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the Rent arrears

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  • Hi Chava,

    Do you think these murders were sexual in nature?


    • Originally posted by Marlowe View Post
      Hi Chava,

      Do you think these murders were sexual in nature?
      Hey Marlowe! (And everybody)

      Why not start (or find) a thread about whether the murders were sexual in nature, before you answer that general question (ideally, before you even ask it) and take up the discussion there? Otherwise a thread about the (very specific) Mary Kelly's rent arrears might veer wildly off-topic.

      This message comes to you via your unofficial friendly neighbourhood thread police. Motto: "Helping to make sure things do what they say on the tin."
      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


      • Marlowe, I believe the murders were sexual. That is why I have such a hard time with this one. There is so much that's 'right' about it: she's killed in the same fashion, she's displayed, the killer spent so much time mutilating the body.

        But then there is so much that seems to me to be wrong with it as well: the other victims all follow a very definite profile. They were destitute, they were older, they were shorter, they were sick. We can argue back and forth about whether the victim profile differs in any significant way or not. But one thing about the other victims is that the wound-pattern was aimed at the generative areas in particular, whereas in this killing, the wound-pattern is more general, and the organ that seems to be missing is the heart rather than the uterus which is his object in other killings. So this killing seems to me to be less sexually-oriented than the others, if that makes sense.

        Of course there were mutilations on Eddowes' body that weren't directly aimed at her abdomen and pubis, but generally those areas got markedly more attention.


        • Hi Chava,

          Thanks for your thoughtful reply, particularly when considering the intent of the poster above you! I really like your intuitive approach. I do intend to respond, but unfortunately, me being me, I'm forced to deal with Sam's latest waste of space.

          Hi Sam,

          Thanks for being ever so helpful in my quest to have one friendly conversation. Look, you're a very smart guy and a major contributor around here, but I didn't know you were a mind reader, too! Do you know where I was going with my question to Chava? No, you have no idea how my question relates to McCarthy and Kelly being behind in her rent and their possible relationship and how it might relate to the murders as a whole.

          Simply put, you've gone from "thread policeman", to "thought policeman". Look at what you wrote: 'the Rent Arrears thread MIGHT veer wildly off-topic'! "Might"? Here's some advice for you Sam -- WAIT until a thread veers wildly off-topic before you intervene in a conversation! I'm not looking to get into an argument, but you were being an a$$. And that's too bad, because I was actually starting to like you ;-) Oh, and one more thing: nobody likes a hypocrite. You have thousands of posts, many of which are very informative about one subject or another, some even relate to the case. But just the sheer number of bad puns alone would sink the average website! So I say to you, 'be gentle with us, Sam'. Now go in peace, my son.


          • Speaking as someone who has a tendency to include tangents in his posts, I can say that if Sam didnt remind me and others that the thread posts should be specific and within the confines of the question or comment of the thread initiator......anyone who comes here searching for specific information will have to thread hop to find it.

            I realized last year that this site is in fact a resource library thats used by many people... aside from just us members and posters.

            Im hardly one to suggest stick only to the single point being addressed, but I do think that Sams "badgering" is intended to make sure this is a functional well organized resource.

            Look at it like a reminder of your and my responsibilities as posters. The discussions are sold annually....this site is much more than a chat room, that needs to be remembered....thats my two cents anyway.



            • Perry "Postal" Mason,

              Well I thank you for your "two cents", but sadly, according to my calculations, your posts suffer from a very high inflation rate.


              • Originally posted by Marlowe View Post
                Perry "Postal" Mason,

                Well I thank you for your "two cents", but sadly, according to my calculations, your posts suffer from a very high inflation rate.
                ...and thats supposed to mean something to me.. coming from someone who is apparently a sh** he**?

                Id have to have some respect for you first before any insult might faze me.

                By all means, slag at anyone who asks that you show some value in your posts.

                Cheery bye old sod.


                • Perry,
                  Just warn me when you're going to the Post Office, okay?


                  • Originally posted by Marlowe View Post
                    Just warn me when you're going to the Post Office, okay?
                    Hey, Ive no problem with you overall, if you have with me, either visit me, block my posts, or shut up.



                    • Originally posted by Marlowe View Post
                      Do you know where I was going with my question to Chava?
                      Neither would most people, Marlowe - hence my addressing my response to you "and everybody else". Thanks for elucidating further on your reason for asking it, albeit retrospectively - but we could so easily have gone off-course. No offence.
                      I'm forced to deal with Sam's latest waste of space
                      ... an infinitely lesser waste of space than might have been occasioned if all-comers had answered your rather open (and, without further elaboration, off-topic) question by turning this into yet another "sexual murder" thread.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • Hi Sam,

                        No offence taken. I shouldn't have used that phrase -- I was mad but what I said was rude -- sorry.


                        Do I have to remind you that we're at this point because I asked Chava what she thought about something, then Sam said something and then I said something back to him. YOU were not part of this. I never posted anything to you before you added your so-called "two cents", further driving this thread off-topic. So why would I block your posts? I barely read them. They're nothing more than long-winded, poorly constructed, passive-aggressive attempts to bring on your own humiliation. Face it, that's what they are. As to me visting you? I'm not sure what that is supposed to imply? But the chances are good, that if you see me heading towards you and I don't look happy, you'll be moving the other way very quickly. Now, enough of this tough guy, "shut up", nonsense. Let's go back to to the good-ole days, with me never posting to you and you never posting to me, fair enough? If you ever turn into an intelligent female, maybe I'll reconsider.


                        • Originally posted by Marlowe View Post


                          Do I have to remind you that we're at this point because I asked Chava what she thought about something, then Sam said something and then I said something back to him. YOU were not part of this. I never posted anything to you before you added your so-called "two cents", further driving this thread off-topic. So why would I block your posts? I barely read them. They're nothing more than long-winded, poorly constructed, passive-aggressive attempts to bring on your own humiliation. Face it, that's what they are. As to me visting you? I'm not sure what that is supposed to imply? But the chances are good, that if you see me heading towards you and I don't look happy, you'll be moving the other way very quickly. Now, enough of this tough guy, "shut up", nonsense. Let's go back to to the good-ole days, with me never posting to you and you never posting to me, fair enough? If you ever turn into an intelligent female, maybe I'll reconsider.
                          Do I need to remind you that my post was due to some stupid a** remarks you made to Sam, may be one of the only posts of yours I actually read, but it is the only one that comes to mind that deserved a response...I did it as a third party to save Sam your next rant.

                          When I ask for your opinion on my posts you'll know it..and I can only say to your attempt at really have no idea who youre dealing with here. ...but youre better off assuming the worst...and that is "value" in a post from me spades.

                          Back to mutual ignore it is.
                          Last edited by Guest; 01-09-2009, 10:12 PM.


                          • A vaguely amusing comedy routine my dear old Dad taught me.

                            1. You get a bow tie and stick it under your nose like a moustache and in a deep pantomime villain voice you say PAY THE RENT.

                            2. Then you lift up the bow tie to your hair and say in a high Betty Boop type voice BUT I CAN'T PAY THE RENT.

                            3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.

                            4. Lower the bow tie to where it ought to go and say in a smug male voice I'LL PAY THE RENT.


                            • Not so wrote "assume the worst"...go ahead Perrymason, impress me. What does that mean?


                              • Stephen,

                                And people wonder why vaudeville is dead. No offense meant (have to be careful these days) and my parents had a similar routine they would do for parties about a fortune teller.

                                "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."

