for another victim. This describes Ted Bundy’s rhythm’s at least…