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The Suspect Link to Mary Jane Kelly Poll

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  • #31
    yes maybe Blotchy left and then came back later and waited outside, but this dosn't make much sense to me....he'd be better off hanging around inside till 4am, after all; he's already inside isn't he, why leave and come back.

    but a 4am murder isn't confirmed as fact, maybe Kelly died at 2am or 3am

    by far the easiest conclusion is that Blotchy killed her, it is in fact almost obvious, but something tells me that due to the complicated nature of JTR that this isn't so.

    my one and only arguement against Blotchy is that 4am seems a hell of a long time to wait, more like 2.30 am.


    • #32
      Kelly is the odd one out here, she's attractive and young; but this might mean nothing!

      my outside guess is Kelly's biggest mistake was to sing in her room, i wouldn't mind betting that the Ripper heard this while walking by.... because there is something seriously spooky about that song, it's so foreboding and very sad too.

      it's the first thing i ever thought of with regards to Kelly all those years ago, ``why did she sing in her room, that's a stupid thing to do; with the Ripper lurking close by``


      • #33
        The only reason Blotchy is even considered is because we dont know when he left. Thats the same basic reason we cant be sure Mary went back out and picked up any clients that night...there are no credible reports of such an event. Just like Blotchy's knows for sure.

        So logically disseminating the known data is about the only pragmatic approach to solving the issues. Some key clues...

        Mary is in her bed and undressed when the attack starts.
        Mary sang to Blotchy Face for over an hour, off and on.
        Marys room is never suggested as anything but dark and quiet after 1:30am.
        Of the courtyard witnesses, none sees Mary at all that night but Mary Ann Cox at 11:45pm on the 8th. None hears Mary specifically after the singing ended.

        The killer most probably arrived on his own to a dark room and resting occupant...or Blotchy waits out a serenade before beginning his attack. I think the first is more likely.

        If he doesnt break in, he likely uses the latch method via the window to release the lock or the door is left unlocked,..or he is let in. If he uses the pane, or is let in....he is a lover. An unlocked door if she had retired sounds implausible for a woman who had expressed fear at the local killings, ...and who now lives alone,...and a break in requires noise. It is highly unlikely that The latch method could not be discovered in darkness and without some familiarity with the room.

        Practically speaking, that leaves a stranger who enters an unlocked room...or a lover that enters or is let in quietly.

        The second one fits the evidence better. Fleming is the better bet between him and Barnett...we know he has mental illness and may have it at that point in time,... that he and the authorities and maybe Mary were unaware of.

        Best regards all

