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Millers Court Today.

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  • #91
    I have a copy of the planned office block document given to me by one of the workers at the Fruit Exchange a few weeks ago. Actually, the building fitted right in - it looked really nice and old for the most part - but it would indeed have destroyed that whole block and there was very little space for leisure or retail there - nearly all offices. The site of #13 would have indeed been right in the middle of an office.

    As for the cellars, I've found out about them too. The current extensive cellars are more modern; nothing left of the subterranean level - we now have long, empty concrete galleries.

    Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


    • #92
      Visiting the site is wonderfully creepy and somber (and feels dangerous as the area attracts some weird people).


      • #93
        Ditto Veritas. Phil,I wonder if youve ever heard of any plans of anyone opening some kind of 'shop' about the murders. Im surprised someone hasnt already,perhaps in one of the adjacent back streets,as one would think theyd not be short of customers what with tourists,casual and serious ripper folk that visit the neighbourhood. Of course,I suspect it would have to be tastefully done,if thats possible,as Im sure it would attract controversy from certain parties.


        • #94
          Hi Warspite.

          The only tasteful thing you could sell would be books on the subject, and that avenue was catered for until recently by the now defunct Murder One in Charing Cross Road. There are plenty of Ripper trinkets, and they're all pretty ghastly. Such tat in the district would get the shop smashed up and burnt. There are bookshops in Brick Lane, one in particular concentrating on local history, but I don't think you'll ever find a Ripper shop.

          Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


          • #95
            Yes I agree,over the years Ive become more alarmed at some of the trinkets and souvenirs available. Even some of the book covers;sickening commercialism.Thats in no way an attack on the tour guides etc, as Im sure the guys convey the story very tastefully and respectfully.


            • #96
              Yes i went on a ripper tour years ago and didn't realise that dorset street was very very narrow, so the buildings that are there now are further back than the original street. So that means mary's room was indeed in the middle of the service road as it is today, so you are actually standing in here room!.


              • #97
                Only JUST, Mike. The bed lay where the kerb is, so the room itself is partially outside, partially on the cusp of the building, and mostly inside the shutters.

                Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                • #98

                  Originally posted by WARSPITE View Post
                  ...Thats in no way an attack on the tour guides etc, as Im sure the guys convey the story very tastefully and respectfully.
                  Not all of them do, the one I watched last week certainly lacked taste and respect (and years for that matter). His talk bordered on the prurient and was a bit too light-hearted and jokey for comfort.

                  Treat me gently I'm a newbie.

