Originally posted by Chava
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Apart from her time with Joe Fleming - who, as a plasterer and assuming he was in work, would have been among the "top earners" (God help him!) in his class - there is little in the way of evidence to support the notion that she was a "kept woman". Despite some assertions to the contrary, it isn't axiomatic that Joe Barnett would have been flushed with cash as a fish porter, besides which their joint incomes certainly suffered a major dent when Barnett lost his job.
Under the circumstances, I find it hard to imagine that a woman who had been a prostitute before, and who still had her own teeth, wouldn't have capitalised on her experience and looks to make ends meet (if you pardon the expression). Apart from supposition, we at least have Walter Dew's account (approach with caution) of Kelly parading her street-beats; and it's undeniable that Kelly's death certificate records her occupation as a "Prostitute". Had she not followed that way of life for any appreciable time before her death, I'm sure that Barnett, as informant, would have insisted on something less pejorative if he felt he had grounds for doing so.
As to your point about her seeking out the nearest brothel, rather than walking the streets - it's little-known, but there were actually very few brothels in the area, and most East End prostitutes and "unfortunates" (I make the distinction) had little option but to work out of doors. Kelly might have thought of heading back West, but never got round to it - or maybe she'd fallen so far in her standards and/or appearance that she knew they'd never take her back.