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Millers Court Today.

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  • #46
    I teach at the state school in Pocklington but no one would ever do that!

    I do like how easy it is to get to london from here. I book a day trip ahead of time and I was in the East end in 2 hours 45 mins.
    In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


    • #47

      I know someone who used to go to that school, though they lived in Full Sutton.

      Pocklington is posh, they would pass the Caviar dont you know pip pip.

      I beat ya, 1h 45 mins.


      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Monty View Post
        You sure this girl wasnt called Pope De Locksley?

        No, Millers Court would have stood oposite the car park.

        The Providence Row Nightshelter is situated at the western end of Dorset Street (Now Duvall St), and is actually in Crispen Street. You must have passed it during your walk. It faces Dorset Street.

        Where the parking lot is situated, there were a mixture of pubs, lodging houses (Horn of Plenty, Crossinghams for example) etc.

        Your guide needs to read a bit more.
        No, it was a young lady named Leslie, who claimed she was London's biggest Jack the Ripper expert. But she made so many dubious comments during the tour... I can't believe I actually felt bad about "undermining" her when I chatted with two American girls on the tour. You see, even though I know much less about the case than all of you good people, even I knew where to correct her. Those girls liked my tour better than Leslie's, LOL!
        What's all this then?


        • #49
          Hello emlodik!

          Thank you a lot!

          Now I know at least, that I will avoid a guide called Leslie on my next trip to London!

          All the best
          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


          • #50
            Hi all they do it in Year 9 at the school I work in and well- it's beyond belief the 'source' material!!! I keep a VERY low profile on this one but will send you a copy of the total c*** they use when I get back in Sept if you like

            Suz x
            'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


            • #51
              Originally posted by emlodik View Post
              No, it was a young lady named Leslie, who claimed she was London's biggest Jack the Ripper expert. But she made so many dubious comments during the tour... I can't believe I actually felt bad about "undermining" her when I chatted with two American girls on the tour. You see, even though I know much less about the case than all of you good people, even I knew where to correct her. Those girls liked my tour better than Leslie's, LOL!
              Hi emlodik
              What the 'BIGGEST tour guide....Could this be ' Zelda-The 22 st Wonder of Hanbury St!!' hehe
              'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


              • #52
                They teach JTR at the school I work at to Years 9 and 10 (they just about know my interest, even though I've known most of the History dept. for years - Suzi, I guess I've been keeping a low profile too).

                Cue displays of pupils artwork with Maybrick in them.

                They went to the JTR exhibition the other week....

                Cue Museum in Docklands staff having kittens over slap-happy yoofs of Tottenham. It wasn't really the place, but would they listen?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Suzi View Post
                  Hi emlodik
                  What the 'BIGGEST tour guide....Could this be ' Zelda-The 22 st Wonder of Hanbury St!!' hehe
                  Actually, she was quite cute... Though, she could have toned down the scarfs and capes. It always looked like she was ten seconds away from bursting out into the "Salome" number from Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Sunset Boulevard."
                  What's all this then?


                  • #54
                    Well, this 'Leslie' who claims to be London's biggest JTR expert erm... isn't. I've never heard of her. Can you remember where the tour started from? It still amazes me that after all the years I've been doing this job and the hundreds and hundreds of walks I've done, I STILL see guides I've never seen before. I feel sorry for their tourists, then I don't. Their own fault for booking with another company!

                    I love Helmsley too. I went there for the first time last December. Had the castle to myself (the photo that Jonathan Menges used of me for the Ripper podcast episode I did in the spring was taken there). York I know extremely well as I go there a couple of times a year on holiday. I'm due another one soon. Pocklington I also worked in once. In June 1996 I was based in York for a fortnight whilst doing a schools tour of a play about Victorian child labour and the canals and we went to a primary school in Pocklington. It might just have been called Pocklington C of E Primary. I've got a photo of the kids we used in the show (that was one of the things about the company; we used to give a handful of kids minor roles in the story). I suppose, though, Kat, this would have been before your time to recognise any of the kids that eventually no doubt went to your school? Can you imagine what would happen if you went to take a photo of the kids these days? Great shame. We had the inside of the van plastered with photos of all the kids at all the schools we'd gone to who we'd used in the show.

                    Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                    • #55
                      I don't recall...

                      Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
                      Well, this 'Leslie' who claims to be London's biggest JTR expert erm... isn't. I've never heard of her. Can you remember where the tour started from? It still amazes me that after all the years I've been doing this job and the hundreds and hundreds of walks I've done, I STILL see guides I've never seen before. I feel sorry for their tourists, then I don't. Their own fault for booking with another company!
                      Philip, despite the hundreds of walks you've done over all those years I don't recall seeing you about when I first walked the murder sites...

                      Treat me gently I'm a newbie.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
                        Well, this 'Leslie' who claims to be London's biggest JTR expert erm... isn't. I've never heard of her. Can you remember where the tour started from? It still amazes me that after all the years I've been doing this job and the hundreds and hundreds of walks I've done, I STILL see guides I've never seen before. I feel sorry for their tourists, then I don't. Their own fault for booking with another company!

                        I love Helmsley too. I went there for the first time last December. Had the castle to myself (the photo that Jonathan Menges used of me for the Ripper podcast episode I did in the spring was taken there). York I know extremely well as I go there a couple of times a year on holiday. I'm due another one soon. Pocklington I also worked in once. In June 1996 I was based in York for a fortnight whilst doing a schools tour of a play about Victorian child labour and the canals and we went to a primary school in Pocklington. It might just have been called Pocklington C of E Primary. I've got a photo of the kids we used in the show (that was one of the things about the company; we used to give a handful of kids minor roles in the story). I suppose, though, Kat, this would have been before your time to recognise any of the kids that eventually no doubt went to your school? Can you imagine what would happen if you went to take a photo of the kids these days? Great shame. We had the inside of the van plastered with photos of all the kids at all the schools we'd gone to who we'd used in the show.

                        We started near an old ruin of a brick wall near an underground station, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what station it was. There were two guides, Leslie and another older woman, they split the group in two and started from different directions, which was the first thing I found suspicious about the tour. I actually have photos of that walk, I'll try posting them on here when I can, if you guys want me to. And please don't think of me as an idiot, I tried booking a legitimate tour, but they were all booked well in advance and I was in London for only five days. By the way, I kept forgetting to ask; what's all this talk Leslie gave about Montague John Druitt secretely using his brother's art studio in Whitechapel and the the police finding bloody clothing in there after Druitt's suicide? I never heard of that before that walk... Come to think of it, there were LOTS of things about the Ripper case I haven't heard before that walk, LOL!
                        What's all this then?


                        • #57
                          Stewart - simple reason. I wasn't BORN, daddy-o!

                          Emlodik - You might be surprised to learn you went with the biggest tour company in London. That's Original London Walks and you started by the Roman wall outside Tower Hill tube station. They do split the group if they have too many people, but even then I've still seen groups of over 100 with a single guide. Yep, you're really going to see and hear everything and get to all the alleyways that way! I've had feedback from loads of people who went with that company because that was the one they'd heard of, only to be sorely disappointed. They seem to get bookings for JTR solely on the back of Don Rumbelow being one of their guides.

                          This Leslie seems to have taken several suspects and thrown them in as one : Art studio? That's Sickert. Bloody clothing? That's Stephenson! She clearly had no idea what the merry F she was talking about. 'Top Ripper expert' my arse!

                          Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                          • #58
                            Is your arse a 'Top Ripper Expert' Frip - Blimey! what an image!!! ....and are you SPE's unknown lovechild??Hehe I think we should be told!!! (and Stewart too!)!!

                            - As to the Yr 9 JTR stuff John- it's terrifying isn't it- things like AC lying with her head on the steps of the backyard of Hanbury Street FFS!....I'll just sit here and trim a bit of leather off mi boots-and ignore the head draped with intestines if that's OK with you lot- then I'll fart about with a few coins and a comb!!! hehe
                            Last edited by Suzi; 07-25-2008, 11:00 AM.
                            'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                            • #59
                              Best Tour

                              I'll be coming to London in October and would know what is the best Ripper Tour. I've been on several last time I went back in 1993 with Don and it was pretty good but I forgot the name of the company?


                              • #60
                                DOW- PM George (Philip) Hutchinson
                                'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'

